The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1072

Maybe God of War's description is not quite correct.

The essence of the gods in this world is the marrow, and their bodies are all simulated by using the power of the marrow.

Artoxiu's injury is more like the phenomenon of using the body as a mirror after the marrow is injured, which is a reflected warning.

Even so, it was shocking enough.

What the strongest dragon spirit species, the "final dragon" Hatilem, who can kill the god species, failed to do, at this moment in the hands of the god of disaster.

Losing his divine power and being protected, the God of War was in a trance, and several injuries appeared on his body.

The "Great Pollution" at the wrist sensed Artoxiu's weakness, and meandered upwards, directly crippling the entire arm.

"My friend... the god of disaster."

The God of War stopped his backward movement, and looked at the dark blue Demon God with a complicated expression.

"It wasn't until I met you that I realized how pale and despicable the so-called "strongest" was. The surprise and joy you gave me to Artosh will never be forgotten until the end of the moment in my mind! "

He raised his spear.

The golden spear of the god of war shone with light that illuminated the void.

"So far! Dedicate all the power of the God of War to the most respectable opponent! Gather, those created feathers, gather your strength on the tip of my spear!"

Rope clasped his hands.

He understood what Artoxiu's actions represented.

Next, it will be the only move named by God of War, and also his most powerful ultimate move.

The trump card of the trump card is to gather all the spirits of the Flügel and his own incalculable power, gather them at one point, and then release them.

This is the "God Strike" that destroys the world!

Under the order of the God of War, whether it is the Flügel sealed in the floating continent by the sail tower, or the Flügel wandering in Avant Heim, all the killing angels kneel down devoutly at the same moment, facing their The Creator offers His strength without holding anything back.

The sprite flutters like a ribbon.

Rise up into the sky, through the atmosphere, until you reach the spear-blade of the god of war, Artotheus.

For a brief moment, Artoxiu even transcended the shackles of the world itself and reached a certain higher position.

"—God Strike."

Chanting in a low voice, then God of War pointed his spear at the dark blue Demon God.

The flash of glory is staged at the end of the end!

Chapter 100: At the end of the end, the penetrating planet

There is a god standing in the void.

Carrying the spirit of war, killing, and hatred, Artosh, the "God of War" who was once the strongest deity species above the earth and under the sky.

Thousands of years of waiting, until this moment has come true.

God of War dedicated all his strength to his only worthy opponent.

Essence, elf, is the sublime manifestation of its own existence——

On the tip of the golden gun, an energy aggregate larger than the volume of the red moon rose, and the surrounding space was burned, blurred in rebirth and destruction.

The bright golden color shines in the void like the sun.

Do not doubt.

This blow is powerful enough to destroy the world and slaughter all the creatures in the world!

Phantasmal species, dragon spirit species, Flügel species, and even conventional god species, no matter what race they are in, they will be overshadowed by this blow, and they are too frightened to control themselves.

This horror has exceeded the limit of their imagination.

The sun wheel is moving, moving at a speed that is neither too slow nor too fast.

"God Strike" just approached, and the destructive aura emanating from the front made Luo Pei's body burn, even if he had multiple "fire-avoiding" authorities, it would not help.

Because it is not just "fire".

"Have you finally used it? Your strongest and only "God Strike"..."

The bones of the four dark blue arms were burnt out, and Luo Pei blocked his arms in front of his chest, his voice remained calm.

In the void, after releasing the "God Strike", Artosh's aura weakened visibly to the naked eye.

"You don't know how weak you are after releasing all your power, and you don't know that you will be 100% killed by me in that weak state... Even so, don't you hesitate? Artoxiu!"

"Let's surpass my "strongest"—"

"God Strike" is approaching.

The body of Luo Pei's dark blue demon god was completely burned.

And in the dazzling golden flash, the radiant divinity exudes power, protecting the soul of the disaster god to reorganize his body.

"Royalty", "Chaos", "Time", "War".

The four divinities possessed by Lopez rise up under the "God Strike" as if they defy the power of this world.

Finally, it was the appearance of a black-haired youth.

He raised his right hand high, commanding out a powerful magic spell.

"Divine Art. Sword of Discord!"

"Divinity. A river that spans the ages!"

From Luo Pei's right hand, a virtual scarlet long sword with a length of tens of kilometers appeared.

This is not a divine art created by any old ruler.

Among those indescribable evil gods, there are very few divinities related to "war".

This "Sword of Dispute" was created by Luo Pei based on the ability of the "War Knight" of the bloodline, plus the divine power derived from the evil adoration of divinity, and it is his own "War Divine Art"!

Eternal strife brings destruction—

Can't be reconciled, can't be relieved.

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