The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1095

For the Lihavain royal family, which is extremely feminist, it is nothing surprising for a woman to be the king. The Kingdom of Aldikia has produced many queens before, and the country has been governed perfectly.

Otherwise, there would not be the prosperity of Ardikia now.

La Folia doesn't care about this, she continued.

"This psychic qualification allowed me to "see" the fact that I was parading in the afternoon. "

"what did you see?"


The description reached the ears of Polivenia and Lucas, and their immediate reaction was to suspect that they had heard it wrong.

"……What did you say?"


La Folia repeated again.

"It may be Mr. Luo Pei's negligence, or my psychic qualifications are the highest. In that moment of looking at each other, I saw a terrible majesty. Apart from "God", I can't find other words to describe what you see. And the farce tonight is exactly the mistake I made when my blood was attracted by the "God" instinct. "


Polivenia was silent, and Lucas was so surprised that he even forgot to touch his beard.

La Folia will not lie.

Both the king and queen firmly believed in this.

"A descendant of the Heavenly Department..."

Lucas whispered.

"I heard that there are still remnants of the Ministry of Heaven wandering around on the earth, but what are those noble and lost races doing in Ardikia..."

"No, father, not the descendants of the Tianbu."

La Folia categorically denied it.

"I've read anecdotes and history courses, and it's just that the ancient superhuman Tianbu will never make me so fanfare. That Mr. Rope is a real "God", which is more terrifying than any myths described, needless to say Doubt, the "God" as deep as the ocean! "

The princess continued.

"I can't really gaze at the majesty of God perfectly, but just the greatness that I glimpsed made me faint. For example, my lord father, the sublime and power I saw, if that Rope Mister really has ideas and thoughts, and in just a moment, more than 10 million square kilometers of Europe will be evaporated in an instant!"

La Folia has tried her best to describe it in a direction that fits her cognition, but the narrow horizon of human beings and the age of thirteen ultimately limit the Silver Princess.

Not just a small place like Europe.

If the demon god on vacation gets serious, everything in the whole world will completely collapse within fifteen minutes, turning into scattered garbage in the universe.

And the living beings living on it, whether they are true ancestors, demons, human beings...

No one was spared!

Both Lucas and Polivenia were speechless in shock.

The strongest individual combat power they recognize is the world-famous "True Ancestors". Possessing a natural disaster-like beast, its full power is enough to destroy a country.

But La Folia easily overturned this conclusion that lasted for thousands of years.

What is the concept of instantly evaporating a continent?

I'm afraid that the ancestor god of the demons, the "Holy Annihilation" triggered by the "God of Blame" Cain, did not have this ability.

"……Wait a moment."

Lucas rubbed his eyebrows and said with a headache.

"La Folia, I swear that I trust you not to lie, but these words are really..."

"That's right, La Folia, could it be your illusion?"


Princess Silver stood up and put her right hand on her chest.

"I, the daughter of the Lihavain family, La Folia Lihavain, swear to the gods that there is no falsehood in what I say with my life! If there is any falsehood, the gods will immediately take away my life!"


The ancient vows of Ardikia were spoken by a psychic and princess, and Lucas and Polyvnia had to admit to this determination even if they couldn't believe it.

Lucas silently took out a box of cigars from his coat pocket.

Surprisingly, Polifnia, who disliked her husband's smoking the most, didn't say anything.

Their minds have long been overwhelmed by overwhelming news.

Even if they occupy the position of king and queen, they are both human beings, and it is a theorem that human beings cannot imagine God.

"Odin, what happened to Ardikia..."

Lucas murmured the name of the Nordic gods that his people believed in, and his hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

— Uneasy feeling.

La Folia smiled.

"Now, you two can understand why I have to let Mr. Luo Pei come to the palace? Our ancestors will not forgive us if we miss such a miracle."

The Silver Empress smoothed the folds of her white dress and stood up.

"Then, my lord father, my lord mother, please forgive me and leave first."

"……where are you going?"

La Folia tilted her head and said it as a matter of course.

"Of course it's "before God". "

Witches and gods have always been entangled by an endless thread.

No matter which world is no exception.


Second update, I still ask for a monthly ticket and a reward~~

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