The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1054

Fanlou felt a little flustered, the reason even she didn't know.

Luo Pei lowered his head and reached out to take off Fanlou's shoes, revealing that he was wearing white cotton socks, his small toes were slightly curled, and his arches were so cute and cute.

Can be held in one hand.

"Luo, Luo Pei?"

The atmosphere became subtle.

"I said Fanlou." Luo Pei said.

"For a while, stay with me?"

"Why, why?"

"You're my mate aren't you?"

The black-haired young man reached out to hug Princess Fanlou and said with a smile.

"Let me teach you some pleasurable actions that will bring our "hearts" closer together. "

The God of Suspicion wanted to resist subconsciously.

But without using the power of the gods, her physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary girls, and she cannot escape the embrace of the disaster god at all.

In the end, Fanlou changed from resistance to obedience as if in compromise.

The perfect ending to a party.

Chapter 90: The Fire Needs Firewood, The First City of Lothric

While the gods on the side of the god of disaster were discussing the big plan, in remote corners of the world, as if forgotten, a group of races survived.

They do not have excellent elf adaptations and cannot use magic.

They also don't have the physical strength and five senses to barely survive.

They don't even have the creative ability to emerge from divine inspiration, and they can rely on foreign objects to supplement themselves in such a terrible end of the war in a short period of time.

Just like a plant drifting with the tide, struggling in the humble, annihilated in the humble, no one would have noticed, a race that is inferior and inferior to beasts.

——Human species.

But it is such a race, from a certain point in time, there have been some changes that did not belong to them.

A rope called "fire" hangs down, allowing them to climb from the bottom of the abyss, until now they can no longer starve and freeze, and truly survive for "people".

In the abandoned fortress of the elves, Riku, the new leader of the human species, is sitting by a bonfire.

The flames were warm and bright, illuminating the surrounding darkness, and also casting a faint gleam on the pale-haired boy.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is not a "fire" phenomenon, but a translucent flame that is actually burning. They docilely lay on the gray-haired boy, leaking out from the weird lines like cracks in magma, but they didn't hurt Riku's body at all.

In other words, fire has become part of his composition.

- A source of strength and vitality.

Riku stared at the swaying flames with his pupils, and gradually stretched his hand in as if he was intoxicated by it.



Riku was awakened by his partner's voice, and his eyes brightened instantly.

Looking back, the blond boy was looking at him solemnly.

"...What, it's Yalei."

Riku sighed.

"Does your return mean that the notification has been completed?"


Alec walked over to Riku and sat down.

"The preparations will be completed almost the day after tomorrow, and we will go to the northern wilderness area... Riku, do we really want to abandon the current fortress and go to an unknown area? Humans have the power of fire, so it's good to live and multiply like this? "

"Have you forgotten what I said?"

"I haven't forgotten, but..."

Yalei looked a little unwilling.

"Obviously there is no need to hide in Tibet. Humans who inherit the flames have the power to kill even monsters. Why should they abandon this newly established gathering place..."

This abandoned stronghold of the elves is simply too good.

At first, Yalei was a little afraid of living in the ruins of the upper species, but after getting used to it, Yalei fell madly in love with this place with abundant resources and beautiful environment.

The same is true for other humans.

It is easy to get, but to give up after getting it, it becomes a bit difficult for human beings whose living conditions have been greatly improved.

"I'll say it again."

Riku stretched out his hand and pulled out a thin thread from the flames, and the delicate weaving became a map.

"According to the news from the search team, here, here, here, traces of elves and orcs have appeared recently, and we happened to be caught in the middle, leaving only such a small area untouched, as humans The place to thrive is really too small."

Living conditions have improved, and the number of people in the gathering place has almost reached 7,000.

He didn't think much of it at first, but after Riku became the leader of course with the help of "Flame", this burden almost weighed him down.

"Let's not mention the elves, if it's a beastman."

There was a ruthless look in Yalei's eyes.

"At present, there are about 500 human beings who can use the power of "fire". I will organize them, and it should be from the hands of the orcs..."


Before Alei could finish speaking, Riku's fist descended.

The strength of the body blessed by the flames directly hit Yalei into the wall, splashing a burst of dust.

Riku stood up expressionlessly.

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