The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1142

This is shikigami magic.

A method commonly used by oriental magicians.

From the shadow at the end of the bridge, the real Yuantangyuan stepped out.

At that critical moment, she used shikigami to switch her real body.

The zipper on her right hand has returned to its original shape as the witch left the range.

"Oh, my premonition came true..."

She murmured wearily.

"It's not just the 'Fourth True Ancestor' who encountered such a difficult witch on the first job. If I had known earlier, I would have given this job to someone else..."

Saying that, Yuan Tang Yuan's figure disappeared.

Although she couldn't match Nangong's space movement that month, she also used her own movement method to rush to the scene where the huge magic power was generated.

Chapter 31 "Chaos Queen" and "Flame Yebo", the irresistible stop of time

The time went back to half an hour before Nangong Nayue and Yuantangyuan fought.

After finishing today's creation, Luo Pei usually takes Aurora around the commercial street of Itogami Island.

Perhaps for the black-haired youth, it is the scenery and fun that are already tired of watching.

But not for Aurora.

Since she was born, she has been in a sleeping seal, and it was not until she was lifted by the demon god that she officially recognized the world as herself.

In Aurora's eyes, everything is so interesting.

Western clothes, dolls, games, food... She likes everything very much, and has been out in the scorching sun for it, not to mention that today's weather is very suitable for vampires.

"Ape, ice cream!"

"I see……"

Lopez sighed, and took cash out of his pocket to settle the bill.

"Aurora, you are obviously a vampire, why do you like ordinary food so much? Obviously blood is the real food for you."

"But, maybe I'm an exception?"

Aurora didn't know either.

In fact, it has nothing to do with Aurora herself. This is a small misunderstanding that Luo Pei has had for a long time.

In this world, the main food of vampires is not blood, and their diet is basically the same as that of human beings.

The behavior of "sucking blood" is just a shortcut to replenish physical strength and refresh oneself, and it is not their only means of eating.

Just like that, Aurora and Lopez slowly moved towards the Quartz Gate while chatting like usual.

Soon, the sight of the blond vampire was attracted by a scene at the corner of the street.

It was a seemingly ordinary female shop assistant, as if she was engaged in sales, standing outside the store, holding a handful of hydrogen balloons in her hand. The balloons were cute images of various pets.

Aurora's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her small hand to tug at the corner of the black-haired young man's clothes.

"Ape, can I have that?"


Luo Pei's gaze also stayed on the female shop assistant, and he narrowed his eyes.

——The spirit vision of the demon god saw the truth.

But it made no difference to him.

The black-haired young man led Aurora towards the female shop assistant, and whispered in a deep voice that even the vampires beside him could not hear.

"This really made me wait..."

After walking in, the female clerk asked with a commercial smile as if she had just noticed Aurora and Lopez.

"Little sister, do you want balloons?"

"Please give me the look of a puppy!"

"It's a pity." The female clerk seemed to be teasing Aurora, and said with a smile: "Balloons are only given away after consumption in our store. Is my little sister interested in traditional costumes? It's 20% off now?"


Aurora looked at the kimono in the window and hesitated.

She is not a bad kid who is greedy and wants everything.

Aurora is very considerate of others.

After she knew the concept of money, even though Luo Pei told her more than once that it didn't matter, Aurora still paid attention to her consumption when she went shopping.

"Then, let's forget it..."

Aurora said regretfully.

"I don't like kimonos..."

As if he couldn't stand it anymore, Lopez took the puppy-shaped balloon from the saleswoman's hand.

"We'll buy the kimono," he said, staring at the clerk's fake smile.

"However, before entering the store for consumption, can you show your true colors? Miss Vampire."

"Oh, this is the first time someone has seen through my disguise. You don't look like a human being." The female shop assistant was still smiling, showing no signs of being exposed.

Rope shrugged.

"The ever-changing appearance can't change the state of your soul. Besides, although this place is considered remote, it doesn't mean that there are not even a single person. Only this stupid vampire can't see your abnormality."

As Rope said.

In this commercial street, which is very close to the Quartz Gate, there are no passers-by except for the female shop assistant standing on the street.

——A barrier that dispels idlers.

"Is it……"

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