The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1253

Like a sharp knife, Luo Pei's palm pierced into her chest.

Despite the lack of pain and blood flow, the situation alone was scary enough.

Garda stood up quickly.

"Lord Rope!? Are you planning to summon Sasara Machu here?!"

"I'll fix it quickly, and I won't destroy your capital. So don't mess with me, Garda."

Luo Pei said, the palm seemed to grab something, and it was pulled out suddenly.


A storm roared and broke out between Lopez and Celesta.

Garda avoided the wind with her hands, and her long emerald green hair was blown like a dancing green snake.

Soon, the annex collapsed under the powerful storm.

The clear blue sky turned an ominous red-purple.

Whirlpools like thunderclouds and tornadoes appeared, and countless lightning bolts filled the sky. The stronger and stronger storm not only made the trees in the palace rattling, but even the surrounding buildings made strange sounds of being overwhelmed.

And in the center of the vortex, there is a sphere less than one meter in diameter, like a void.

The surface of the sphere is painted with unpleasant patterns, and just looking at it makes me feel sick.

The evil god who destroyed the ancient city-state Xia Ti, the evil god born from the accumulated magic power of the dragon veins, the "King of the Underworld" Sasara Machu reappeared in the world after a thousand years.

Chapter 93: The Lonely Demon God, the Sword of Strife That Splits the Virtual Reality

The storm danced wildly, destroying everything around it.

The trees in the forest garden were uprooted into the sky, mud and stones were flying, and the astonishing aura of the pitch-black sphere spread outward at a speed like a plague, causing all the powerful people and vampires in the entire capital to look up at the sky in amazement.

In the blink of an eye, she realized that Nangong Nayue had rushed to the scene with quick space magic.

With just one glance, Gothic Lolita figured out the situation.

she asked Garda with a sigh.

"You just let Rope mess around in your capital?"

"Lord Rope just assured me.-"

Garda noticed the vampire attendants approaching behind her, and quietly gestured for them to step back, then combed her long hair that was blown by the wind slightly, and continued to look at the expanding black sphere in the sky.

"Besides, I am also curious about what step Sasara Machu, born from the dragon vein, can do... the evil god who devours the city-state Xia Ti."

The four great ancestors living in this world, except for the newly born "Night Boss of Flame" Aurora, are basically "fun supremacists" like Luo Pei.

After getting the safety guaranteed by the demon god, of course Garda would not miss watching the drama of the "evil god" Sasara Macchu.

"I have a bad feeling..."

Nayue muttered, then turned and said to Aurora who had sensed the vision and came running.

"Aurora, go and evacuate the ordinary people in the palace, and protect Misaki Kiriha and Haze Natsune. Don't meddle in the affairs here."

"Huh?... Tsk, okay."

Originally, Aurora wanted to join in the fun, but that month's order forced her to return the same way.

The capital of the realm of chaos, because of the appearance of Sasara Macchu, is gradually becoming lively.

In the middle of the wind pressure, the black-haired young man looked up at the dark void in the sky that was slowly engulfing space.

The lines on the surface of Sasara Machu became clear.

And Celesta, who was under Sasarama Hill, also seemed to lose consciousness, and was dragged into the pitch-black void with a dull expression.

"It's not enough to eat the spirit lodged in the bride's body, are you going to devour the bride too? You're really a beast..."

In an instant, the storm died down.

As if the frantic wind just now was just an illusion, countless broken stones and trees fell from the sky.

The black-haired young man strode towards Sasara Machu.

The current pitch-black sphere is just the "egg" of Sasara Macchu. The extinct God King will not really appear until the "egg" continues to run out of power, almost ninety hours later.

Rope didn't intend to wait that long.

His interests fluctuated like catkins in the wind. Even if he still had a high interest in Sasara Macchu now, he might not be able to if he had to wait for a long time.

So he intends to speed up the coming of Sasara Machu.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters.

When the black-haired young man came into contact with the inflated pitch-black sphere, the "egg" seemed to be stimulated, and instinctively stretched out countless pitch-black tentacles towards Rope, trying to devour this guy who made him feel instinctively dangerous.

"Don't play tentacles in front of me, I'm in the position of the patriarch of the tentacles..."

Even without using the divine power, the magic power surrounding Luo Pei's side automatically took effect. Before those tentacles touched Luo Pei, they had already counteracted the phase energy, making them stick like withered vines. A section fell to the ground.

Luo Pei covered the pitch-black sphere with his palm, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, under the surprised eyes of Jiada and Nangong that month, he disappeared into the outer space as if immersed in ink.


Nangong couldn't stay any longer that month, and wanted to manipulate the "steel chain fingers" to rush up.

But Garda stopped her.

"Don't worry, Witch of the Void. Do you think that Sasara Machu can cause damage to Lord Rope? Lord Rope is the real evil god of Megatron Starry Sky."


"It's enough for us to take care of the other chores."

Garda glanced at the outside of the palace, and noticed that the vampires who were wrong had gathered, including various nobles and officials of the empire who came by car.

She had to deal with this chaos, and not let the capital become chaotic because of Sasara Macchu.

Garda believed in Rope's power very much.

The Third Primogenitor had witnessed the coming ceremony of the "King in Yellow" Hastur, and the fear and powerlessness that permeated his bones still lingered in the depths of his heart.

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