The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1143

The female clerk took a deep look at the black-haired youth.

"It's been a long time since I came out, I'm a little out of touch with the world... I've been taught."

Huge magic power rose up.

Aurora instinctively realized the danger, and hid behind the black-haired young man.

The magic storm that makes people vomit is softer than the breeze in Luo Pei's eyes. With a normal expression, he stroked Aurora's head to comfort her.

The disguise was removed, and a beautiful woman with light green long hair appeared in front of the two of them.

She looked at Aurora with interest, and put on an elegant tone.

"You are a little different than I have seen the "Night of Flame", is it because you have stored the "original" soul? As a body, you have too much "self" on the 12th. "

"I, I don't know what you are talking about." Aurora responded timidly.

"I am no longer number twelve, my name is Aurora Florestina..."

"Another surprise."

The third primogenitor, "Prince of Chaos" Garda Kukokan sighed.

"It would be nice if the "Night Boss of Flame" I have is half as interesting as yours... Even if the doll is exquisite, it will be boring after looking at it. "

She turned her gaze to Rope.

"You are the person associated with No. 12? You look like an ordinary human being, but you can see through my disguise at a glance. Even my children don't have such outstanding eyesight."

"The third primogenitor "Prince of Chaos". "

Rope stroked his chin.

"You don't seem to have brought your body, didn't you come to participate in the "Banquet of Flames"? "

The black-haired youth was slightly disappointed.

He thought that starting from this moment today, Aurora would be able to officially embark on the road to unity.

"Hehe." Garda Kukokan chuckled lightly, "It's rare, after seeing through my identity, I'm not afraid. I still remember those guys in North America who spied on my empire thirty years ago, after seeing my real self What does fear look like. I'm a little curious about you..."

Garda Kukokan has the confidence to do so.

One of the three true ancestors, he leads the "Chaos Realm" and envoys twenty-seven beasts.

In the hearts of ordinary people, she is the embodiment of fear, the pinnacle of human force.

Crope just felt bored.

In his eyes, the so-called True Ancestor looked just like that, maybe he didn't even reach the Flügel's martial strength in the previous world, he was just short and tall.

——The strength and weakness of the world are distinguished from such small things.

"As for the "Banquet of Flames"... To be honest, I'm not very interested in "Banquets of Flames" at all, and I even want to give the body I have to others. "

Jiada Kukokan walked up to the black-haired young man, tilted her head to let her light green long hair hang down, and looked at him with a smile.

"The main purpose of my coming to Isogami Island is because of certain things on Gozo Island... Since you are related to No. 12, you must have been in Gozo Island at that time, right? Then, you must have seen the hanging "Scarlet Sword" in the sky..." really asked the right person.

Rope complained in his heart.

How could he not know.

"Sword of Dispute" is the embodiment of his "war" divinity. At that time, in order to eradicate the "primordial" soul, it was indeed a bit grand.

"I have no reason to answer you."

Luo Pei said rather disappointedly.

"Next time, bring the rest of the "Night Lord of Flame" to appear in front of me again. If you come here alone, I will be reluctant to even talk to you now. "

Gada Kukokan widened her beautiful eyes, then bent down and laughed.

"This is really...interesting. It's been a long time since anyone said such a thing to me, and it's really the right choice to go out for a walk."

After laughing, her eyes were slightly silent.

"Is it "no reason to answer" instead of "don't know"? In other words, do you know what the true body of the "Scarlet Sword" is? "

"Aurora, let's go."

The black-haired young man turned around and took Aurora back the same way.

At the same time, he said.

"It's just a suggestion, Third True Ancestor, if I were you, I would stand there and watch the two of us leave instead of preparing to summon the beast. Even if you can know what you want to know, you can It's going to turn out to be really bad -- consequences you don't want to see."

Gada Kukokan's mouth opened, revealing vampire canines.

"It's impossible not to give you a "reward" for such a bold and pleasing behavior, the person associated with No. 12—come on! Hiute Ketori! "

The Third Primogenitor summoned her Beast.

The tyrannical magic power swept across the entire sky of String God Island in an instant, and after the roar, hundreds of magic power alarms creaked. I'm afraid that in less than ten minutes, the special zone guard against the demons will gather here.

But before that—

The ground at the feet of the Chaos Princess began to melt, and the astonishing heat rolled around her.

Immediately, a column of flames like a volcanic eruption swept towards Luo Pei and Aurora like a serpent.

The black-haired youth sighed helplessly.

Just as he casually wiped out the Beast of the True Ancestor, and taught Garda Kukokan the principles of being a vampire, Aurora's actions made him stop.

The blond vampire, the twelfth body of the fourth primogenitor stood in front of Luo Pei.

Although her expression was still timid, there was a trace of determination in her eyes.

"—"The Demon Girl's Blue Ice"! "

Aurora used her only faun.

A beast in the form of a combination of a mermaid and a demon bird, "The Ice of the Demon Princess" released a large amount of freezing air, which not only disintegrated Garda Kukokan's attack, but also coated the surrounding commercial streets with a layer of ice crystals. shell.

""The Ice of the Demon Girl"? What can you who can only control one beast! "

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