The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1132

"Absolutely don't let Ah Ye out! I know your character, and Ah Ye is indeed beautiful enough to make you interested. This is a god's privilege and I can't say anything about it, but she is too dangerous. A few years ago, she could Regardless of the 500,000 lives in Xianjin Island, and even attempting to rewrite the rules of the world through the magic book, Xiandumu Aye is the most difficult type of magic criminal!"

"I promise things won't turn out as bad as you think," Rope said.

"Also, what did Yue-chan think of me? Are there only evil gods of women in her mind? What interests me about Xiandumu Aye is not only her appearance..."

Regarding the dissemination of Cthulhu culture, in the past, Luo Pei planned to pass it on through ordinary, powerless novels.

But with the sales data of the first batch of novels in the Kingdom of Aldikia, he changed his focus.

--too slow.

An excellent work has to go through "fermentation".

Even Lovecraft's works took a long time to be recognized and widely disseminated.

The Demon God didn't want to wait that long.

So he's going to do something.

For example, the organization led by the fire-eyed beauty in front of me, the "library" that collects magic books...

Once sugar-coated with sublime and powerful, even if he throws poisonous substances in the book, countless magisters will flock to him.

With the reputation passed down from top to bottom, he doesn't have to worry that others will not agree with this evil culture of evil gods.

Most importantly, this process will be very fast!

"...Then please."

Nangong Nayue knew that he could not convince a god, so he simply gave up.

From the first acquaintance to now becoming the concubine of the Demon God, the gothic loli trusts Luo Pei's guarantee.

Since he said "it won't turn into the bad situation imagined", then the gods will never breach the contract.

Nangong Nayue turned and left.

In the prison, Xiandumu Aye smoothed the folds on the Twelve Single coat and said in a low voice.

"You actually said in front of me that you want to "use" me... Are you so confident that I will let your interests come true? The "god" in Nangong Nayue's mouth. "

"You will."

The dark-haired young man smiled jokingly.

"In this world, what I want, there is no existence that can disobey me."

This is a place for vacation, even if you don't have the privilege of the only god in the previous world, the demon god can satisfy everything he wants.

Chapter 26: The evil god took away hope, and Aye Xiandumu was spoiled

From a purely rational point of view, Xiandumu Aye, the witch who was imprisoned in the "prison barrier" by Nangong that month, is not a heinous criminal.

There is no need to deliberately whitewash anything, just stating the objective facts will lead to such a conclusion.

It is true that she has killed countless people cruelly, and even wants to modify the rules of the world, dragging the world into frenzied chaos, and naively underestimated the power of the true ancestors who are the strongest holders of force. But only from the "purpose" point of view, this gorgeous beauty with twelve singles is a model of the wrong world.

Use the "Dark Oath" to modify the world, make all supernatural phenomena such as spiritual power and magic power disappear, and return the world to a pure blue...

Is such an idea too much?

Too much for this world.

In a world dominated by magic technology and various supernatural forces, if we lose the things that maintain order and form a fixed class and civilization, it is undoubtedly tantamount to removing the base of the supernatural power building, and we will get nothing but destruction.

But from another perspective, is this bad news for ordinary people who have no power?

Not to mention condemning her, if this group of people who were bullied by the demons decades ago and were often taken away by various magical criminals for no reason, if they knew the goal of Xiandumu Aye, they would probably be the first to Standing up to applaud and wave flags to cheer for the Witch Secretary.

The collapse of the existing order will certainly bring pains, but it will undoubtedly give many powerless ordinary people the opportunity and power.

Very interesting.

Just by looking at the problem from another angle, it is undoubtedly a very ironic thing to elevate a certain evil ideal to the level of "great good".

Of course, these have nothing to do with Luo Pei, he just finds it interesting, even if he knows this, he doesn't have much idea of ​​playing.

As he and Nangong promised that month.

The key point of the black-haired youth to Xiandumu Aye is not in the "Dark Oath".

So he will not give the witch a chance to complete the plan to achieve the result he wants.

"Would you like a cup of black tea?"

Xiandumu Aye nodded.

Inversely proportional to Nangong's complicated mood that month, the witch, who has lived through a long time, still maintains an elegant temperament even after seeing her allies who betrayed her in the past and listening to a lot of informative words.

A trick to confuse illusion and reality, two cups of steaming black tea appeared in front of the witch and the god.

"I remember that this is the black tea from Kandy? The kind I liked to drink that month..."

"To be precise, it's a piece of tea from Kandy." Xiandumu Aye added: "The holy city of Kandy in Sri Lanka, where Nangong and I traveled for some events that month, and then she fell in love with the black tea there the taste of."

"You know it very well."

Luo Pei looked at the twelve beauties playfully.

"I thought you were the type of person who, facing someone who betrayed you, wanted to erase all traces of the betrayer from your memory."

"After centuries of life, do you think there are still few guys who betrayed me?"

Xiandumu Aye sighed, and picked up the white porcelain teacup.

"It's just that no one has ever made me sad like Nangong that month... In the past, my relationship with her may have been closer than you imagined."

Taking a sip, the aroma of tea and bitterness spread in the witch's mouth at the same time.

A moment of silence.

Rope put down his teacup.

"I won't talk about tedious words. I am neither interested in self-introduction and self-proof, nor am I interested in giving you chicken soup for the soul. Now there is a choice in front of you, Xiandumu Aye, choose to become Are my servants at the service of my pleasure, or eternity wallowed in this drab prison?"

Luo Pei is not interested in treating this kind of witch whose innocence has long since dissipated, as he did with Nangong that month.

He directly stated his request.

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