The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1055

"Ya Lei, if you haven't read the remaining documents left in this fortress, let me tell you that the elves and the orcs are already a close alliance, serving a god. If you overestimate your strength, it will bring absolute disaster. Don’t be complacent with a little strength, will killing monsters like mountain spirits make you blind?”

Ya Lei rubbed his cheeks and stood up, his expression was not much annoyed.

The relationship between the two of them has long been closer than brothers, which is nothing at all.


The flames in the bonfire converged into a thread, repairing the wound on Yalei's injured and cracked cheek, and it was as good as ever in an instant.

The power of "fire" is not only used for fighting, but also has excellent effects in healing.

This is also the reason why the human species can quickly recognize the existence of "fire", and a large number of people voluntarily abandon pure human beings and become "ashes".

Worship fire, believe in fire, fire has changed the human species.

"I understand..." Yalei said, "Liku, you are the leader now, and I will follow your decision."

"So much the better."

Riku sat down in front of the campfire again.

"You'd better be more flexible in your thinking. The reason why I refuse to conflict with the orcs and insist on migrating is that besides the elves, the gods are also the key point..."

"God species!? Why does this term appear?"

Yalei was stunned.

The gods are too far away from them, as far away as the distance between the stars and the earth.

Riku glanced at him.

"Aren't you doubtful about that black-haired young man called "Huo Miao"? It is easy to provide props to change humans, create food that does not exist, and regard the remains of elves as free gifts. As far as current intelligence knows, no race has such power and identity..."

"You mean, the black-haired..."

"Shut up."

Riku stopped Alec from speaking his speculation.

"Since the other party has no intention of revealing their identities to us, then we will always be in the state of "don't know", understand? "


Yalei was silent.

Flames burned wood, and the sound of crackling echoed in the empty hall.

And in the center of the bonfire, that ray of flame was independent of the flame, swaying and burning.

"It's so beautiful...the one who is willing to give such a thing to a useless human race..."

The gray-haired boy murmured, and continued to enter the intoxicated state before Yalei came.

It's like being corrupted by something deeper.

"Riku, I don't know if I should say this..." Yalei paused, "You seem to be a little obsessed with "flames", not like you before. "

"I'm just a mortal, isn't it natural to be fascinated by the extraordinary?"

"No, that's not what I meant, but..."

Yalei thought about it, but couldn't find a suitable word to describe Riku's state.

Anyway, he felt that something was wrong with Riku.

"By the way, Riku, have you decided where to go in the north?" Yalei could only try to divert Riku's attention.

"There is water, there is land that can be planted, and there is a hunting ground that can be hunted. It is enough to meet these three points."

Riku said.

"With these, we will be able to build a city that truly belongs to humans... the City of Fire in the North Wind Wasteland, Lothric."


"Well, the name that popped up in my mind just now, isn't it not bad? It's used to name the first city of the human race—"Losric, the place of fate of wandering." "

"It's really good."

"Soon, we will have a real home..."

Riku said, closing his eyes.

"At that time, I will marry Chroni, and together we will bring mankind to the road of prosperity... It's ridiculous, I never thought of becoming a leader before, but now I am more serious than anyone else... This is also brought about by the "fire" Has the change..."

Watching the gray-haired boy fall asleep, Yalei took off his coat and put it on for the young race leader.

Although this thing is not needed by the campfire, the long-standing habits of human beings cannot be changed even if they become "ashes".

Suddenly, for a moment.

The "flame" in the center of the bonfire trembled.

Just like wandering between weak and vigorous, Yalei broke out in a cold sweat.

"Flame" is the basis for the prosperity of the human species. If something happens, Yalei doesn't want to go back to the era when he couldn't eat and couldn't keep out the cold.

"Is it my illusion..."

The blond young man comforted himself, shook his head and left the hall.

Ya Lei didn't know, or didn't want to think about it.

Things like "flames" have a lifespan and a period of use.

Birth and death, the alternation of reincarnation, and ashes after the flame is extinguished, this is the eternal truth.

The power of the "flame" left by Rope is not enough to support the human race for thousands of years.

If you want to continue it...

Then the human species may have to use the most primitive method to add some "firewood" to the flame.

In addition, not only the human species, but all races may not be able to detect it. There is a great existence looking down at the sky above this elf fortress.

The Blaster, the God of Wrath, the Sun of Chaos—

The red-haired girl, Cthugha watched the human species gradually soaked by her own power, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

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