The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1233

The girl frowned slightly and looked at the exit in front of her, and immediately changed her way of moving, jumping up along the landing between the floors to the top of the building.

Several cold lights hit Misaki Kiriha as she stood firm.


Putting down the guitar case that was blocking the metal arrow, Misaki Kiriha said while vigilant about the surroundings, using the aggressive method deliberately.

"How long will you be a hide-and-seek rat? Judging by the way you attack, you shouldn't be an unknown person, right?"

"Hmph, all the brats recently have pretty good skills, seeing you guys really give me the illusion that I'm getting old..."

From the air at the edge, a figure emerged from nothing.

The pure white robe and hood are full of the smell of this spell.

"The six-bladed devil attack officer of the Taishi Bureau, the "black sword shaman" Misaki Kiriha. It took us a lot of effort to find your information, and the Taishi Bureau's gang kept a close watch on the identities of you direct executors. "

"Oh? Knowing that I am the Demon Attack Officer of the Taishi Bureau, you still dare to appear in front of me. Are you stupid, or do you have the confidence to take me down?"

Misaki Kiriha tore off the cloth bag outside the guitar case, and opened the lock.

"—— Demon Race."

In front of the sword shaman's vision, the occlusion of external objects has no effect at all.

The white robe lifted her hood, revealing her elf appearance.

"As expected of the Demon Race Special Zone, I saw something rare again."

Misaki Kiriha laughed and lowered her body.

"Why did you attack me, and how did you get my information from the Taishi Bureau? I will ask you clearly after I arrest you."

The girl's character is far more aggressive than her appearance.

After the enemy stopped hiding, Misaki Kiriha had only one thing in mind.

That is to defeat the opponent!

Running and leaping to the side, the girl held the guitar case in her left hand, the spell power gathered in her right hand, and her whole body burst into a brocade-like aura.

"Fire Thunder!"

The technique practiced by the sword shaman, the "Fire Thunder" in the "Eight Thunder God Technique", compresses the mana power into a high-density form, and shoots it like a bullet. Unprepared people may even be pierced through a hole.

But the elf woman didn't hide, and there was a mocking smile in her eyes.

Misaki Kiriha's heart rang alarm bells, and without caring to confirm the effectiveness of his attack, he twisted his body forcefully in mid-air.

—her hunch was right.

"Huo Lei" was violently dismantled.

And still use the same method, the same "Eight Thunder God Method".

Misaki Kiriha frowned.

"Who are you……"

"It's been a long time since anyone dared to attack me with the Eight Thunder God Technique in front of me."

Yuantangyuan shook his shoulders and smiled helplessly.

"When I saw you, I remembered that when I was training with the two brats, if Himeragi would use "Fire Thunder", at least I would be able to bypass my first counterattack, and you are still far behind in the eight thunder gods. "


The attack was disintegrated, but Misaki Kiriha put away her stance to continue the attack.

She looked at Yuantangyuan in disbelief, and asked uncertainly.

"...Are you also a sword witch?"

No, not only that.

Even if they are both sword shamans, only the Lion King Agency and the Taishi Bureau can use the "Eight Thunder Gods".

Misaki Kiriha had never heard of the existence of the Elven Sword Shaman in the Taishi Bureau.

So to say……

"Are you the magician of the Lion King Agency?"

"The mind is still bright."

"Why would the magician of the Lion King Agency attack me as the Taishi Bureau?"

Misaki Kiriha asked scoldingly.

"The conflict between us and you is nothing more than a political disagreement. Are you not afraid of causing an internal war if you use force in private for this kind of thing?"


Yuantangyuan pulled a sarcastic smile.

"It's very simple - you have crossed the line. The situation in the local area of ​​the Taishi Bureau is being negotiated by the highest-ranking commander of the Lion King's agency, the "Three Sages", and you who have arrived at Itogami Island will be subdued by me and temporarily detained. Give up your mission, this artificial island is no longer something that can be moved casually. "

"Don't even give an explanation, and you expect me to be caught obediently? Are all the attacking magicians of the Lion King agency so arrogant? The reason why I am on this artificial island is not that the Lion King agency is against the "Holy Annihilation" and "The Devil" Hidden altar" inaction? "

The guitar case was opened by Misaki Kiriha.

A strange spear was held in her hand.

A two-pronged gun split at the tip like a tuning fork.

——"Double B-type curse-mounted double-pronged gun".

In terms of quality, it is completely inferior to Himeragi Yukina's "Yukia Wolf", and even Kosaka Sayaka's "Kohualin", but this double-pronged gun is indeed the most suitable weapon for Misaki Kiriha.

"I remembered, your identity."

Misaki Kiriha narrowed her eyes and said.

"Acquainted with information from Yin Yang Liao, there is a mysterious longevity species in the Lion King Agency who takes up the post of "Sword Wizard Fan". No wonder you are so proficient in the "Eight Thunder God Technique", it seems that it is thanks to your age. "

"...Little ghost, if the mouth is too poisonous, it will be sewn shut."

"Then, Lord Fan, the sword wizard, can come and try it."

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