The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1209

The black-haired young man glanced at Hastur next to him, and the soft expression of the blond girl seemed to ask "Are you satisfied with the gift?"

It's true that the heavier the gift, the more headache...

Without giving Lopez any time to think about the extravagant troubles, Kwache Utaus scratched his messy long hair, and just sat down on the dust.

"What are you going to get from me?"

"...are you going to start here?"


Kwache Utaos tilted his head in doubt.

"Hastuna summoned me to the inside of this world, where else can I go?"

Rope understood instantly.

For this "walker", there is no difference of location at all.

There are only two vague concepts of "inside the world" and "outside the world" that may fall into the eyes of Kwache Utaos.

The gods who manipulate the passage of time are most aware of the fragility and meaninglessness of matter, so Kwache Utaus has long ignored these false things, and even her summoning ceremony can only be done by chanting a few prayers No, there is no need to prepare cumbersome sacrifices like other Old Ones.

"I see."

After understanding, Luo Pei is no longer hypocritical.

This is a gift and answer about power, and everything else is fine.

Hastur quietly played with the small fan in his hand.

The black-haired young man sorted out his thoughts a little, and then spoke.

"His Majesty Kwache Utaus, I would like to ask you to answer the details about the divinity of "Time". "

He spread his palm, and a gray halo appeared in his palm.

Kwache Utaos narrowed his lifeless eyes slightly.

"...the smell of Yog Sothoth."

"Exactly." Rope nodded.

"During previous trials, I had wiped out the Priest of Death of Azaccalon, and obtained the divinity of "time" from him. Although I have studied it with all my heart, I think I will have a deeper understanding of "time" if I can receive guidance from a great person like you. "

"Azakalon? Oh, the second son of the snake like me, what a long enough name... Remember that many times before the standard time of the multiverse, it was born because of Nyarlathotep and Yog Sothoth's relationship died in Serika, the Gobi Field... Was it at that time that Yog Sothoth's divinity was torn off... an incomprehensible war..."

Kwache Utaos' words were a bit long-winded.

He clearly has a youthful appearance, but he looks like an aged and weather-beaten person.

Luo Pei was not in a hurry or surprised.

The evil god who manipulates time, Kwache Utaus's own concept of time has long been confused to the point of disarray.

After talking to herself for a long time, the thin girl brought the conversation back to Luo Pei's question.

"The divine understanding of "time"... Do you think that "time" is something that must exist? "

"Isn't it natural?"

Rope frowned.

"Everything is placed in it, even the immortals and those who live high in the sky can feel the existence of "time" from the humble things. "

"Yes, you can think so..."

Kwache Utaos said flatly.

She picked up a handful of dust in her palm and let it flow down between her fingers.

"But if you want to go further, you'd better extend your thinking to the upper level."

"Please clarify."

""Time" is not something that necessarily exists. It has an end, a beginning, a cycle, and chaos. When it rises as a whole, it will become both existing and non-existent, and even beyond the two. state. "

Kwache Utaos frowned.

"The limitations of this language are too great, I can't even describe it clearly..."

"Lopei can't understand your ancient language." Hastur said with a smile: "Even I am very reluctant now, you'd better keep up with the times."

"Forget it, let him experience it for himself."

Kwache Utaos stretched his thin palm forward.

This is a quite famous sacred gesture of the "walker".

Rumor has it that any existence or object touched by Kwache Utaos' hand stretched straight ahead will instantly decay and collapse. As long as there is a heart, even hazy concepts cannot escape the palm of this great god.

But Rope didn't panic at all.

He closed his eyes calmly, feeling the flickering light in his soul, the power of Kwache Utaos.

Wide open, his "eyes" opened.

Then, he saw it again.

It is so abstract that it cannot be described in words at all, the trace of time passing by.

What is vast is chaos, and what restrains chaos is order.

In the beginning, there was no Dao, no reason, nothing, the empty "nothingness", naturally there could be no "time".

Rope's "time" divinity began to rise as if stimulated.

It is more esoteric than that recorded in the "Kanamangos Testament", and it is closely related to the knowledge of Yog Sothoth, the "one who returns all things" but has a slightly different cognition.

This is the divine knowledge possessed by the ancient god of dry time, Kwache Utaus!

Chapter 69 Sublimation of the Demigod, the Love of the King in Yellow

Kwache Utaus' straightforward and unsparing character directly showed what Luo Pei wanted in front of his eyes.

But this evil god is not completely without common sense.

She knew very well that the summoner was a "half-god", not an evil god of the same level or a lower level, so she didn't instill in Rope any secrets beyond what her own soul could contain.

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