The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1085

Wells quickly learned the reason for this "embarrassment".

"Yo Wells, I hear you're finally out of that rotten, smelly "political prison"? This is really congratulations..."

The frivolous male voice came, and Wells had a splitting headache.

Of course he knew who it was.

If it's him, it's really hard for the housekeeper to refuse.

Because the owner of the voice is almost the same as him in terms of combat power and status, one of the top nobles in the "War King Domain".

"Dimitrie Vattola..."

Wells read the name of the visitor in disgust.

Wearing an expensive white suit, a vampire with blond hair came out from behind the door.

He smiled, holding the red wine that he could tell at a glance that it was brought in from his home, and walked over gracefully.

"After hearing that you came back, I immediately rushed over from the territory to celebrate you. Don't you want to express your gratitude?"

The blond vampire with the title of "Duke of Aldialu" raised his glass from afar.

Wells stared at Vatora with a gaze that could freeze the opponent, and said slowly.

"First of all, the Imperial Diet is not a "political prison", and you, a guy who escaped from his own responsibilities, are not qualified to comment like that. Second, I didn't invite you to my mansion, so you're trespassing, Valtola. "

"Don't be so serious, Wells. It's your seriousness that's why you're working so hard..."

Vatora shook his head and said.

Marquis Zeblin directly interrupted Vatora's eloquence.

"When are you leaving? If necessary, I will help you pay for the first-class flight, and leave my territory quickly."

"Is it really okay to be so rude?"

"Politeness is equal."

Wells sneered.

"You guy, you specifically inquired about my itinerary and came to my mansion just to satisfy your boring desire?"

Watola's smile became a little ferocious.

"That's right, after careful calculation, the "battle" between us has not yet been decided. This time, you can't use "busy business" to perfuse things, can you? "

Dimitriye Vatola is a fighting maniac.

He likes to fight against powerful enemies, no matter who the target is, he will use the most powerful attack to fight, and he completely enjoys the process.

Just the opposite of Wells, who doesn't like fighting.

"go out."

Wells said in annoyance, lowering his head and turning the pages of the book again.

"I'm not in the mood to fight you. If you have time, wouldn't it be good to spend the extra energy on the terrorists? The remnants of the "Black Death Emperor Faction" are still active in Eastern Europe. It is rumored that they have found a new leader... It seems It's the "brother of the dead emperor"..."

"Can those trash fish compare to you, Wells?"

Vatora mercilessly expresses his contempt for the orc supremacists known as the "Black Death Faction".

In fact, not long ago, it was he who personally shot and killed the leader of the "Black Death Emperor faction" "Black Death Emperor".

As for the powerful enemy who possessed beast transformation and necromancer magic, Vatora's evaluation afterwards was nothing more than "an old man with interesting abilities".

How can such a battle satisfy the warlike vampire nobles?


Just when Wells was about to say something to prevent his vacation from being ruined, a chaotic voice came from outside the glass window.

Those present are all vampires with sensitive five senses.

So even though the Lord Mansion is located in the outskirts of the city, they can clearly capture the gradually increasing human voice.

"what happens?"

Wells frowned.

Not a moment later, another vampire boy broke in and knelt down on one knee in front of Marquis Zeblin.

"Master Aladar! The people in the territory, regardless of vampires, humans, orcs, have started a city-wide riot! The knights directly under it seem to have been possessed by a similar ability to dominate the mind, and fell into a state of chaos! Only a few of the old era survived !"


Wells was taken aback.

Although he is an aristocrat who doesn't eat people, but if he asks himself, his governance ability can definitely be regarded as outstanding and gentle, and it is impossible for the people to initiate resistance spontaneously.

Either way, it looks like his vacation is doomed.

Wells straightened his gray coat, and walked out of the mansion rather helplessly.

Vatora took a sip of the red wine and murmured with a smile.

"Sure enough, being with you won't be boring, Wells..."


The most prosperous commercial street area in Vistula has long been in chaos.

The original peace was torn to pieces, and there were melees everywhere, beasts of vampires, beasts of orcs, and humans who were mad and fearless.

Their eyes were red, as if the neighbors, guests, and friends they were talking to just now were sworn enemies.

There were countless casualties.

In this chaotic scene, a handsome black-haired young man was standing outside the window of an ice cream shop, greeting him helplessly.

"Excuse me a little bit, can you give me a piece of chocolate ice cream first?"

"No time! Take it yourself!"

The owner was wielding a knife and wrestled with another male clerk.

Seeing that the winner is about to be decided.

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