The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1251

Jiada picked up the neatly bound documents on the desktop, placed them in front of Luo Pei and said.

"This is the information my elders asked from the priests of Sasara Macchuu. Although some old orcs seem stubborn, there are still young people who can't resist the attraction of the colorful society outside and try to change the status quo. Exist..."

Luo Pei picked up the file and flipped through it casually.

Within a moment, his expression collapsed.

"...Only this grade?"

"The realization of the accumulated magical power of the dragon veins, the stagnated body after sublimation, the evil god who was born to bring disasters--the priests of Sasara Macchure are not serving Sasara Macchu, but the guardians who seal it. Each generation will select a "bride" to carry the aura of Sasara Macchu's resurrection, and then kill the "bride" to let the aura dissipate into the world. For thousands of years, the priests have repeated this behavior to ensure Sasara Macchu's revival. seal. said Garda.

Rope waved his hand wearily.

"No need to explain, I probably understand everything..."

When he read the original book, he just glanced over the plot of "The Bride of the God of the Underworld" and didn't pay too much attention, so he expected Sasara Macchu's full physical fitness and had the idea of ​​fighting him.

At this moment, the delusion is shattered.

"It looks like your interest has taken a dive."

"Not really." Rope shrugged.

"Even if it's not a guy worthy of seriousness, it's a good choice to experience a little bit of different scenery. Anyway, my purpose this time is to travel and relax."

"Then when do you plan to meet Sasara Macchu's "bride"? "


"Well... then now?"

Garda jumped off the table, smoothed the hem of her skirt, and said with a smile.

"Suddenly remembered a very interesting thing, that child was caught by us as the "Bride of Sasara Macchuu", and then I gave it to you by my hand... According to this statement, we are not married. Where is the bride of Sasara Macchu, the evil god who destroyed the Shati city-state, the "Mysterious God of the Underworld"? "

"...Your thinking is jumping more and more. The title of "bride" is just another name for "witch". Where does Sasara Macchu's agglomeration of aura come from to think about these things. "

"Don't be so serious, I was just joking."

While chatting, the Demon God and the Third Primogenitor walked towards the annex where Celesta lived.


The cold air, the quiet room like a cemetery.

A foreign girl with honey-colored long hair, Seresta Xia Ti sat in front of the dressing table, staring blankly at her haggard self in the mirror.

It's no different than going to jail.

She was not allowed to leave the room, and was not allowed to contact outsiders. The door was often guarded by vampires from the old generation. Even though she said it was for Celesta's safety, the girl was almost nervously weakened by this silent pressure.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened.

A female vampire in military uniform walked in with an indifferent expression.

"Celesta, get ready for the meeting, His Majesty Kukokan and Lord Rope will see you soon."

It seems that the time to decide the fate is coming.

For Celesta, this was also a relief.

Chapter 92: The Surprise of the Girl, the Appearance of the King Xuanming

Since it was an annex, it was naturally impossible to have only one room where Celesta lived.

The building is divided into upper and lower floors, and even the places where the Third True Ancestor would hardly come here are well-renovated, not much worse than world-renowned hotels.

Celesta Shati changed into a white dress, and was led by the vampire female officer to the first floor.

On the sofa in the spacious living room, in addition to the "Prince of Chaos" whom I met in a hurry a few days ago, there was also a black-haired young man. Judging from the elegant and bright appearance, as well as the attitude of being served by Jiada, it should be the "true god" in the mouth of the third true ancestor.

—— Celesta is not the kind of girl who doesn't believe in God.

She herself lives in a temple organization composed of orc priests, enshrining the "evil god" Sasara Macchu who destroyed the civilization of the Shati city-state. It can be said that under the influence of religion since childhood, Celesta believes in the existence of "gods" more than ordinary people in the world.

But in the imagination of girls living in the frontier rainforest, the so-called gods are either shining with nobility and greatness, or they are above all living beings with absolute terrifying power, just like the Sasara Macchu that the priests fear.

Celesta, who met Lopez for the first time, really couldn't get over the noble young man and god in front of her.

Of course, she only dared to murmur these words in her heart.

One of the strongest vampires in the world, the ruler of the realm of chaos, and the third primogenitor "Prince of Chaos" said something that she, a little girl, could not question.

Seeing Celesta walking down slowly with her skirt lifted, with an uneasy look on her face, Luo Pei smiled gently.

"Seresta Shati, sit across from me."


The girl responded weakly, and sat down opposite the black-haired youth and the third primogenitor.

140 didn't need to order, the female officer standing next to him brought black tea to the three of them with a wink, and then quietly retreated out.

"how old are you?"


"At the age of fifteen, plus the degree of accumulation of this "spirit", has Miss Celesta been raised as a "bride" in the priesthood of Sasara Macchu since she was born? "

"I really do not know……"

Celesta was weeping.

"Grandpa Priest didn't tell anyone anything. I know, but I was raised by Grandpa Priest since I was born, and then they gave me whatever I wanted. The word "bride" is still the gang that broke in and fought with Grandpa Priest. What the soldiers told me..."

"Lord Rope, this child won't know anything, because this is the attitude of Sasara Macchu priests towards the "bride". "

Jiada pondered the white porcelain teacup with lacquered gold, and said with a half-smile.

"Select young witches with outstanding psychic abilities, and adopt them in the temple to absorb the "spirit" leaked by Sasara Macchu. They will not tell the bride any details about her mission, but they will respond to the bride's material needs, and then kill the bride who has lived a happy and ignorant life at the right time, and complete the ceremony of sealing Sasara Macchu, and then continue Looking for the next victim girl..."

"Kill, kill?"

Celesta looked in horror at the emerald-green long-haired true ancestor of the vampire.

"Grandpa Priest and the others... will kill me?!"

Girls really don't know these things.

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