The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1235

As the black-haired girl moved forward, the blood stains became more and more dense.

At this time, Misaki Kiriha could judge that the incident happened within about two hours.

When the girl came to the real core and opened the automatic door with the identity card given by Jiuxumu Enterprise, the scene in front of her made her pupils shrink for a moment.

That is Shura Hell.

The long tunnel was stained red with blood.

The strong smell of blood in the air made people want to vomit. The guards wearing expensive anti-demon equipment, their limbs were scattered randomly, as if they were quickly cut off by a big blade.

Misaki Kiriha was promoted from a trainee sword shaman to the "Six Blades" of the Taishi Bureau at the age of eleven, and she has performed many tasks in the past six years.

But never has it been as cruel and chilling as it is in front of you.

Walking in the middle of these corpses, every step the black-haired girl took was like stepping on the blood pool hell on the thirteenth floor of hell.

Enduring discomfort and walking through the passage and the external area, Misaki Kiriha found that some automatic doors made of high-hardness alloy had been violently opened.

Following this clue, she came to the headquarters of Jiusugi Enterprise, which is also the reception hall where the president of the enterprise uses to show the strength of the group.

Immediately, Misaki Kiriha saw two figures, a man and a woman.

With her back facing her, the woman has long golden hair and is stylishly dressed.

The young man seemed to be talking to the woman, but he stopped talking after noticing Misaki Kiriha's arrival.

The girl recognized the young man in front of her.

In the apartment building two days ago, she had a chance encounter with him. It was also the culprit that made Misaki Kiriha rest for a whole day.

"Huh? Isn't this Ms. Misaki?"

While smiling, Luo Pei threw away the "garbage" in his hands.

That was the president of Kusuki Enterprises, who personally picked her up when Misaki Kiriha arrived two days ago.

But at this moment, Chairman Kusuki has become non-renewable garbage, wreckage.

— corpses with half their bodies missing.

"Are you also visiting this amusement park? I'm sorry, I let you see a bad scene. Now this company is in a commercial dispute, and it doesn't look like it can receive you. Well, in short, they have what we want Yes, and they are not going to listen to us..."


The blond girl spoke.

"I'll go to that succubus first, and I'll help you clean up the rubbish along the way, and then I'll take her home, come back as soon as you're done playing."

"Your Majesty Hastur, you are really cruel..."

"The lowly people were fortunate enough to see my coming, and they dared to take up arms against me. I gave them a clean death for the sake of your "holiday words". "

Hastur straightened his long golden hair and continued.

"In the final analysis, I will come with you today except for being boring. You said that the succubus can make the cute pet I want run over by itself. I don't need to go to the bottom of the sea to catch it myself. Don't complain about the details."

"That's true, but don't scare that succubus elementary school student? I'm looking forward to her."

"When did I not allow your request?"

As soon as the blond girl finished speaking, she disappeared into the hall.

Misaki Kiriha didn't catch the opponent's movement at all, and didn't even sense the use of magic and spells, as if the opponent just walked away.

"……who are you?"

Misaki Kiriha took the double-pronged gun out of the guitar case and held it in her palm.

The black-haired young man in a luxurious suit scratched his cheek, walked towards Misaki Kiriha with a smile on his face.

As if frightened, the girl took a step back and shouted sharply.

"Don't keep coming closer!"

"You've passed the age of playing with toys, so don't hold on to them all the time."

The black-haired young man came to Misaki Kiriha's side like a space turn, and took the double-pronged gun in her hand lightly.

Snatching a weapon from a swordsman without him even realizing it.

This behavior alone made Misaki Kiriha feel unbelievable.

Afterwards, the black-haired young man broke her cherished two-pronged gun into two pieces like breaking a popsicle, which really answered the young man's words about the toy.

...Different from the elves just now, it is impossible to judge at all.

……will die.

The overflowing fear of that day reappeared in her heart, Misaki Kiriha froze there, and the horror of death stared at her like an abyss.

"Your Taishi Bureau probably wants to use Leviathan to destroy Xianshen Island, the altar of Cain established by the secret Saint Annihilation faction, as an organization to protect the safety of the world. Although your ideas are a bit radical, it is reasonable to say that there is nothing wrong with it. .But unfortunately, the island now has an owner."

Luo Pei held the shoulders of the long black girl who was sluggish in place, and walked slowly towards the seat.

"Before I pursue your crimes and talk to Ms. Feizaki about the details, you should change your position first—the mission of the Taishi Bureau has ended at this moment."

Misaki Kiriha swallowed her saliva.

The black-haired young man's fingers were like the scythe of death, one by one gently resting on her smooth neck.

Fear reached its strongest peak.

Chapter 83 Chains and Slaves, Misaki Kiriha Raised by the Demon God

In the spacious and elegant reception hall of Jiusuki Enterprise, Misaki Kiriha is in the worst situation in her seventeen years of life.

The straight black girl sat on a chair, leaning slightly on Luo Pei's shoulder.

If you look carefully, you will find that this is not the girl's voluntary behavior. The young man's right hand gently rests on Misaki Kiriha's neck. Although there is no murderous look, it exudes an atmosphere of "I will break your neck if you dare to move around".

——Death is at your side.

Misaki Kiriha even hallucinated the chirping of carrion vultures circling in the sky.

This kind of battle, even if she has rich combat experience and high psychological quality, she can't resist the endless fear from her heart.

Laying flat on her lap, the girl's hands trembled.

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