The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1234

Striving to be strong and eager to win, even if the opponent is the sword wizard Fan of the immortal species, he will not show weakness.

Under the Yamato Nadeko-like appearance, Misaki Kiriha has a rather strong personality.

The smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Yuan Tangyuan guessed the real purpose of the spear in the opponent's hand, even though she lived for a long time, she did not despise Misaki Kiriha who is in charge of "Six Blades".

The black-haired girl was desperately thinking about how to win the victory from a sword shaman.

Just when Misaki Kiriha was about to lose her temper, along with the wind, a paper shikigami bird floated over.

Yuantangyuan reached out to catch it, and opened it in front of the black-haired girl.

Afterwards, Misaki Kiriha keenly noticed that the elf woman's expression, which had hardly changed since she appeared, appeared flustered and dignified for the first time.

"...The partner you Taishi Bureau chose to cooperate with should be Jiusuki Happy Enterprise, right? The sponsor of the "Azure Paradise". "

Yuantangyuan put away the letter and said with a sigh.

"Little ghost, for the sake of the same root and origin as attacking magicians, I advise you to put down the weapon in your hand and follow me, otherwise Taishi Bureau and you will really face infinite and terrifying danger. No, maybe Taishi Bureau Maybe the Bureau has already entered that blacklist, but your life is still negotiable..."

Misaki Kiriha couldn't understand Endou En's inexplicable words.

"I reject!"

"Is it……"

Contrary to what the black-haired girl imagined, the elf didn't attack, but gave her a sympathetic look.

"Maybe it's for fun, maybe it's for fun. That adult has already intervened in this incident, and the actions of the Lion King agency will come to an end here. The choice is yours to make, then bear the chain reaction after it yourself. Don't Blame us for treating you as abandoned children, the same as your policy of action, the Lion King Agency will do anything for the safety of the world..."

Afterwards, Yuantangyuan disappeared into the air like an ink painting.

The breath disappeared, Misaki Kiriha put away the double-pronged gun in a daze.

It was a certainty that the plan was known by the Lion King agency, but the black-haired girl didn't understand what was hidden behind Yuantangyuan's words.

Azure Paradise, Jiusugi Happy Enterprise...

A bad feeling rose in Misaki Kiriha's heart.

She didn't intend to delay for a moment, turned around and immediately rushed to the headquarters of Jiusuki Happy Enterprise in "Blue Paradise".

Chapter 82: A Bridge to Hell

Blue Elysium, as can be seen from the name, is not a serious place like a research institute or a secret area.

As the surrounding artificial islands added to Xiangami Island, Azure Paradise is a large-scale amusement facility integrating an amusement park, a high-end hotel, a monster garden, and nine different swimming pools. It is also one of the main selling points of Xiangami Island after it is gradually opened in the future.

Its investor is Kusuki Happy Enterprise.

And in the depths of the "Warcraft Garden" in Azure Paradise, the core of the Leviathan plan, the world's strongest nightmare is guarded there.

Yes, care, not incarceration.

As far as Misaki Kiriha knows, the nightmare girl was not captured by force, and even Kusuki Happy Enterprise didn't offer a price, so she walked into the equipment very cooperatively, and the only request was to end it forever own life.

Logically speaking, the Garden of Warcraft is the least likely place in the plan where there will be accidents.

With a large number of private guards, hired magicians and magicians, and a high-tech self-defense system, even if Misaki Kiriha wanted to break into it, it would be as difficult as climbing the sky.

But what Endo Yuan said made Misaki Kiriha feel uneasy from the bottom of her heart.

——As if something big had happened.

Sitting on the express yacht of Jiusugi Happy Enterprise, the black-haired girl slightly lowered her head in thought, and the guitar case storing the double B-type curse-mounted double-pronged gun was at hand.

""That lord"... Can a sword shaman fan be called "my lord", referring to the rumored "Night Lord of Flame" hidden in Itogami Island..."

"Your Excellency Gongmo Officer, what are you talking about?"

Standing beside Misaki Kiriha, the staff of Kusuki Enterprises asked doubtfully.

The dark-haired girl shook her head.

"Nothing. Didn't anything happen to Kusuki Happy Enterprise in these two days? Especially about the "Garden of Magical Beasts"..."


The staff scratched their faces in embarrassment.

"Even if you ask me that, I'm just a peripheral person in charge of reception. If I hadn't been ordered to wait for you on the shore, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to go to Azure Paradise once in half a month. It seems that there was some failure in the communication equipment before, and there is no way to contact the company..."

Naturally, it is impossible for the little guy to know the biggest secret of Kusuki Enterprise, and Misaki Kiriha also realized that he asked a stupid question.

She stopped asking, closed her eyes and said.

"Tell the yacht's driver to drive faster, I need to reach the "Blue Paradise" within ten minutes. "


"Azure Paradise" is 18 kilometers away from the main island of Itogami Island, and it will take 20 minutes at the speed of a dedicated shuttle boat.

But at the request of Misaki Kiriha, the yacht arrived at the destination within fifteen minutes.

The black-haired girl stepped on the land of the amusement park, and all kinds of luxurious facilities greeted her eyes.

Because it has not yet been officially opened, except for the staff and construction team in preparation, there are no tourists at all.

Following the road on the map, Misaki Kiriha went straight to the depths of the "Warcraft Garden", where the Kusuki Corporate Headquarters complex is located.

— a little weird.

Not only were the monsters in the water tanks gone, but there were no guards or guards at the gate of the headquarters. It was as quiet as a ghost land.

Misaki Kiriha stopped suddenly, squatted down, and touched the dry blood on the ground.

Because of the tropical climate, no matter what moisture it dries up quickly, the girl couldn't tell when the blood stains were.

But one thing is for sure.

Her ominous premonition came true.

It's not an organization of the Lion King. After all, they are two organizations with the same root and the same origin, and their political differences are not enough to bring bloody force to a huge capital enterprise.

Misaki Kiriha took the double-pronged gun out of the guitar case, and cautiously stepped into the building of the head office of Kusuki Enterprise.

Empty halls, empty floors.

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