The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1139

Everyone present was terrified.

When the guards violently destroyed the gate with special firearms against the demons, there was nothing behind the gate except a pool of blood.

The creepy chill permeated everyone's hearts.

——The other party is no longer satisfied with taking life away in a dream.

Even with layers of vigilance, the cornerstone gates of countless magical barriers still took the lives of noble people in full view.

The middle-aged man from Xian Kamishima Commune covered his head and growled tremblingly.

"You guys, what did you provoke!?"

As the director of MAR, no one can respond to him.

The despair of death spread in their hearts.


Contrary to the panic of the high-level officials of Xian Kami Island, the daily life of Xian Kami Island is still so peaceful.

Luo Pei sat on a luxurious sofa with several manuscripts of novels in front of him. His writing style is natural and smooth, and he wrote the Cthulhu mythology without any pause, did he let out a low laugh of inspiration.

After a moment, he stopped moving.

"Why come back?"

The black-haired youth asked behind the empty back.

Somewhere, in the invisible space, there is something "something".

There was no sound, but Rope understood the inquiry of the indescribable being.

"The members of Xianjinjima Commune have heard the news, should we kill them? Well, that's it, I'll think about it..." Luo Pei tapped his chin with the pen.

"forget it."

he said.

"The point is the existence of the MAR Group, they committed the offense, and of course only they need to bear the consequences. Remember, I don't want to see you in front of me again until I kill them all. None of them Stay, let me eat it all in my stomach."

There was a rustling sound in the space.

The monster departed with the order of the Daedric, and went on to do his work, taking the humble life of the ignorant.

The gloomy feeling disappeared, and the room returned to normal.

But Luo Pei's happy creation has no way to continue.


At the door of the bedroom, the blond vampire supported the door frame with his right hand, with a sad expression on his face.

"I, I have some bad feelings..."

Aurora said intermittently.

"There is no definite basis, it's just a hunch... maybe, "they" are coming. "

"The rest of the "Night of Flame"? "


Aurora nodded worriedly.

Luo Pei smiled, walked over and hugged her easily.

"Have some confidence in yourself, Aurora, you are going to become the ruler of the "Empire of the Night", the real existence of the Fourth Primogenitor. If this expression is seen by others, it will affect your majesty. Let me do all the work of "Banquet of Flames", and you just need to sit back and enjoy its achievements. "

"But... I don't know if I can defeat the "sisters". "


Luo Pei reached out and stroked Aurora's head.

The strong, majestic substitute appeared behind Aurora.

"With this "world", even if I don't make a move, you can remain invincible. "

Aurora's expression became a little more relieved.

She buried her head in the chest of the black-haired young man, feeling a sense of care and trust that she had never felt before, and slowly closed her eyes.


Abandoned industrial area in the eastern part of Itokami Island.

It was a prosperous urban area decades ago, but with the development and expansion of Itogami Island, it was gradually abandoned and became the largest "garbage" disposal site.

A girl with long light green hair walks here.

The ruler of the "Chaos Realm", the third true ancestor known as the "Prince of Chaos".

—Garda Kukokan.

Even the MAR Group knew about the "Night of the Flame", so there's no reason she wouldn't know about it.

But this True Ancestor is different from other Electors. He did not set foot on Xianjin Island with the body of "Flame Night Boss" she possessed, but came here alone.

Compared with "Night Lord of Flame", Garda Kukokan was more concerned about the scarlet sword that hung in the sky that day full of despair.

——The power that terrified the True Ancestor.

Tell her directly that as long as she looks for the unsealed body of Gozo Island, she will definitely be able to see the real body of the Scarlet Sword.

The liveliest True Ancestor, Garda Kukokan is very interested in this.

"I haven't gone out for a long time. Has the outside world changed into this?"

The princess with light green long hair stood on the high platform, overlooking the string Kami Island in the distance.

I remember that when she left the realm of chaos last time, human beings could not build completely artificial islands on the sea.

"Sure enough, I still need to go out for a walk more. It would be bad if I was eliminated by the world..."

Jiada Kukokan chuckled lightly, falling downward like a natural falling body.

Then the figure disappeared and returned to nothingness.

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