The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1236

"Did the Taishi Bureau only send you to Xianshen Island?"

"...I-I don't know."

Misaki Kiriha turned her head stiffly, looking up at Luo Pei's handsome profile.

"The Kusuki Happy Enterprise has been disintegrated, so my mission as a "Six Blades" attacking magician is over here... Whether it is about "Lilith" or your actions, I will not intervene... I very much hope that you will spare my life. "

Not all fighters are desperate.

When witnessing a towering mountain that cannot be reached, as long as the mind is still normal, it will not have the ambition to "destroy it", and more people will choose to escape.

Misaki Kiriha's mind is normal.

She was only seventeen years old, and she had a lot of youth waiting for her to enjoy. Naturally, she didn't want to die in this kind of place for no reason, and she didn't even know who killed her.

"In other words, the Taishi Bureau is still in a state of disagreement, and you are one of the executors of the orders issued by the radical faction, a role like a pawn."

Luo Pei smiled and put his finger on the chin of the long black beauty, lifted it frivolously and admired the girl's slightly frightened face.

"Don't be so afraid, I didn't intend to take your life. We just need to chat leisurely now, and then I will put you back... After all, you are the "Six Blades" of the Taishi Bureau, and I don't want to be with you either. The secret service has completely ripped off its face..."



Misaki Kiriha breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she could calm down, Luo Pei's face was pressed to a very dangerous distance, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"...just kidding."



Lopez shook his shoulders, very happy with Misaki Kiriha's reaction.

"Maybe they don't know what happened on Xiangami Island. It's understandable, but what does that have to do with me? What I saw is that the Taishi Bureau reached out and started to destroy Xiangami Island. Miss Feizaki, I am not kind enough to allow ants to trample on my back garden at will..."

"Let go" exists only in rare cases in the dictionary of evil worshiping demigods.

The behavior of Taishi Bureau obviously does not meet the "very rare circumstances".

Worrying about the boredom after writing a story and having nowhere to go, the Taishi Bureau is like giving pillows when you doze off, it is very suitable for satisfying the desire to kill in your heart.


Misaki Kiriha really wanted to say something at this moment, telling the young people in front of her not to underestimate the Taishi Bureau, but she wasn't that stupid yet.

Life is still in the hands of others, and if you try to die, you will really die.

——Life is a precious thing that comes only once.

It may be that the fear has exceeded a certain limit, but gradually, Misaki Kiriha's heart calmed down instead.

She was thinking, thinking about the identity of the young man, and why he was able to possess such power, and slaughtered a magic capital enterprise in less than three hours. Who exactly was his identity.

The fourth primogenitor?

No, it's not a human, but it's definitely not a vampire...

Misaki Kiriha was puzzled, the lack of information made her thinking stuck.

Luo Pei finally let go of his fingers on the girl's neck, and stood up from the seat.

"However, I'm not joking when I say I didn't intend to kill you. You are very much to my liking, and this condition alone is enough to save your life... Oh, I'm sorry for breaking your spear, that kind of It's better not to hold the trash like a baby, I feel sorry for you even after seeing it."

Confused questions filled Misaki Kiriha's mind, but she didn't let go of any words from the black-haired youth.

Holding her right wrist, a very insecure girl asked.

"So... can I get out of here now?"

"No. When did I say you can leave?"

"Aren't you going to spare my life..."

"Just because I don't kill you doesn't mean you can leave. His Majesty Hastur is planning to capture Leviathan as a pet. This incident gave me inspiration. You should also be my pet."

Before Misaki Kiriha could react to the word "pet", a huge force came from her neck, pulling the girl from the chair to the ground.


At some point, a collar appeared around Misaki Kiriha's neck.

Crimson, etched with unknown words.

Above the collar, a silver chain stretched out, held in the hands of the black-haired young man.

"Stop joking! How can I become... the pet of a baffling guy like you!"

Misaki Kiriha gritted her teeth, trying to use the "Eight Thunder God Technique" to break the thin chain.

But she soon discovered that the body's magic power was not in control at all.

It was as if she was not a demon attack officer of "Six Blades", but a frail girl.

Luo Pei admired with great interest the appearance of the black-haired girl desperately resisting the pull.

With his strength, even with simple wrist strength, he can easily drag a warship, let alone a girl who weighs only a few kilograms.

No matter how hard Misaki Kiriha struggled, she was pulled to the feet of the black-haired youth.

Crouching down, Luo Pei looked at the girl's cheeks with obvious anger overwhelming fear, and said softly.

"Miss Misaki, you'd better cooperate. If you and I met in an ordinary way, like that month, like La Folia, I might still be able to maintain some tenderness. But in this situation, tenderness Things are unnecessary, and my tolerance is very limited. You don't want me to drag you all the way home, do you? In that case, your delicate skin will suffer..."

Misaki Kiriha kept telling herself not to be overwhelmed by fear, but to resist with anger.

However, when the girl saw those azure blue pupils again, the courage she had just raised dissipated like the wind.

——This is the fear of biological instinct.

Misaki Kiriha stopped struggling, and lay down on the floor in a daze with blank eyes. Luo Pei nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, that's right. Don't make me feel impatient is the biggest secret to getting along with me."

The long and straight girl in black slowly got up from the ground, with her head bowed.

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