The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1138

It's like a mass-produced robot.

——The rest of the numbered "Night Lord of Flame".

"I have to speed up the collection, for my "Empire of the Night"..."

Baltasaru asked the Hun ghosts nearby in a low voice.

"Has the details been investigated? The location of the next "Night Lord of Flame". "

"The incident on Gozo Island is currently in the Isogami Island, that month of the "Demon Killer" Nangong. "

The Hun ghost replied in a dry tone.

"What happened to the Scarlet Sword?" "

Baltasaru nodded.

"Then get ready to go there... It's been a long time since I landed in the Demon Zone. Order the combat troops to prepare sufficient weapons."


——Things are developing as the Demon God expects.

They will slowly and personally hand over the bodies of other "Night Bosses of Flame" to the hands of the Demon God.

Until the true Fourth Primogenitor appeared in the world.

Chapter 29 Horrible like a fairy tale, the invasion of the third primogenitor

A big event happened recently on String God Island.

The internationally renowned consortium "MAR Group" was massacred indiscriminately by magic criminals, and fourteen directors have been killed so far. The death toll of various high-level and group security forces is increasing day by day, and has reached the terrifying number of 300 people.

Xian Kamijima Commune barely blocked the news to prevent the panic from spreading among the people, but at the same time they were accompanied by the distress of being unable to investigate the murderer.

All die in sleep.

No matter how many layers of barriers are arranged and special personnel are arranged to protect it, there is no way to stop this phenomenon.

As long as you take a nap, even for a few seconds, an invisible beast will dig out the internal organs of the target and devour it. The outsiders could only helplessly watch the protector die slowly.


In a certain building of Cornerstone Gate, a middle-aged man who seemed pampered slammed the table and roared angrily.

In front of him were several MAR group directors with anxious expressions.

"Does your group still plan to keep a secret? Think carefully, it is you who are in danger of life now! After testing, it is known that no means can prevent the "killing" of the criminal. If you continue to keep silent, you will be caught by him like Slaughter like lambs! "

One of the directors was silent.

He also realized that if he didn't cooperate with Xian Kamijima's commune, not to mention the mission of the group, even he himself might not be able to live to see the sun of tomorrow.

He took out a pill and took it.

Including today, he has not closed his eyes for two whole weeks, relying on drugs to keep him awake.

The director looked at his companion who didn't dare to speak first, and sighed.

"...I understand. I will tell the truth about the situation, and I will bear the responsibility afterwards."

The middle-aged man from Xianjindao Commune snorted coldly and sat back on the chair.

"The matter started about half a month ago. We on the board of directors received a secret mission from the headquarters, and after further discussion, Director Takahashi took full power to represent us. And Director Takahashi has been out since that day, and never came back..."

"What about the mission?"

"——"The Lord of the Flames". "

The scene was silent for a moment.

None of the people sitting here are ordinary people, so naturally they wouldn't think of "the strongest vampire in the world" as a illusory rumor.

The director of MAR crossed his hands and said with a gloomy expression.

"There are signs that a certain body of "Flame Night Boss" has come to Itogami Island, and the biggest suspect in possession of this body is Nangong Nayue, a national attacking master "Gap Witch" certified by the Japanese government . Takahashi's itinerary that day also disappeared after a month of meeting Nangong... Probably, he was dead. "

"Are you trying to say that the mastermind behind this incident is Nangong Attack Magician?"

The middle-aged man frowned.

"Impossible! I am very clear about the Nangong attack magician! She will never do such a cruel thing. What benefits will she get if she takes action against the economic pillars of Xiangami Island?"

"I didn't say that the murderer was Nangong Nayue, I just told everything I knew."

The director closed his eyes.

"The rest, I don't know anything."

The middle-aged man is getting more and more headaches.

When it comes to a "National Demon Attacker", he can't just use his identity as a suspect to call the other party over to confront him. That Void Witch is not an easy talker. If there is a misunderstanding, it will add fuel to the fire in the current situation.

""Night Lord of Flame"... I remember that there was a very secret report in the past that mentioned that the Warlord Realm, the Extinct Dynasty, the Realm of Chaos, and the Three Kingdoms of the Night all participated in actions closely related to "Night Lord of Flame" , and the Huns of Nilepusey...why did such a troublesome thing fall on Itogami..."

He murmured complainingly.

The empire of the night of the three true ancestors, on that side, is an existence that Xian Kamijima can't afford.

If the "Yebo of the Flame" really existed in Itogami Island, it is conceivable that the current disaster of the MAR Group may be just an appetizer.

This is no longer something that the special zone security force and the native forces of Xianshen Island can handle.

"I understand the cause-and-effect relationship of the matter, all directors, please persevere for a while."

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows.

"I will notify the Lion King agency as soon as possible. As experts in man-made magic disasters, they should be able to help you in your current predicament...Let them handle the Nangong attacking magician as well."


The directors of MAR stand up and prepare to leave.

But the moment he walked to the door, like a fairy tale, a big furry hand stretched out from behind the door, and grabbed the director who had just spoken behind the door.

There was a momentary scream, and then the sound of bones being chewed.

Blood flowed out from the gap behind the door.

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