The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1210

If you do that, it's not a "blessing" but a "curse" that intends to destroy.

Macroscopic and microscopic observations are going on at the same time.

Faced with this nectar-like knowledge, Luo Pei was fascinated.

Nothing is more true than this in the multiverse.

It is the beginning, it is the end, it runs through everything, and it is also the cornerstone that carries everything.

Without it in the multiverse, the existence of beings would be meaningless. But it is also because of its existence that all things are going to the end that is more lonely than death.

- "The Power of Time".

Indulging in knowledge, Luo Pei's body gradually changed.

The dark blue Demon God's body began to appear, and the huge sense of glory instantly made all the power holders in the world look up in amazement, but because the time was too short, people had to mistakenly think it was just their own illusion.

"Since you said it was a vacation, you probably don't want to make a fuss..."

Hastur smiled and raised a finger, suppressing the momentum that Rope was spreading in the narrow theater.

The King in Yellow is one of the "Four Elements", a high-ranking evil god. Hastur doesn't need much strength to do this kind of thing, and this little thing is easy for her.

"Strange, Hastuna, when did you start caring about the ants in this world?"

Kwache Utaus was surprised by Hastur's behavior.

If the benevolent face of "All into one" Yog Sothoth incarnates as "Primeval Eternal" Tawil Yat Umr to do this kind of thing, she can still understand, after all, the benevolent face of the great god Avatars have always been kind to humans and mortals alike.

But Hastur, the "lord of the deep space star sea", can't get along with the word benevolence.

The master of the wind of sickness, she is already in a state of gratitude if she can not drink the pain and whine of all things.

"I didn't care, in fact they didn't even deserve to be in my sight."

The blond girl fanned the folding fan lightly, and said slowly.

"But this is the expectation of the most beloved caller, and I am only responding to his expectation."

"Your state of mind is much worse than it used to be."

Kwache Utaos shook his head.

"I'm getting old too, I can't keep up with you..."

"Don't say such things about the gods who rule over decay. According to the age of birth, you are older than me, Kwache Utaus."

"'Time'...a boring topic..."

The two evil gods ended their meaningless conversation, and turned their eyes back to the young demigod.

——The body of the dark blue demon god is changing.

No, or "sublimation" is more appropriate.

Rope's divinity of time is sublimated in understanding.

His tentacles are extending, and the pale bone horns on his shoulders are sharper. The four slender arms split from the elbows seem to be etched with some unknown ancient runes, and every gesture has the power to manipulate the flow of time.

"Yog Sothoth's divinity really gave this chosen one a good starting point."

Kwache Utaos said.

"Even I need to look up to the One Who Returns All Things... Its power is probably only inferior to the snake and the source of us, Azathoth, the leader of all demons."

"I don't think Yog-Sothoth will be under the snake."

Hastur showed a look of obvious disgust.

"The snake occupies all favorable conditions. Chaos turns to order, and order turns to chaos. This is the inevitable path. It is just a sad puppet advancing along the path."

"It's too subjective, Hastuna. Has the displeasure of being imprisoned disturbed your ability to judge from a third perspective?"

"Hmph. Although the thing I want to do most now is to take the Chosen to drown in the bottom of Lake Harry, but if I am given another chance, I will not let those nasty bastards continue to stand on top of us. Show off your strength."

"Eternal confrontation, eternal war, how long will you guys continue..."

Kwache Utaos sighed helplessly.

"I'm tired of just looking at it. It's thanks to you that you can still retain strong hatred in such a long seal."

"This is a difference of opinion. I don't want to argue with you, Kwache Utaus."

"Me too."

The conversation between the two evil gods fell silent, and Rope's "sublimation" was coming to an end. Even if Hastur was not used to calm down the power around him, it gradually shifted towards stability.

"Hastuna, the next thing is a reminder from an old friend."

Kwache Utaos said.

"Give up your unrealistic ideas. There are too many beings staring at this Chosen One, and your greed and selfishness can't be realized."

Some people may wonder, how can Hastur be called "selfish" after doing so many things for Rope?

Quite the opposite.

This is the greatest selfishness of the king in yellow, the lord of the deep space star sea.

The kindness is for the sake of repayment, and Hasta is using sincerity to erode Rope's concept, trying to let Rope do it himself to isolate everything and return to her embrace.

The blond beauty stopped shaking her fan, and stared at Kwache Utaos with gloomy eyes.

"What should I do, shouldn't you teach me?"

"I have observed the spiritual consciousness of the chosen one, he will not be caught by your sweetness."

"Shut up!"

An ominous wind is blowing in the opera house.

In this frantic sickness, Kwache Utaos was unmoved at all.

Perhaps Hastur occupies one of the "four elements" and has a lofty status, but in terms of strength alone, Kwache Utaus is no weaker than Hastur.

None of the gods related to "time" is weak.

"I am talking too much."

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