The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1083

Dragging an individual from somewhere in front of you - this period couldn't be easier.

But the One God doesn't like to use all-powerful power on such a trivial matter, it can be said to be the most stupid behavior that kills "fun".

Just like games using cheats, omitting the process is fun, but it will inevitably shorten the life of the game.

"Today is not a formal gathering, it's just an announcement of the "virtual link terminal", and they can just take it back when they arrive. "

The build on Bloodlines: Damned is complete.

All that's left is to replace the post-war emptiness, and the national gaming frenzy.

Moments after the arrival of the Sole God, as the doors of the palace were constantly being pushed open, one current lord after another walked in.

They have gods, sea dwellers, nightmares, orcs, and fairies.

But without exception, they all had to show their submission and respect to the black-haired young man occupying the throne of Xin Ke.


The game loli bouncing up to the side of the black-haired young man, said with bright eyes.

"Hurry up and use the "Star Cup" to help me seal the power of the Deity Seed! I can't wait to play the new game! "

"...You are the creator."

"I'm looking forward to it because I'm the creator! This is "my game"!" "

Tetu glanced at Fan Lou holding a book below.

"Of course, there is also Fanlou sauce!"

Moving in an instant, Tetu hugged Fanlou and gave him a big kiss.

The Queen of God didn't react for a while, but when she did, she raised her eyebrows and took off the fox mask on her head and smashed it on Tetu's head.

"It hurts!" Tetu shrank into a ball.

Said Fanlou expressionlessly.

"Check it out, respect yourself, if there is another time, I will put you in the "enclosed space". "

"Oh, what's the matter..."

Tetu smiled slyly, and leaned close to Fanlou's ear.

"Look at Luo Pei's expression? We will definitely be "sisters" in the future, huh? Fanloujiang, no, Your Majesty the God Empress... the same God kind, of course we have to get closer. "

Fanlou pushed the game loli away with a bored face, glared at Luo Pei and continued to read.

The black-haired young man had no choice but to be shot while lying down.

As the number increased, the atmosphere in the palace gradually became lively.

Immediately, the Flügel girls with wings on their backs also arrived.

The scene was silent for a moment.

No one has forgotten that the Flügel was the servant of the "God of War" Artosh, who was once the greatest enemy of the only god on the seat.

"Ahaha, it seems that you don't welcome us very much..."

Jibril grabbed the reluctant Azrael with a heartless smile on her face.

Xin Ke took the lead and walked forward with a smile.

"How could it be? Let the past pass by, and the times are constantly moving forward. And now we are all surrendering to Lord Luo Pei's majesty, aren't we?"

"Long ears make sense!"

Jibril nodded vigorously.

Visible to the naked eye, Xinke's smile distorted.

"Then... I won't accompany you."

She suppressed the beating brows, turned around and left.

It is possible for Xin to achieve this level only for the expectation and command of "the only God".

Otherwise, according to the fact that the Flügel almost wiped out the elves, Xin might have let these killing angels in to have ghosts.

With the arrival of the Flügel, the feelings of all races are somewhat subtle.

After all, it hasn't been long since the war ended, so it's almost impossible to put them all down immediately.

But Jibril didn't care either.

The Flügel doesn't need anyone's kindness, she is only responsible to the one on the throne who defeated their creator and is currently serving according to the order.

Jibril showed a bright smile to Lopez.

Rope smiled back.

All races arrived, and just as the black-haired youth was about to announce, a ray of flames in the sky above the palace balcony attracted his attention.

Surging, burning, evil god of fire, Cthugha.

'You look good, Little Rope. '

'You are finally back...'

Luo Pei asked with a smile in the voice of the soul.

'How about it? Are you having a good time? '

'The happiest period of time in thousands of years. ’ Cthugya sighed: ‘It’s all because of those hateful ancient gods, I haven’t seen the view of believers in the world for a long time... Well, but I’m not here to talk about that today. In a few more days and nights, I will leave this world and return to the Kingdom of God. '

'Um? '

'You're going to continue your trials, aren't you? ’ Ketugya said indifferently: ‘I will make it clear which matter is more important, so don’t delay the schedule. '

'You are so straightforward...'

‘We, lifeless evil gods, don’t have the word “separation” at all. '

The flame gradually weakened.

'However, with this exception, I admit the "separation" at this moment. I will wait for you at Fomalhaut... for the moment when you really stand in front of me...'

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