The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1141

"However, he is the "Shifan" of the Lion King's agency, so there is nothing he can do if he is entrusted. "The Witch of the Gap" Nangong that month, right? I have heard your name, can I ask you not to resist? The kid over there also said that he just went to the prison for a short vacation..."

As he said that, Yuantangyuan's hands shone with complex magical light.

The advantage of the longevity species is reflected in this way.

Ordinary human beings may spend a lifetime studying things, but for them, they are only things that are of interest to them at a certain time. Knowledgeable and rich knowledge of magic has always been a symbol of longevity. Among them, elves are better at magic than vampires.

——The magic of space control.

Although it was not as good as Nangong's month, it was enough to unite the enchantment of the cornerstone gate, preventing her from moving in space.

"Don't let me move in space, are you presupposing that I "escape"? "

"No, I just don't want to make things more troublesome. I have captured several evil witches before. Once you are prepared, it will be really tricky..."

At some point, Yase Kenshige had escaped from the steel bridge.

Although he is a superpower, the battle between the witch and the immortal is obviously not something he can watch.

The battle between the two began with Yuan Tang Yuan as the starting point.

She easily escaped the shackles of gravity and jumped onto the steel supports above the bridge.

Then the white figure changed from one to two, forming a sword blade composed of invisible magic power, attacking Nangong Nayue.

——The technology of the Lion King mechanism sword witch.

Not only that, from the concrete floor, a skeleton warrior's familiar shattered out, stabbing Nangong Nayue with a long spear.

"The "Lock of Commandments". "

Nangong didn't move that month, and the magic equipment forged by the gods locked the skeleton warrior firmly.

Boom, boom!

Then there were two muffled sounds that broke through the air, and Yuantangyuan and her clone were sent flying.

Behind the witch, a blue and white double floated in the air.

"Steel Chain Fingers" prevented the attack of the Lion King mechanism Sword Shaman.

Nangong Nayue held the folding fan to her mouth, and smiled contemptuously.

"Is the sword wizard Fan of the Lion King agency at this level?"

Yuantangyuan frowned, and glanced at the trembling right hand after contacting the stand-in.

——The blade of invisible magic power was shattered by the opponent's fist.

"Is this your "Guardian"? Great speed and strength... At least among the witches I have fought against, there should be no one stronger than it in melee combat. "

"It's too early to be surprised."

Accompanied by these words, Yuantangyuan's eyes suddenly widened.

Her wrist, which had just been hit by the "steel chain finger", slowly bloomed as if it had been unbelievably zippered, and only a little bit was left to completely separate her right wrist.

And she herself didn't feel the slightest pain.

"This is……!?"

Yuantangyuan has never seen such a miraculous magic trick.

Not only that, but the slightest sign of magic power has not been sensed.

"Don't be surprised until you get ripped apart by my 'zipper'. The Sword Shaman of the Lion King Agency. "

"Steel Chain Finger" bypassed Nangong Nayue and flew towards Yuantangyuan at an extremely fast speed.

With superb destructive power, speed and precision, it is impossible for any existence in this world to face Nangong Nayue's "steel chain fingers".

In addition, as long as you don't pay attention, you will be completely incapacitated by the "zipper"——

Only in close combat, "Steel Chain Finger" is invincible.

Yuantangyuan was not intimidated by the abnormal appearance, she watched the "steel chain finger" calmly, and with a wave of her left hand, countless light arrows struck from all directions.

And she herself jumped up towards the rear.

Fist shadow like a storm.

The "steel chain finger" is like an impenetrable wall, receiving all of Yuantangyuan's attacks, and then crushing them with his fist.

"Within the range of "fifty meters", my avatar can appear anywhere in my sight—it's over, Yuantangyuan. "

Yuantangyuan was still thinking about how to deal with it, but the blue and white figure in front of him disappeared from sight instantly.

The next moment, it appeared in front of the elves.

What came at the same time was a bullet-like fist.


A huge sound echoed in the sky above String Kami Island.

It was not caused by Nangong that month.

The gothic loli frowned and turned her gaze in a certain direction.

The sound came from there.

The magical power that is so magnificent that people can't look directly is transpiring there.

"Could it be...!?"

She immediately retracted the substitute, lifted Yuantangyuan's space blockade within a few seconds, and moved in space.

——That was probably the magical power activated by the primordial beast.

And here on Xianshen Island, the only one who owns the True Ancestral Beast is the "Night Lord of Flame" Aurora.

Nangong couldn't sit idly by that month.

Compared with this matter, the matter of the Lion King Agency and Xian Kamishima Commune is a trivial matter.

After the witch left, the elf woman who was pierced by the "steel chain fingers" and lying on the ground changed.

She seemed to melt and turned into a piece of paper with holes.

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