The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1052

She saw the thoughts of the God of Disaster.

In the last war, the goblins, phantoms, and giants were not made of mud. Even if the cards of mass destruction were not used, casualties were inevitable. With such a precedent, the God of Disaster does not want the race he owns to be exhausted to the point of being seriously injured at the last node.

If the citizens are exhausted, will they go to rule the wilderness?

"There is nothing wrong with a shepherd thinking about his flock."

Rope said.

"Okay, that's the decision, you can execute it. Artoxiu's matter is handed over to me and Fanlou. You only need to pay attention to the internal construction of your own race, and it is enough to make the world that belongs to me prosperous and interesting in the future."

"That's great..."

Tetu lay prone on the table, pointing his index finger at the white cloth on the table.

"Fanlou sauce is very powerful and can help Luo Pei. On the other hand, a weak god like me has no use other than being a mascot..."

"You turned out to be a god-species?"

"Too much!"

Seeing Fanlou's surprised expression, Tetu cried out.

"I introduced myself the first moment we met, Fanlou-chan! You didn't listen at all, did you?"

"It's nothing to be surprised about." Fan Lou said calmly.

"I was pulled here by force, and what I want in my heart is to end your banquet as soon as possible, and then return to my residence to study the "answer". "


The game loli seemed to have been punched, and she was so depressed that she couldn't speak.

It was only then that Tetu realized that she, who believed in "fun", was a little different from the serious and suspicious god.

"Let's get back to 'entertainment'. At the same time, this "entertainment" plan is also a proposal to strengthen your current strength, Tetu, right? "



Luo Pei took out a stack of blank papers from the void, floating and placed a copy in front of each girl.

"After the war, the people will rebound like a taut string suddenly loosened. This is the time when "entertainment" becomes a necessity to divert experience and excess, so I intend to build a world-wide, composed of "dream" " is a large-scale practical experience game as a carrier, as a tool for your recreation and entertainment. "

The black-haired young man said enthusiastically, looking completely playful.

Looking at it like this, one can tell that he is not doing it for some purpose of "specially trying to increase his strength".

"It's really frightening to let you worry about the internal affairs of our race with the body of a god..."

Xin Ke picked up the proposal in front of her.

First of all, the cover made her feel weird.

Dark gray windbreaker, gloves, and a strange bicorne hat, the unique costumes of nightmares in this world are vivid on paper, but the person wearing it is an ordinary guy.

In the background sky, a blood moon hangs overhead.

""Bloodborne: Curse"..."

Xin Ke softly read the name of the dark and ominous project on the front page.

Chapter 89 My Wife Is a Deity Seed

That thick stack of proposals compressed in a special language has at least a few million words in a familiar language, and it would take a few days just to read it.

But those present were not ordinary people.

In less than three minutes, Shubi, the Ex-Machina who was proficient in reading information, was the first to put down the proposal, without any special thoughts on his expressionless face, and sat there quietly.

For her, it is enough to obey the orders of the gods, and the props do not need too much self-thinking.

Thirty minutes later, Xinke Nilvalen was the second.

The elf queen rubbed her sore brows and spoke hesitantly.

"Master Luo Pei, it has to be said that it is a great and exciting plan. If it is implemented, it will definitely fill the emptiness of the general public after the war and reproduce a unique and rich ethnic style. But the technical content contained in it, in addition to being a god You and Lord Fanlou, I am afraid that there is no other race or existence in this world who can be qualified for this honor..."

Create a virtual but real gloomy dream world, and allow a large number of real creatures to enter it to experience, play, and even...

Gain strength.

This is no longer just a "game".

It is far-fetched, it is not an exaggeration to say that the god of disaster wants to create another world in the dream.

"That's exactly what happened."

Luo Pei clasped his hands and said with a smile.

"The specific plan will be implemented by me, Fanlou, Tetu, and the three gods. I provide the "dream" as a carrier, Fanlou uses her excellent "creation" authority to arrange the prototype, and finally uses Tetu's "game" To hammer out the minutiae. Complete the birth of "virtual game". "

"Virtual game"? "

Vampire Lily asked suspiciously while pressing Freya, Queen of the Sea Dwelling, to fold the plan paper plane.

"Master God of Disaster, isn't the name of this plan "Bloodborne: Curse"?"

"That's just the name of this world. I don't intend to make a dreamland just for entertainment. "Virtual game" is the collective name of that big plan. "

Nioh, The Legend of Zelda, Minecraft, Assassin's Creed...

Once the brain hole of the idea of ​​domination for entertainment is opened, the God of Disaster's playful heart will rise slowly, and it will be out of control.

"That's how it is." Nibia put down the plan in his hand: "Train civilians of all races in a dream, the survival of the fittest, endow unique individuals with strength, and then fill the army... As expected of my lord, the idea is more rigid than ours. The guy is much stronger."

After the fantasy girl finished speaking, she suddenly found that the surrounding voices stopped.

The girls, including Luo Pei, looked at her with strange eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" Nibia touched his face: "There should be no mistakes in the shape shaping, I won't make such low-level mistakes..."

"Lord Nibia..."

Yu Wuhuan said helplessly.

"Master God of Disaster has explained it repeatedly and written it into the plan. This is just a "game", just like the magic card we played just now. It will not hurt or die, and the gift of power is also given with "encouragement". Form, the most important thing is to make the people entertain and happy, not the act of bloody competition to select soldiers. "

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