The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1144

Garda Kukokan said in a deep voice.


The appearance of the second beast instantly reversed the confrontation between freezing air and scorching heat.

In the shape of a thundercloud, the beast manipulating the thunder spit out a ball of lightning, which hit the body of "The Demon Girl's Cang Bing". Aurora felt the great loss of magic power, and her face turned pale in an instant.

She looked at Luo Pei helplessly.

The black-haired youth had no intention of making a move.

"Aurora, you stood in front of me yourself, don't be afraid, just thinking about defeating her is enough. You are bound to become the strongest vampire in the world, so you have to believe in yourself."

Like a mentor, he encouraged Aurora with expectant eyes.

"Besides, you don't just have the Beast of the Demon Girl, Cang Bing. "

He smiled and sat down on the ice crystal stone pier, propping his cheek with his right hand.

"Use it to your heart's content, that invincible "world"—"

As if Luo Pei's gesture gave Aurora courage, the blond girl's expression gradually calmed down.

She no longer uses "The Ice of the Enchantress" to hold on.

Behind her, a strong, majestic golden double emerged.

"That's... a beast?"

Garda Kukokan felt incredible.

She is familiar with all the beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, but she has never heard of it having such a humanoid beast.

And this feeling...

After a long time now, the third true ancestor felt an inexplicable threat for the first time.

"Come quickly! Sotolore!"

Jiada Kukokan didn't hold back, and summoned her third beast without hesitation.

It was a huge skeleton giant.

The empty eye sockets that lost the eyeballs, the bloody mouth, and the exposed rib gaps are all filled by the pitch-black space that does not reflect any light.

The ribs opened like a door, and the darkness filled with them shot out like cannonballs, and the pitch-black cannonballs penetrated the space endlessly.

Not to be outdone, Flame and Thunder come together.

But before these attacks approached Aurora, she had already used the ability of "World".

"The World!"

Still world, still space.

Under this "time stop" ability, everything has come to a standstill.

Only Aurora, the holder of the ability, and Rope, who controls the divinity of "Time", can maintain the activities of mind and body under the ability of "World".

Afterwards, Aurora gritted her teeth and made her first attack after waking up in the world.

"The World" pierced through the chest of "Prince of Chaos" Garda Kukokan in a static state with its incomparable fist.

Luo Pei smiled mischievously, and whispered the missing classic lines to Aurora.

"...then, time resumed its flow."

Chapter 32: The Invincible "World", the Defeat of the Third True Ancestor


The light green long-haired vampire coughed up blood, and the large hole in his chest showed the regenerative power of blood flowing backwards.

The True Ancestor is a vampire who is cursed by the gods and has the ultimate power of immortality.

Unless it is a high-dimensional attack aimed at the soul, even if the body of the true ancestor is annihilated, they can once again piece together their own body in this world.

Garda Kukokan was not surprised that she was hit.

But the twelfth "Night Boss of Flame" was able to punch through the heart without her noticing.

space move? Or is it a trick of illusion?


Gada Kukokan is a little bit special than the other True Ancestors. With the orc factor, she is not inferior in melee and martial arts to the existence that has cultivated martial arts to the extreme. As long as her intuition can perceive it, she can completely manipulate the beast to take that blow.

—but her intuition didn't call the police.

It's like a movie jumps forward, the attack is about to hit Aurora one second, and the attack of the golden humanoid double has been completed the next second.

"That beast...what the hell is it?"

Gada Kukokan no longer smiled, her expression was full of doubts.

The three beasts were recalled by her to guard their queen.

"The fourth primordial ancestor is a god-killing weapon that we conspired with the Ministry of Heaven to forge. I know all the abilities of each beast possessed by each body. I have never seen you use it in the plan. the one from..."

"My new beast, its name is "World"! "

Aurora puffed out her chest.

The attack hit Garda Kukokan, giving this timid blond vampire a lot of confidence.

"The World" floated behind Aurora, and the surging life energy even scattered the surrounding flames, just like a golden titan in the flames.


Garda Kukokan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly.

"No. Twelfth, no, Aurora Florestina. As you said, you have indeed broken free from the status of a "doll". I recognize your name at this moment... However, even if you So what if I can use another beast? "

She is the third true ancestor, an ancient vampire who led twenty-seven beasts to rule the "Chaos Realm" for thousands of years.

The opponent may have new and interesting abilities, but she doesn't think she will lose to a mere body at all.

No matter what ability it is, as long as she is more cautious...

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