The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1146

The Third True Ancestor pouted.

"It seems that a happy meeting can only end here."

One of her beasts began to function, and the figure of the third primogenitor was as illusory as smoke.

——Space movement in disguise.

"I will visit again, Aurora on the twelfth, and the "Elector" on the twelfth..."

Luo Pei, who had been sitting quietly, raised his hand and moved it down gently.

Gada Kukokan felt inconceivably that her beasts had been eliminated.

Just like the space itself became the destroyer, completely repelling the beasts that dominated the space from this world and returning to the different space.

Nangong Nayue also held her breath and stared at the Demon God.

Afterwards, the voice of the black-haired youth sounded in the silent neighborhood and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Did I let you go?"

Chapter Thirty-Third: The Demon God’s Power That Even the True Ancestors Can’t Match

The black-haired youth is like an invincible god, only making his own decisions unilaterally.

On the contrary, the hearts of the true ancestors, witches, and elves present were all lifted by Luo Pei's simple sentence.

None of them knew that a certain Beast of the Third True Ancestor just now had been wiped out lightly.

Except for Nangong Nayue who knew the identity of Luo Pei, everyone else looked at Jiada Kukokan nervously, for fear that she would be angered by the black-haired youth's words and use the beast again.

Rope stood up.

He turned his head and said to the onlookers of the special zone security team.

"Get lost, this is not where you should be."

Yuantangyuan and Jiada Kukokan couldn't understand what happened at all.

There is no sense of magic and spells.

Accompanied by the arrogant order of the black-haired youth, the well-trained special zone security forces began to go back the same way as if possessed by a demon, and vacated the block in less than a moment.

The destiny of the gods is the destiny of the gods. How can mortals be allowed to disobey the orders of the gods?

Nangong anxiously moved to Luo Pei's side that month, and she asked a little worriedly as she grabbed a corner of the black-haired young man with her right hand.

"Rope, calm down, if you kill Garda Kukokan here, the "Chaos Realm" that lost the third primogenitor will collapse in an instant, and the situation of the world..."

"That Yue-chan, be a little quieter."

The witch stopped her voice, she didn't dare to continue to make the demon god's mood worse.

The black-haired young man walked towards Garda Kukokan step by step.

In the process of advancing, he revealed his real body.

The figure of the twisted evil god alternately dark blue and white.

Aurora hid behind Nangong Nayue anxiously, and the witch sighed helplessly and closed her eyes.

Yuantangyuan's eyes widened, and he looked down in horror at the street that was changing to another world.

An inexplicable sense of fear enveloped the heart of the sword shaman, Fan, stirring the mind of the Longevity Seed, which had long been calm.

……what is that?

...Is this something that should exist in the world?

Yuantangyuan can't understand, it is too difficult for ordinary people to understand.

As the main subject of the evil god's coercion, Garda Kukokan lost control of her body long ago.

For the first time in her long days since birth, she felt this way.

The thing that the primordial ancestors would fear—

It seems that in front of this demon god, everything is being trampled on, and only those who humbly lower their heads can survive and save their lives.

"'s you..."

Gada Kukokan gritted her teeth and knelt down on the ground.

"The owner of the "Scarlet Sword" on Gozo Island... No, it should be said that it is the diffusion effect of your power..."

The demon god walked in front of the light green long-haired girl, stretched out one of his four arms, and grabbed the neck of the irresistible Garda Kukokan.


"Gada Kukokan, don't treat this world as a mere playground."

The strange overlapping sound of the demon god sounded.

"Come to the door inexplicably, launch an attack inexplicably, and then leave gracefully as if the banquet is over. Do you think you are visiting your own back garden? Why don't you listen to other people's friendly warnings?"


The girl couldn't answer the demon god's question.

Her larynx and cervical vertebrae had been shattered by Luo Pei's inadvertent force, and they were still in the process of regeneration.

Gada Kukokan felt an overwhelming sense of hopelessness.

Like a human being with a spear, facing a slowly advancing, unstoppable star.

Not to mention using the beast, even barely keeping her consciousness awake is about to become a problem at this moment.

But in contrast, Garda Kukokan experienced a strange excitement, a sense of exaltation that even "God of Blame" Cain could not bring.

With this complicated feeling, the girl's mind was almost blurred.


The Demon God let go of the Third Primogenitor's neck, causing her to fall to the ground.


Jiada Kukokan spit out two mouthfuls of blood, and the regenerative ability has rebuilt the position on her hand.

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