The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1252

"Ah, yes. That's your mission and theirs."

Garda said calmly.

"Otherwise, why do you think that you were adopted unconditionally by the priests of Sasara Macchu? No matter how rude your request is, they will try their best to fulfill it? This is the "atonement" of the priests for taking your life. When you met me, the clothing with a lot of gold ornaments is absolutely impossible for a primitive town living in the rainforest to have. I think those orcs have spent a lot of effort to satisfy you. "

Celesta was so shocked by the truth that she couldn't speak.

She couldn't imagine that those uncles and grandpas who looked vicious but cared for and doted on her so much had the ultimate goal of killing her.

Just because she is a woman chosen by the evil god.

"Just like there is no hatred for no reason, naturally there is no love for no reason. Celesta, don't think that you have obtained the truth of despair. You must know that there are countless girls in the world who are worse than you. In the past, they were regarded as They traded like cattle and sheep, and then died miserably with blood and tears. Compared with them, even if the material conditions of the Xia Ti survivors in the rainforest are derailed from the outside world, but enjoying the worship of a priest organization and living to the point where they could not bear the "spirit" to die, it can be called To be supremely happy. "

Garda's words were cold and piercing, but they had an unquestionable truth.

"Even, they will be considerate and erase your memory at the right time, so that you will have no regrets."


The girl with the long, honey-colored hair didn't say a word, just sobbed softly.

Luo Pei looked helplessly at Garda.

"Do you enjoy destroying the innocence of ignorant girls?"

"I just can't understand her face that seems to have suffered from great misfortune."

Maybe Lopez still has some leisure time to play with Celesta, but Garda has no such interest.

Celesta sniffed and asked with teary eyes.

"If...if Grandpa Priest doesn't kill me, what will happen to me as Sasara Macchu's "bride" in the end? "

"As a human being, to bear the birth of a "god", what will you look like in the end? "

Garda asked back.

"Even if that god is just a sublimated product of the accumulated magic power of the dragon's veins, and does not have much wisdom, it still possesses a high-level power called "shenqi". You can't bear that power at all, and the best result is to be devoured by your soul, turning into a living dead like a walking corpse, or more completely dead. "

For Celesta, she would die if she was killed by a priest, and she would die if she didn't do anything. She would also let Sasara Machu, who had been sealed for thousands of years, be lifted from the seal.

In other words, from the moment she became a "bride", there was no second choice other than death.

——Theoretically speaking, this is the case.

"So... Grandpa Priest chose to kill me because of responsibility and necessity?"

Such a sentence made Luo Pei, who was tasting tea, raise his head.

He looked at the girl opposite, who was still crying, but she was obviously in a much better mood, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

In just a few minutes, don't worry about death, but choose to let yourself feel at ease...

Only such a girl is worth holding in his hands.

"Probably so. I'm not in the mood to study the psychology of those recluses."

Garda said boredly.

"From the moment you stepped into my palace, you have nothing to do with the priest group in Sasara Macchure. The rest is just as my gift, and I will hand you over to Lord Rope."

Celesta regained her composure.

She lowered her head and said nothing, but she had already accepted her changeable fate.

In itself, this girl from a remote frontier doesn't have much say.

Whether it was used as a sacrifice, or given to others as a gift by the Third Primogenitor, Celesta could not refute it by herself.

She is not stupid at all.

"What is your view on life?"

The girl who bowed her head in resignation suddenly heard a young and clear voice in her ears.


"I mean, do you want to live, or choose a comfortable death."

Luo Pei didn't hide it at all, and said frankly.

"To live means that you have to accept my rule and become my servant. And death can free you from your destiny, and you don't have to care about Sasara Macchu again."

"But, even if I become your servant, I will die..."

"No one can take what is mine - not even death."

The black-haired youth said lightly.

Celesta didn't understand why the young man was so confident. Even the Third Primogenitor issued a "Death Notice" for her just now, but Luo Pei completely ignored it.

But the girl's intuition told her that it was true.

In the existence of witches and psychics, intuition has always been a very mysterious thing.

After a moment of hesitation, Celesta trusted her instincts.

—she didn't want to die.

Leaving the backward town in the rainforest and arriving at the capital of the Third Primogenitor, Celesta discovered that the richness and variety of the outside world was far from comparable to that of the town where she was strictly forbidden to go out.

A fifteen-year-old girl wants to embrace death without seeing anything.

Even if it was the faintest hope, Celesta was eager to grab it.


Celesta blushed slightly and said in a low voice.

"I can do laundry, cook, clean, and do many, many things for you, so..."

"The contract is established."

The black-haired young man stood up and strode towards Celesta.

The girl lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at the handsome face of her future "master".

But in the next instant, Celesta's eyes widened.

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