The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1145

Gada Kukokan's emerald green pupils widened.

In an instant, the figure of "World" disappeared from her line of sight.

Then a huge force struck from the left cheek, while destroying her skull, it sent her flying into the nearby commercial street buildings.


Accompanied by the sound of ice crystals shattering and masonry collapsing, Garda Kukokan was hit by the attack for the second time.

"Don't be too arrogant, Garda Kukokan."

Luo Pei kept smiling, and looked playfully at the Third True Ancestor who struggled to get up from the ruins, his luxurious dress all over his body was stained red with blood.

"Aurora's 'world' is invincible. As long as you can't stand in the same arena as her, no matter what means you want to use, even if you summon all your beasts, you can only be beaten passively. "

"Interesting, it's really interesting..."

Gada Kukokan displayed the fangs of a vampire, and her emerald green eyes turned scarlet.

"Thousands of years, no one has ever been able to force me to the point where I lost my composure... The second time, I am finally sure. Aurora, your "world" has the ability to pause time, right? "

What an absurd truth.

Garda Kukokan is very clear that there are not a few people in this world who have the ability to control time. Even humans have magic books and magisters who can play with time in a subtle way. It is only normal for vampires to have some time ability. Among her beasts, there are beasts that accelerate aging and make the enemy weathered.

However, there has never been an existence that can be so unreasonable, completely disregarding many factors such as magic power, spiritual power, space, time flow, etc., just stop time simply and domineeringly.

That is beyond the basic rules of this world.

"So what if you know? Can you still move in Aurora's static world through the matter of "cognitive time stop"?" "

Rope laughed.

"Gada Kukokan, I will give you a chance to give me the "Night Lord of Flame" in your hand, and then I will let you go back and be your third true ancestor. Pretty fair deal, isn't it? "

Gada Kukokan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"I don't really care about those "dolls", but that doesn't mean I have to do what you say. Rather than this, why don't you tell me the secret of the "Scarlet Sword" and let me let you live? "


Luo Pei shook his head and ordered to Aurora.

"Aurora, continue. The persistence of this "world" is beyond your imagination. As long as the other party has not lost the ability to move, you will continue to attack her, even if she becomes a pulp. "


Aurora is very aware of the threat of the enemy, so she will not show mercy to Garda Kukokan.

The Third True Ancestor's heart tightened.

She did recognize the ability of Aurora's Beast, but this did not improve the situation at all. As long as she can't move in the time stop, she can only be passively beaten.

That being the case...

"I almost forgot when was the last time I summoned all the beasts..."

Gada Kukokan smiled ferociously.

"Even if time stops, as long as my attack target is not you, there is no way to stop or avoid it?!"

She planned to take Aurora's attack head-on with her own immortality, and then manipulate the beast to destroy the island.

Even if the large-scale destruction can be stopped in time, as long as it doesn't stop forever, there will always be a moment of outbreak.

Although Gada Kukokan hated the feeling of drowning, but there was probably no other way.

Rope's smile faded a little.

There was cold and heat in the air.

In the silent surroundings, like a confrontation between western cowboys, the two true ancestors were waiting for their chance.

Just when Aurora couldn't bear it first and was about to use the "world" to stop time again and attack Garda Kukokan, the vision happened.

From the building next to it, a "zipper" appeared, and then quickly spread to the middle of the two vampires.

Just like the dividing line drawn by the referee, the fault zone formed by the "zipper" separated Aurora and Garda Kukokan.

"That's it."

A young, majestic voice sounded.

Nangong Nayue stood at the end of the "zipper" with his folding fan against his mouth, frowning at the battlefield below.

""Prince of Chaos" Garda Kukokan, what you are doing now is a violation of the Sanctuary Treaty, as a "Chaos Realm" is a declaration of war against the neutral country Japan? "

""The Witch of the Gap" Nangong Nanyue... a national attacking magician? "

Gada Kukokan temporarily withdrew her surging magic power.

The other party's words cannot be ignored.

Her country and the United States are still in a state of war. If it triggers hostility from neutral countries, although Garda Kukokan doesn't care, the international public opinion will be very unfavorable to the "Realm of Chaos".

"Unfortunately, I am no longer a national attacking magician. I am just explaining the facts to you as a citizen..."

Nangong Nayue sighed.

Suddenly, she turned her head, frowned and looked at the position behind her.

The elf sword wizard Fan Yuantangyuan of the Lion King Agency is there.

"You didn't die..."

"My luck has always been good."

Yuan Tang Yuan said wearily.

"Please don't pay attention to me. Seeing such a big scene, let's let go of our grievances for now. The Lion King agency also doesn't want to see the "Prince of Chaos" and "Flame Yebo" fighting on Xianshen Island. True Ancestor vs. True Ancestor situation. "


At this time, a large number of special weapons equipped with special weapons against the demons, and the Special Zone Guard of Itogami Island surrounded the place.

"Remove the beast immediately! Otherwise we will attack!"

The guards aimed their guns at Aurora and Garda Kukokan

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