The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1096

Chapter 7 The Demon God Playing With "Time"

When Rope finished writing "The Call of Cthulhu" and was gradually polishing it, the king and queen brought their daughter La Folia to the living room.

After closing the book, the black-haired young man looked up at the expressions of the king and queen, and knew that the princess had solved the misunderstanding and informed her parents of her true identity.

He smiled and didn't care, and said relaxedly.

"It seems that the royal family in every country has a tradition of "arriving late"..."

"please forgive."

The young princess raised her skirt to salute, and said respectfully.

"The Lihavain family will not neglect any guests invited to the palace, but the father and the queen need a little time to accept your greatness."

"Why didn't I know that the identity of a "horror writer" would require the king of a country to calmly accept it? "

Luo Pei said slightly jokingly, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"This is your palace, right? The guests are already seated, so the host must naturally sit in front of the guests. Don't make me feel impolite."

As he said, he was a guest.

But the attitude in Luo Pei's words is not to say that he is a "guest", it is so natural that irrelevant people will think that it is La Folia who came to visit Luo Pei.

As if born to stand on the top of the sky, all living beings are servants.

Lucas and Polyfnia believed La Folia's words again.

After taking his seat, the king waved away the maid standing outside the door, and asked the black-haired young man seriously.

"I heard it from La Folia. I don't know your Excellency... Are you really what my daughter said?"

Straightforwardness runs in the blood of Viking warriors.

So Lucas didn't like to make detours, so he went straight to the point and asked himself directly.

Luo Pei paused when he picked up the teacup, and asked with a smile.

"What did Miss La Folia say?"



The black-haired youth tilted his head and thought.

"From the perspective of the multiverse, it doesn't seem to count. But at the level of your world, there is probably no difference..."

Then, he spread his hands and said.

"God, Godslayer, father of all demons, nameless demon, great mystic who thirsts for the supreme secret... I have too many titles, it doesn't matter which one you know, it's me."

"How to prove that what you said is the truth?"

Lucas asked with piercing eyes.

Originally sitting next to her parents, La Folia, who was a well-behaved lady, immediately couldn't sit still.

she asked nervously.

"Father! How can you..."

"It doesn't matter, Miss La Folia."

Luo Pei smiled and stopped Princess Silver's roundabout.

"My temper is not as bad as you imagined. The Lihavain family treats each other with courtesy. Besides, I am on vacation. It is not a big deal. It is reasonable for His Majesty the King to have doubts. But, um , how should I prove it... This really stumps me."

Rope never felt too bad about "proving himself".

His power, his authority, his slaughter, everything will engrave deep and unforgettable fear in the hearts of intelligent creatures.

But these are obviously not methods that can be used in Ardikia.

It's not an enemy, but they are committing terrorist massacres and mass destruction in front of the apparently respectful royal family and the lovable princess...

Rope isn't crazy to that extent yet.

Soon, the black-haired youth thought of a way.

He crossed his hands and leaned against the soft back of the sofa with a smile.

"I heard that because of me, the "Royal Banquet" held by the Kingdom of Ardikia was not very successful tonight? "

"Yes. It's the little girl's waywardness that made you laugh."

"Since that's the case, let me help you "do it all over again", shall we? "


"Literally, do it all over again."

In an instant, a part of Rope's palm turned dark blue in a movement that the humans present could not capture.

Maybe it feels a bit overqualified, but the black-haired young man who is on a leisurely vacation obviously doesn't care.

The great divinity of "time" is burning, and the bright power gathers in the palm of the demon god.

He clasped the string of time tightly, and then plucked it lightly, the correction power of the world only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

— the world yielded.

Bow to the majesty of the evil demigods of the sublime multiverse who rule over Time.

An indescribable scene appeared in the eyes of Lucas, Polyfnia, and La Folia.

The world is rewinding.

It's not an adjective, it's literally backwards.

The sun rises from the west, and the flying birds fly back. Everything is going backwards towards the "past" set by the demigod.

Soon, from night to evening, from evening to afternoon, and from afternoon to morning—

Before the three tiny humans could react, a ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the window of the living room and reflected on the precious hand-woven carpet.

The "time string" of each world is different. Just like the previous world where the gods gathered, Rope was very laborious to dial, but this world is much easier, and even without much effort, you can go back to ten hours ago, and you can also go back with other existences.

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