The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1069

Without God of War, it would be better to die than slowly rust.

At that time, if it wasn't for Azrael who couldn't bear to see the death of the sisters and set up a false goal, the Flügel who brought fear and shadow would have been exterminated under such ridiculous reasons.


For some reason, Artosh laughed again.

This time with a sigh of relief.

He shook his head.

"God of Disaster, my friend. You are really interesting. Now that you are about to fight me, you will think about the survival of the Flügel, the weapon of your enemy..."

"What's your answer?"


Artosh was very straightforward.

"I don't want to see the feathers withering out of thin air, but... it is too early to set my "defeat" as an established fact now, isn't it? "

The rock-like body was covered with a layer of armor.

God of War made a move with his right hand, and a golden spear was held in his hand.

He once held this spear and pierced through the strongest dragon spirit born from the corpse of the god species. The burning earth even changed the topography of the planet, forming a spectacle of roaring cracks.

In an instant, ferocious wind pressure was everywhere.

The ancient temple didn't hold on for even a moment, it collapsed and was blown away before Artoxiu's slightly erupted divine power.

The sun shines down on the earth, and the sky above is vast.

"Let the most primitive truth decide - the winner shall have all rights!"

Chapter 98: The Demon God Who Distorts Everything, The God of Destruction Who Destroys Everything

Fierce wind, mighty wind.

These are just the simple effects of Artoxiu's overflowing power.

The power of the marrow swayed like a sun disc, vague and uncertain.

The expanding multicolored light spiraled straight to the upper sky, turning the sky of the entire world into a twisted shape like a whirlpool.

All creatures are afraid at this moment.

——The pure fear of the weak against the overlord.

It is as if the cognition is broken, and the great reality that cannot be conceived with words and thoughts appears. There is no other way to soothe that oppressed heart than to whisper meaningless "God" on the lips.

This power even shook the Elven Corridor.

It was born after the battle on the earth, seven thousand years of fighting, nine thousand years of laziness, until the end of the war, the incomparable shining light of the essence bloomed.

Artosh is worthy of his title of "the strongest"!

Seeing the Flügel who originally guarded the God of War being blown away, Luo Pei held his wrist, felt the burning blood in his body, and grinned grimly.

"A refreshing wind is blowing in my heart, Artosh..."

The black and ominous atmosphere pervades like a fog.

Death, misfortune, oppression, slavery—

The essence of "disaster", which has the same nature as "war", is as hot as the deep flames, forming a protective barrier in front of Luo Pei, which not only spreads the stones blown away from the temple, but also destroys Artoxiu's domineering aura. Suppress it.

"The winner will have all the rights, I like this sentence! Your "strongest", the dominance of the world, will become my next loot! "

The figure of the black-haired youth kept changing and distorting, and his voice became unreal.

With four slender arms branching from the elbows, dark blue, red, and bone-like pale white, the Faceless Demon God locked the God of War in the center of the spiral beam of light with his spiritual vision.

Artosh pointed the golden spear at Lopez and laughed.

"Sure enough, I read it right, my friend! Your aura proves that you have the qualifications. You will be the opponent that I, Artoxiu, respects the most and is most eager to defeat since I was born!"

He lowered the tip of the gun slightly.

"Let's find our true desires from the fighting... However, the real place of battle is not here. In this piece of land that has become a "trophy", you can't use it unscrupulously, right? "

"Ah. I thought so too."

The Demon God replied.

Regardless of Rope's purpose, just the aura of the two Deity species caused the Phantasm species, Avant Heim, who was the carrier, to let out bursts of mourning.

Different from Kainas and Okan, the space is distorted and tragic at this time. Once the real war starts, this land will be burned to ashes by the fire of battle.

Besides, what Artoxiu needs is an opponent who fights without any hesitation.

Luo Pei and Artoxiu looked at each other, neither of them moved first.

But in a trance, at a moment when they didn't even dare to determine the time, the two arrived at their battlefield at the same time.

——in the void.

On the face of the dark abyss, void and chaos.

Behind Tyrant who exudes violent golden essence power, the red moon hangs high, and the moonsongs who may have escaped from the world stage are looking up at this greatness in humility and fear.

On the other side, a dark and strange faceless demon stepped on the world, a cold and unreal creature, like a vast ocean with an undercurrent, which is destined to bring about an indestructible and terrifying disaster.

Artosh's smile faded away.

Entering the fighting state, he faced his opponent squarely, and he was not arrogant because of his own strength, but he was more serious than any other existence.

The power of the marrow created an inescapable space, and the spear of the God of War pointed directly at the dark blue demon god.

The next moment, God of War took the lead.

The extreme speed like lightning and flint, no, it may be faster than that, so extreme that there is no afterimage left.

The golden gun streaked across the void, piercing through all barriers including space, galloping like a horse, stabbing towards the head of the Faceless Demon God.

Burning on it is a raging fire, but it is not an ordinary flame, but a violent embodiment of the incomparable spiritual power of the God of War.

It's exactly the same as what Luo Pei thought.

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