The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1237

"...My strength is far inferior to yours. The victor naturally has the qualifications to deal with the prey. But at least you can tell me who you are, and how did the Taishi Bureau conflict with you?"

The reality is in front of you, and struggling is useless.

But this doesn't mean that Misaki Kiriha is so willing to be raised as a pet by the young man in front of her, as a slave.

Girls need information.

Intelligence is the best way to judge the situation.

Only by knowing the cause and effect, and the truth hidden behind the mist, can she re-plan everything and escape from the hands of the extremely powerful young man.

"Huh? Didn't I introduce myself?"

Luo Pei thought for a while, and it seemed that he had never introduced himself to Misaki Kiriha.

The black-haired youth laughed.

"That's really rude, Misaki-san. You can call me Rope or Master, whatever you want. By the way, I would like to remind you that if you use the latter, your life will be easier in the future."


It's like saying nothing.

Apart from knowing the name, Misaki Kiriha is still at a loss.

The girl glanced at Luo Pei complicatedly, pulled the chain around her neck and chose to remain silent.

Going out for a trip not only satisfied Hasta, but Lopez also caught his favorite "pet". This trip to the blue paradise was more rewarding than he imagined.

It is estimated that the entire Kusuki Happy Enterprise has been almost killed by Hasta, and the magic power of the nightmare in Rope's perception has disappeared. He presumably has been brought home by Hasta, so he naturally does not intend to stay in this place.

Taking out a phone from his jacket pocket, Rope dialed Himeragi Yukina's number.

"Master Luo Pei, what can I do for you?"

There was some noise on the other end of the phone, probably at school.

"Are you still in school? Sorry, I seem to have disturbed you."

Rope smiled casually.

"But I still have to trouble Yukina to do one thing, just use Shikigami."

"Yes, please tell me." The girl replied honestly.

"Let Xian Guyong come to see me."

Chapter 84: Succubus Pupil's Delusion Runaway

Nightmare, in this world, is a demon race that is equated with succubus.

They are rare, but not as rare as elves. Although the magic power is outstanding, it is far inferior to the vampire who dominates the world.

The physical ability is not as good as that of an orc, the learning ability is not as good as that of an artificial life body, and the adaptability of magic is not as good as that of a witch...

For such a race, the only thing worthy of praise for the nightmares is their innate ability of "spiritual charm".

But unfortunately, for most nightmares, this ability is not so much a gift from heaven as a curse.

The outstanding appearance can underestimate the charm of the captive demons. When there is no strength to defend this feature, the nightmares naturally become the "prey" sought after by everyone.

Before the Middle Ages, both the great nobles of humans and the vampires of the old generation were proud of owning a nightmare. It was not until the modern human rights bill was placed on the international table that arresting nightmares became illegal, and this situation gradually returned to zero.

However, the cognition accumulated over the years cannot be offset by a piece of law.

Just as humans are still afraid of demons such as vampires and orcs, the public still has "colored glasses" on nightmares.

While guarding against their charming ability, they can't help but look at the nightmare with the most obscene gaze, and add all kinds of malicious slander to them.

Eguchi Yutomi grew up in such an environment.

In the first few years after his birth, Yuto Eguchi had a happy family. Loving her mother and protecting her father, these are unforgettable memories of Yuhito Eguchi.

After the appearance of her nightmare trait, it was over.

The strongest existence of the Nightmare Clan, the power of the constantly reincarnated "Lilith", completely turned Eguchi Yutomi into an existence other than human beings.

Father and mother were afraid of Eguchi, and it took only two short years from the initial fear to violence. Classmates spread rumors and bullying, causing her to lose her foothold at school.

These are too heavy for a girl who is still in primary school.

Of course, Yuto Eguchi couldn't bear it, so she chose to escape, and escaped from the painful environment.

Fortunately, God is still taking care of this poor girl.

She didn't go through a wandering life, and was discovered by Jiusuki Enterprise within a very short time after she ran away from home, and was adopted by President Jiusuki, who was fanatical about Warcraft environmentalism.

Eguchi Yutomi knew very well that the other party was taking advantage of her characteristics, but she still cooperated very well. Because she has nowhere to go except Jiusuki Enterprise.

—Lonely and hopeless.

In the cold research institute, Eguchi Yutomi's last wish was to have Kusuki Corporation use technology to kill her completely, to end the cursed reincarnation of "Lilith", and not to let other girls in the world... Children bear their own doom.

To this day—

The slight wailing from outside the door made Yutomi Eguchi, who was curled up in the training room, look up.

For a moment, Nightmare's pupils shrank.

The alloy protective door disappeared out of thin air, and a beautiful blonde girl stood there, staring at her casually.

The girl's right hand is not a human right hand, it looks like the brown tentacles of an octopus with a bloody heart wrapped around it.

The blond girl swallowed her heart in one gulp, and said with disgust.

"Compared to the human soul, eating the body is like eating garbage. I really don't know how those compatriots who deserve to go to hell can get into the habit of cannibalism..."

Most of the Great Old Ones retain their savage cannibal habits.

No, maybe something is wrong. In the eyes of the evil gods, there is no difference between human beings and other lower races.

Although Hastur occasionally devours some delicious creatures, the king in yellow mostly enjoys eating as a soul eater.

Eguchi Yutomi didn't know Hastur's identity, she was just scared by the behavior of the blonde girl.

"What's the matter? Succubus, seeing me coming in front of you, don't you plan to come out of that small room?"

Hastur said blankly.

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