The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1073

That violent war power is like the epitome of the multiverse, a huge and cruel aura is endowed on its sword, and it cuts down head-on towards Artoxiu's "God Strike"!

At the same time, a magnificent "river" floated from the end of the void.

There is no water in it, but only the "experience" of the myriad existences in this world.

Plants, stones, mountains, land, rivers, oceans, matter what exists, they are all placed in a river.

This river is "time".

No matter what the outside world is like, it will always be like a gentle mother, an unselfish bystander, advancing every minute.

The so-called "past", "present" and "future" are like this.

The unruly river surrounded the black-haired youth.

The moment the "Sword of Discord" came into contact with the "God Strike", an annihilation phenomenon occurred.

Scenes that even the greatest artists have difficulty describing through the imagination.

Like the flash before the end of the universe, or the big bang when the universe was born.

The head-to-head confrontation between "God Strike" and "Sword of Dispute" caused everything to collapse.

The nearest red moon completely collapsed and turned into scattered cosmic garbage.

For a moment, the aura of the Red Moon God rose up, but he was unable to resist the impact, and it was fleeting, dying in annihilation.

In the world, even if the battle between the two gods is in the void, the overflowing power still makes the continents scatter, and the sea creates a tsunami.

"Do you want to destroy this world..."

Fanlou gave up going to "seal" the powerless Flügel, gritted her teeth, and fully opened her spirit, calming down the destruction that was raging on the ground.

But after all, it is a drop in the bucket.

Even if it is the first born god species, if it wants to eliminate the impact of such a huge power, the power of Fanlou is still a little insufficient.

The girl on the inkpot raised her head and looked at the gradually collapsing fairy corridor in the sky.

I have already achieved this step, I must win, my friend...

Your garden, your people, will be protected by me!

""Detect" the Creator, your spiritual strength is not enough to support the collapse of the "planet" area, therefore, gathering strength to protect yourself and the rest of the God of Disaster's subordinate races is the correct strategy..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Fan Lou waved the brush.

"I didn't have the so-called "heart" before, but now, my "heart" tells me that I don't want to disappoint the god of disaster, my only partner! Support fully unfolded, my proud creation! "

"Confirmation" command received. "

Commanding the body to shine, it became more energetic than ever.

The five mechas of Creation, together with the overdrawn power of Fanlou, the God of Suspicion, barely supported the protection against the aftermath.

The creatures of the earth are praying that the sky they see now is not the end of the world.

No one wants to die, everyone wants to live.

This "wish" turned into the purest power, and was accepted by Fanlou whose essence is "Qingxi", filling her overdraft slowly.

At this time, the two gods who were the protagonists of the battle had already lost their physical form in the colliding light.

Rope's soul is protected by divinity and the long river of time, and is safe and sound except for the weakness of excessive consumption of divine power.

But the essence of Artosh is like broken glass, full of cracks.

——The power of "God Strike" has weakened.

Like a portent of the apocalypse.

The world will open a new chapter after the final battle between the two Deities.

Using "God Strike"...can't you be defeated...

Losing the ability to speak, the spirit of the God of War thought for a moment.

He still has a little power left, maybe at this moment when the God of Disaster is entangled by the "God Strike", he retreats, slowly recovering and ushering in his heyday again...

But, is this what God of War wants?


The God of War was born from battles, so he will naturally display that incomparable brilliance in the battles!

Like a burnt out candle, the marrow once again exploded with astonishing aura.

In the light, Artoxiu's nearly shattered figure gradually solidified, holding the half-broken spear in his hand, showing a final frenzied smile.

"Look at me! My friend! This is the last of Artosh, and you will be the strongest if you survive! The only world ruler!"

"as you wish!"

The light of "God Strike" dissipated, and the black-haired youth reorganized his upper body.

He also smiled enthusiastically, holding the shrunken "Sword of Dispute" in his hand, and his scarlet expression was extremely high.

Artosh, using himself as a furnace, galloped through the void, like a comet hitting the earth, stabbing the broken spear at the god of disaster.

The black-haired youth greeted the "Sword of Dispute".


The sound of steel hitting one's teeth resounded through the universe.

After a moment of stagnation, and finally less than a microsecond, the two gods flew towards the land of the world together under the effect of pure "force".

After piercing a hole in the protective barrier of the sail building.

The planet is penetrated.

The Elven Corridor was finally torn apart by violence, and its mysterious and mysterious veil was lifted, revealing the end of the end to the world.

Chapter 101 The "Unique God" to be crowned

The earth is collapsing, and rocks are floating upwards due to the eruption of the power of the Elven Corridor.

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