The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1133

"I haven't heard such arrogant words for a long time."

Xiandumu Aye's expression was normal, without any anger of being looked down upon.

She touched the rim of the teacup with her slender fingers, and said flatly.

"I don't have any reason to express my surrender to you. Perhaps your request is a condition worthy of serious consideration for other prisoners in the prison barrier, but I..."

"Is it Xiandumu Yuma?"

The name spoken by the black-haired young man made Xiandumu Aye's fingers clenched slightly.

"...Why do you know that name?"

This is no small matter.

Her duplicate body, Yuma Sendugi, exists only in the upper layers of the "library". As the dark thread for the secretary's witch to unblock, Xiandumu Yuma is undoubtedly a very important prop.

Twelve single beauties trust the clone's daughter more than the "library".

Because the contract Yuma Xiandumu signed with the devil is to "liberate the prison barrier", she cannot violate the contract, and that has become the most important meaning of her life.

If Nangong Nayue also knew the news...

Xiandumu Aye felt a little troublesome.

"A reminder of common sense, don't answer questions with questions."

Luo Pei leaned back, and in an instant, a soft sofa back appeared behind him.

He said softly with a smile.

"Could it be, Miss Xiandumu Aye thought that what she said that month was nonsense? The contract she signed with the devil as a witch was the one I tore up with my own hands... This also means that I want to tear your heart apart It is no more difficult than tearing up that contract."


Xiandumu Aye reconsidered Nangong's words that month.

At the same time, he took the words of the "God" seriously.

The witch's contract is one of the most mysterious magic formulas that even modern magic technology can't do anything about. Although I haven't tried it, Xiandumu Aye estimates that even the legendary beast of the fourth primogenitor can cut off the law of cause and effect. Yan" has nothing to do with the witch's contract.

The silence of the twelve single beauties spread the silence between the two of them.

"You are so stubborn that you won't cry until you see the coffin..."

Rope sighed.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the prison changed.

Xiandumu Aye's heart suddenly rose to boundless vigilance, and he wanted to make a move of resistance.

But she forgot, this is in the prison enchantment.

The magic power cannot be used, and the magic she is proud of is useless at all.

The twelve-single beauty just opened her crimson fiery eyes wide, watching the black-haired young man's transformation from normal to abnormal.

An ominous god of dark blue and white.


There is no better word to describe the gesture of the being seen before you.

An uneasy feeling that permeates the bone marrow, a dangerous toxin that erodes the mind in the dark.

The body was stiff, and Xiandumu Aye was like a real weak woman, unable to make any resistance, allowing one of the four slender arms of the demon god to grab her head.

"The basis of your wish, I took it away."

Subsequently, the witch lost some crucial memories.

Xiandumu Aye's expression ranged from disbelief to panic and anger superimposed on each other. Finally, she couldn't maintain that elegant style, and threw herself at the dark blue demon god recklessly.

"Give me my memory...give me back the "Dark Oath"!"

That's right, Luo Pei took away the "Dark Oath" from Xiandumu Aye's mind.

The specific original of this magic book has long been destroyed, but the content will always exist in Xiandumu Aye's mind.

That's why she can be the leader of the "Library".

This is the meaning of "Secretary Witch".

Xiandumu Aye was able to ignore bewitching and toxins, record the magic book in his mind and use the magic book.

Xiandumu Aye, who has no magical power, is just a delicate and frail ordinary woman. Her throwing down is not so much an "attack" as a hug.

The unfolded twelve unlined garments are like beautiful butterflies.

The demon god gently hugged the powerless ancient beauty in his four arms, and a gap was cracked on his faceless face, like a mockery.

"You are so naive, Miss Xiandumu Aye. With this level of "magic coverage", you are trying to use the "Dark Oath" to overwrite the world? Don't be ridiculous, as long as any one of the four true ancestors cares a little bit, your plan can completely collapse. "

He also thought how powerful the "Dark Oath" was.

After understanding the result, it is nothing more than that.

Essentially speaking, this thing is simpler than the "Divine Vibration Drive Technique" held by the Lion King Organization, one of Japan's exorcist organizations.

For example, if the world is a colorful painting, then the ability of "Dark Oath" is to use the magic power of the holder to blacken it all, so as to "eliminate the supernatural power and only let the holder maintain power" the result of.

Who is Xiandumu Aye? Just thinking about covering the world with your own magic power?

A mere human, even a witch with a long history is not enough for that qualification.

You must know that the catastrophe "Holy Annihilation" created by "God of Blame" Cain at that time failed to cover the entire world. With the addition of ten hers, it is impossible for Xiandumu Aye to spread the magic power to every corner of the world without the hindrance of the true ancestor.

Humans, even witches, have limits.

"That' let me prove that it's not our witch who is cursed, but an important item in this can't let me take it..."

Xiandumu Aye murmured, his hands tightly clutching the pale bone spur on the Demon God's shoulder.

In the next instant, the witch threw herself on the ground hastily.

Not far away, the demon god who had recovered from the black-haired youth stood a little away from her and stood outside the prison.

"Think carefully about my request, Miss Xiandumu Aye."

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