The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1070

Artoxiu, a straightforward and strong man, does not need any brilliant moves or mysterious spells. He is synonymous with "powerful", and his every move is a murder weapon even for the gods.

On the right side of the Demon God's arms, one hand is full of "disaster", and the other hand is tightly grasping "royal power".

Under Luo Pei's strong coordination, the two completely different forces adjusted their oils and greeted them with the Overlord's Spear.

Neither escape nor hide.

The Demon God, who has been ignited with the desire to fight in his heart, wants to take this blow from the front!

A violent explosion like a supernova bloomed in the void.

The most basic sound waves even affected the planet's atmosphere, opening a huge hole.

Indescribably colorful—

In the destructive flames, Artoxiu brandished his spear obliviously, fully interpreting the essence of "God of Martial Arts".

Each of his blows is comparable to the strength that once pierced the indestructible scales of "Final Dragon", but they were resolved one by one by the dark blue demon god.

Those slender arms are like an impenetrable net, the essence of "disaster" and the divine "royalty". Two for one!

At the same time, there are thousands of secret techniques and spells.

The power that Rope is best at manifested, flying towards Artoxiu like a meteor falling to the ground.

Curse, demotion, curse killing, pollution, collapse...

And the evil magic that even the god of war had to draw a gun to defend.

Luo Pei's melee combat is not considered weak. He has long since broken away from the talent of the Philistines in martial arts, but has his own unique magic.

But in the final analysis, his strength at the moment lies in "skills"!

The divine essence shone, and the moment God of War pulled back to defend, the dark blue Demon God snaked up like a poisonous snake.

"The sigh of the living". "

Zero distance, zero interval.

A pale sigh drowned Artoxiu briefly, and was shattered by the extremely powerful power of the God of War.

He is not Okan.

Such an attack can't embarrass Artoxiu, who has occupied the top seat in the world for thousands of years.

Even magic is the same--

"Whether it is outside the world or inside the world, "pure" will always secretly fit the path of "force"..."

Artosh is pure.

That's why he is so strong.

A god-species born for "battle", fighting is his nourishment.

"But I have already surpassed that purity!"

Seeing Artoxiu's slight backing movement, Lopez's pale mask split into the shape of a mouth.

Like a giant supporting the canopy, the four arms of the dark blue demon god grasped the "string" of time and played it violently.

"Go back to the origin!"

The divine "time" of Yog Sothoth.

The divine art of manipulating time extended from this divinity is absolutely powerful and beyond doubt.

Artosh's actions are like rewinding, returning to the place where he did not move.

Because of personality, God of War's thoughts did not regress in the same way.

He understood the situation in an instant, facing the oncoming attack of the dark blue demon god, who exterminated all attacks, he had no defense, and his spirit burst out with a star-like brilliance.


It may be a bit pale to describe the huge collision with sound.

But this is already the description that fits the phenomenon best.

The ring-shaped light wave not only destroyed the mayflying stones around the world, the space chain collapsed, and even a corner of the huge red moon was cut off, turning into garbage that can be seen everywhere in the void.

Such a majestic power, even if the Red Moon God wants to defend it, he can't do it.

When the light ended, Artosh's armor shattered into pieces, but at some point, a madman's smile appeared on his resolute face.

"Haven't had such fun in a long time! My friend!"

He said freely.

"It is my greatest honor to know you, Artoxiu! Slowly I feel it! I have slowly felt it! The so-called "strong" can have their own meaning of existence in this kind of evenly matched battle! "

"Only at this moment, I agree with your words! God of War!"

The golden spear pierced one of Rope's palms.

With constant regeneration and constant destruction, the dark blue demon god is also in high spirits.

"No one can disturb, no one can hinder! Come on, god of disaster, use your brilliance to annihilate my title of "the strongest"! "

Artoxiu drew out the spear, grasped the end of the handle, and slammed it towards Rope like a giant who fell down the stars.

After one blow, everything fell silent.

The root of war is annihilation, massacre, sadism, and the taking of life.

More direct overbearing than "disaster".

This is the fundamental personality of the "God of War" Artosh.

——The God of Destruction who destroys everything!

Chapter 99 War Knight Awakens, Artosh's "God Strike"

Cut through the rocks, kill those who stand in the way, war has always been like this in this world.

Some people may wonder, why use the most stupid brute force to solve the problem that can be won with complex strategies?

They forgot one thing.

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