The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1238

"Your caregiver has changed, come with me now."

The king in yellow was too lazy to explain something to Eguchi.

In her eyes, Nightmare is just a bait to attract her to pre-order pets and make her less troublesome. At most, her beloved Luo Pei wants to get this, and the rest is completely worthless.


Eguchi Yutomi didn't answer, but hid in the training cabin and shivered timidly.

Hastur frowned, and swept the roof of the warehouse with a sweep of his tentacles, and Yuto Eguchi's frightened screams spread to the outside world.

"Are you asking me to wait for you? Lowly kind. Although Luo Pei asked me to bring you back intact, if you waste my patience, I don't mind cutting off your limbs first. Whether it is me or Luo Pei Pei, they all have the ability to restore you. For you group of ants, pain is very unbearable, right?"

"I, I know, don't hit me, I'll come out right away..."

The little girl crawled out of the training cabin with tears in her eyes.

Hastur didn't even look at Eguchi Yuto, and rolled it up with his tentacles, using the power of space jump.

For Eguchi Yutomi, one second he was still in the suddenly changing laboratory, and the next second he came to the sunny and quite high-end study room.

If it wasn't for the blond "demon" beside him, it would have been just a dream.

"Stay here, someone will come to receive you later."

Hastur said.

"I'm too lazy to apply any secret techniques to you. You can walk around. But as long as you dare to approach the entrance of this room, I will cut you into pieces and make them into specimens."

The words sounded like a joke, but Eguchi Yutomi didn't think the "devil" was joking at all.

She, who has been treated cold and warm by others, can easily distinguish the truth from the false words.

So Eguchi Yuhito didn't squint, and sat on the sofa motionless, for fear that the other party would attack her if he was in a bad mood.

Soshi Hasta didn't take Yuto Eguchi to heart at all. After saying this, he left the study and went to her room to continue writing the opera script.

……what happened? what happened?

Eguchi Yutong was panicked.

In the end what happened?

Why all of a sudden the people from those companies were killed...why was I brought here...

Is anyone eyeing the power of "Lilith" again?


Eguchi Yuto swallowed, and looked around at the standard aristocratic decorations around...

She thought of many bad things, such as the pursuit of nightmares by nobles a long time ago, especially the persecution of female nightmares...

Just because the little girl is determined to give up her life does not mean that she is completely indifferent to the bad luck she suffered in her delusions.

Eguchi Yutomi is just a primary school student.

She was able to cooperate with Jiuxuki Enterprise's plan, largely due to Jiuxuki Enterprise's guarantee that she would not let her suffer a little pain and end her life.

The dark basement, the chains that can't move freely, the bad meals, and the life that is resold after being tired or broken, and then repeating this kind of life...

As the delusion became more and more excessive, Yuto Eguchi sobbed slightly.

Along with the fear of the future comes the girl's hatred of who she is.

If she is not a nightmare, then she still has parents who love and protect her, and friends who can play with her, instead of suffering from the anxiety of impending death and the current dilemma every day.

——if it wasn't a nightmare.

But there are no ifs in the world.

"Lilith" chose her, and the powerful spiritual power is in her hands.

Psychic power... Psychic power... That's right!

Yutomi Eguchi grasped at a straw in desperation.

Leaving aside that blond demon who couldn't resist at all, if it was an ordinary human nobleman, using Lilith's power to charm him should be able to find a chance to get out of the predicament.

Uneasy, Eguchi Yutomo waited slowly, waiting for the main messenger who brought her here.

In the silent room, the girl's five senses were sharper than ever.

Soon, she heard the sound of the front door being opened.

The sound of two people's footsteps was accompanied by the collision of metal chains.


"Eguchi Yutomi, isn't it?"

The sweet voice of the young man made Eguchi Yutomo turn his head.

With just one glance, Nightmare's heart sank to the bottom.

Just as Eguchi Yutomi imagined, the visitor is definitely a sick nobleman who intends to play with the nightmare.

Although he was so handsome that even Eguchi Yutomi was confused for a moment, but the chain held by the other party made Eguchi Yutomi chill from head to toe.

On the other end of the chain was a black-haired beauty.

Looking at that pale expression and lifeless gaze, Eguchi Yutomi could guess how cruelly this sister had been treated by the young man.

—Slaves and slave masters.

"Who wants to be your perverted toy!!!"

Screaming, Yuto Eguchi hysterically activated her "Lilith" power.

Unfortunately, the girl picked the wrong target.

The truth has been expounded countless times, and the evil gods specialize in thinking and soul, even in the multiverse, few people can match.

But compared to this insignificant attack, he was more curious about why Yuto Eguchi suddenly exploded. Isn't he greeting him in a normal and gentle manner?

Luo Pei tilted his head, a smile froze on his face.

Chapter 85 The Succubus, who is alone and helpless, smashes his imagination

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