The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1094

The maids looked at Luo Pei from the door of the luxurious living room and whispered.

Although the black-haired young man heard every word in his ears, he didn't have much thought of explaining it.

Anyway, the misunderstanding was not caused by him, what about love.

"A little... a little slow."

Rope looked up at the time.

Half an hour had passed since he arrived at the palace, but neither the "inviter" La Folia nor the king and queen showed up.

Well, although the reason can probably be guessed, it's still kind of boring.

"Let's write something first."

Luo Pei flipped through the books he was carrying with him, and took out a pen out of thin air, sliding the tip of the pen across the white paper.

My own "myth" is still being conceived, so I will write other evil gods first.

Anyway, it's Wen Chaogong for the righteousness of the camp, even if the conceptual Master Lovecraft knows, he won't say much.

Soon, the name was written on the paper on the front page.

The title is The Call of Cthulhu.

A short story in praise of the eternal sleeper, the sleeper of the deep sea, the lord of dreams, the symbol of the four elements "water", and His Majesty Cthulhu.

At the same time, while the black-haired youth was writing furiously, the room on the other side of the palace was in the midst of three trials.

King Lucas Lihavaine, Queen Pollyfnia Lihavaine, and the thirteen-year-old silver princess who was interrogated.

Different from the subtle expressions of the two elders, La Folia broke away from the guilty state before, and became open-minded after the black-haired young man arrived at the palace, and looked at her parents without hesitation.


Seeing that her husband didn't know what to say, Polivenia coughed and opened up the topic.

"Although what happened tonight had a bad effect, fortunately it didn't cause any major accidents. Your punishment for La Folia can be omitted..."

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

The princess nodded gracefully.

"Although I violated your orders and concerns, I don't think I did anything wrong. Leaving aside the strange "attraction", if I hadn't come into contact with Mr. Rope at that time, I'm afraid I would regret it for the rest of my life of. "


The sturdy Viking warrior directly crushed the armrest of the chair.

Polivenia held her forehead and said slightly sadly.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't always mention things about my partner in front of La Folia... La Folia, although my mother really wants to support you in "free love", even if it is a little bit, just for yourself Please take some responsibility for your identity and the majesty of the Lihavain royal family..."

She considered her words, not wanting to turn herself into a bad mother who forced her children to think.

"You see, the premise of a relationship is familiarity. Even if your father and I belong to a political marriage, we still had a romantic experience of getting along with "years" before we got married. Both of us are very familiar... Well, I admit that Luo Mr. Pei is indeed outstanding in appearance, but making such a reckless decision based on this is really..."

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

La Folia interrupted Polifnia's words.

She looked at her mother inexplicably.

"Partner? Free love? Intercourse? Do any of these have anything to do with what I do?"


Not only Polivenia, but Lucas's expression also became dull.

The silver princess is so smart, if she thinks about her own behavior, and the surprised and shocked expression of her parents when they were in the hotel, she knows that her mother, who is good at imagining, has misunderstood something.

No wonder everyone was so weird on the way back to the palace...

La Folia couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

"You and your's so interesting that you think about it. Sometimes I forget that I'm only thirteen years old. I'm afraid it's a problem with my father and my mother... Huh."

Lucas and Polivenia looked at each other.

"So...La Folia, you insisted on inviting that Mr. Rope because you fell in love with him at first sight? asked Lucas.

"How can it be."

La Folia shook her head.

"Take a step back, even if I really fell in love with that lord at first sight, that lord might not agree with me as a mediocre mortal."

"Mediocre? Is this the word to describe my precious daughter, Ardikia's brightest pearl, La Folia Lihavain?"

Lucas laughed.

"What else is "that lord"... Even if the vampire elders of the "old generation" stand in front of you, you don't need to use this title to describe it. La Folia, behind you is the most powerful Sorcerer Kingdom in the world and a father who loves you very much! "

Lucas said this with confidence.

As long as the True Ancestor does not act personally, Ardikia's national strength and the Empire of the Night ruled by immortal vampires can be said to be evenly matched, and there is no reason to be inferior.

"It's "that lord", my title is correct... No, maybe even this title can be called an insult. "

La Folia's eyes were more serious than ever before.

"My lord, my lord, please don't take what I'm going to say next as a child's joke. At the same time, please ask the guarding knights in the room to evacuate. This secret can only be known by the Lehavain family!"

Lucas frowned.

His daughter was so intelligent that he rarely saw her as a real thirteen-year-old girl. For La Folia to say such a thing, she naturally has her own reasons.

The king waved his hand, and the original breaths in the shadow of the room quickly disappeared.

"Now you can say it boldly." Lucas crossed his arms and said, "What kind of secret is it that even the Knights of the Holy Ring cannot tell."

"Father and mother are very aware of my qualifications as a psychic medium. Except for the fact that I am still young, it can be said that all the women in the Lihavain family for generations are not as qualified as me."

"Yeah, even my mother is perfectly compared to you..."

Polivenia sighed with her face propped up.

"When we get old, with La Folia's reputation and qualifications, as long as we find a suitable husband-in-law, the next queen of Ardikia must be you..."

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