The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1084

'Don't you want to see the virtual game I created? '


The girl's slightly soft lingering sound dissipated, and the flames in the sky also disappeared.

Rope smiled helplessly and shook his head.

No matter what time this group of evil gods are unpredictable, they come suddenly and leave suddenly, which is simply synonymous with "willfulness".

However, because of this, they are the gods of "chaos".

Luo Pei didn't bother to be hypocritical, and it wasn't the first time he had to deal with these evil gods, let them go.

"Lord Rope...?"

Unable to hear the conversation with Cthugya, Yu Wuhuan tentatively asked in a young black-haired voice.

"Oh, nothing."

Luo Pei shook his head, and stretched out his hand to hold up a bundle of power linking reality and illusion.

"Get ready to share these things with everyone and take them home. The alternative to war, all the 'entertainment' you could wish for is here. "


Looking at the various race leaders below who were discussing "virtual games", Luo Pei sat back on the throne and watched his people with satisfaction.

The world has turned from war to peace.

The reign of the One God will come to the end of time in this world.

And all the glory belongs to him, Rope.

— Satisfaction.

"Who wants to be the first to officially enter?"


Everyone raised their hands without hesitation.

Everyone present here is someone who likes to experience novel things.

Rope smiled.

"Then, let's come together."

The times move forward, and the "one God" lives high in the sky and is with all living beings.

Peace filled the surroundings like the fragrance of flowers.

This is the future of this world.

⑦ Blood Attack

Chapter 1 The Evil God Representing Disputes

The world and the world are different.

This is a simple truth that everyone knows living in the multiverse.

In some worlds, the position of men and women may be reversed, and in some worlds, gravity may be upward. These things that sound incredible are possible.

Therefore, when the "fantasy creatures" in some worlds become real, and generally coexist peacefully with human beings, and move towards the future of science together, it is not a big deal for the multiverse. It can even be said that it is so common that it can no longer be common. No surprise.

Those vampires, werewolves, magicians, superpowers, witches, artificial life forms, goblins, ancient celestial beings... in the eyes of the detached people outside the world, what is the difference between them and humans?


Just like human beings don't care which ant is strong and which ant is thin.

This fantasy trial world, titled "Blood Devouring Strike", revolves around the true ancestor of vampires. In the eyes of the great evil god reserve, it is a leisure place that is no different from going to the daily world for "vacation".

Probably the only difference.

It's just that for Luo Pei, it can be a little more "interesting" than the daily series...


The most prosperous city on the border of Eastern Europe, Vistula.

This is a city that belongs to the three most powerful demons in the world, the ancestor of vampires "Forgotten Warlords", and is a subordinate city under the jurisdiction of the "Warlord Domain" of the Empire of the Night. It is also one of the paradises for vampires.

Of course, the person directly in charge of the territory cannot be the True Ancestor.

Immortal and immortal, leading seventy-two beasts, the "First True Ancestor" who is enough to destroy the country has not intervened in the governance of the territory for a long time, and even made public appearances decades ago. At the time of the "Sanctuary Treaty" of mutual non-aggression.

The person who directly rules this vast and fertile territory is one of the direct blood relatives of the "Forgotten War King".

Currently serving as the "Chairman of the Warlord's Field Council" and receiving the noble title of "Marquis of Zeblin", Wells Aradar, whose combat effectiveness is evaluated by the world as "only inferior to the true ancestor".

In the luxurious lord's mansion, a tall man with light black skin is sitting in the study quietly reading books, enjoying a rare leisure time in the afternoon.

After serving as the "President of Parliament", things like holidays have become the most extravagant words in Wells.

The Empire of the Night is simply too vast.

And the vampire aristocrats who rule and govern them have too few human bases, which makes Wells busy invisibly.

"Humanity's artistic accomplishments must be praised... It is indeed the race with the largest number of people in the world."

Wells smiled knowingly, and turned the quaint book to a new page.

Immediately, his leisure time was taken away.

Following the familiar knock on the door from the housekeeper, Wells frowned and put down the book.

"Please come in."

It was a vampire with the appearance of a youth, he said apologetically.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you, Lord Aladar, a nobleman is here to visit..."

"Didn't I say that all visits will be declined?"

"You did say that, but..."

Young vampires are in trouble.

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