The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1254

What is Sasara Macchu compared to that?

Different from the noise from the outside world, after entering the pitch-black sphere, Rope landed at the entrance of a huge ruin surrounded by dense forests.

Numerous stone pillars are lined up one after another, and the stone steps in the center stretch out, and a half-destroyed stone temple is built in the center of the ruins.

It has been built here for more than a thousand years. The surface of the temple has begun to weather, and the moss-covered stone pillars are covered by vines. The sunlight shining down is more intense outside.

"If you can really create an independent space, I can still look up to you, but what is the virtual reality created by magic like this? Are you performing a stage play for me? Sasara Macchu."

Rope strolled leisurely on the relic land, speaking mocking Sasara Macchu words.

But even the sound of insects was rare around, let alone Sasara Macchu's response.

When the black-haired young man stepped up the steps, countless vines came from the back of the stone pillar like a swarm of snakes, trying to eliminate Luo Pei who had entered the imaginary space.

Luo Pei didn't even bother to move, letting the vines collapse and wither beside him, and then reached out to grab a section.

The magical power roaring like a sea roared, emanating from the black-haired youth.

It's not an attack, nor is it the raw material of the secret technique. He just radiates magic power and let this imaginary space absorb it.

This is the breeding ground for Sasara Macchu to link the magic power of the dragon vein, and its purpose is to absorb the power of birth.

Rope's actions undoubtedly gave Sasara Machu a shot of nutrition.

Too much, though.

It was fairly calm at first, but soon the ground of the ruins shook like an earthquake, and there were bursts of wails like beasts from the surrounding space.

Sasara Machu couldn't bear the massive power of Lopena at all.

The temple of symbols was shattered, not a single residue remained.

On the high platform among them, Celesta, a girl with honey-colored long hair, was sleeping there like a Sleeping Beauty.

"What's the matter? Aren't you longing for the power of birth? Eat it quickly, the magic power of a demigod is definitely stronger than the insignificant magic power you absorb from the dragon's veins."

Lopez smiled and walked in front of Celesta.

Meaningless time in imaginary space.

After a while, Celesta moved her fingers and stabbed towards the black-haired youth.

Lopez casually caught the jade hand that was strong enough to pierce through the rock, and looked at "Celesta" who slowly raised her head and her appearance changed.

The girl's light brown eyes have been occupied by pitch black, and there is something like oil flowing around the edge of her eyes, her expression is ferocious, and there is an inhuman roar in her mouth.

Sasara Macchu itself couldn't bear Rope's magic power, and the simple thinking circuit made it turn Celesta into a transfer station for magic power digestion, possessing the girl's body.

The girl is collapsing, and the evil god is waking up.

Celesta's skin, which was held in Luo Pei's palm, lost all color, and was stained black like a dark night.

The body that could no longer see the human figure swelled and changed its posture. It looked like a huge bird, a snake, or a ferocious chick just hatched from an ominous egg. Only her face was left with the shadow of Celesta when she was still human.

Lopez let go of "Celesta"'s wrist and took a step back.

"Transform magic power into aura, use aura to modify reality, plus the destructive consciousness caused by wrong dragon veins..."

The smile on the black-haired youth's face gradually twisted.

"Based on this world alone, you are indeed an interesting creature."

Sasara Macchu roared, and while moving in a distorted space, he rushed to the side of the black-haired youth like a cheetah.

... 0 for flowers ... ...

Its tail turned into rock, turned into steel, turned into various substances, and wrapped around Rope's neck. Countless light spots shone in front of Luo Pei's eyes, each of which was a high-concentration air energy impact, even if the True Ancestor took this blow, it would be difficult to reorganize in the cruel body shattering.

The energy of aura has restraint on the immortality of the true ancestor.

Just like the wound stabbed by "Xuexia Wolf" is difficult to heal.

In the blink of an eye, the light spread out in a three-dimensional form, submerging everything in the energy of the air.


The next moment, with the sound of glass breaking, the light disappeared.

The black-haired young man's right hand turned into a slender limb of the forest blue demon god, and just a wave of his hand offset the impact of the collapsed imaginary world.

Even Sasara Macchu's tail was ripped off.

"What else can you do, Sasara Machu. Hurry up, don't let me down."

He kept approaching Sasara Machu, forcing the possessed evil god to retreat.

"Pollute the real world? Collapse the outer space? Modify the laws of the world after phase fusion? Or use your huge energy to destroy the continents on this planet?"


Sasara Macchu let out a threatening roar.

0 . 0

It was just born, and finally clearly realized the danger of the people in front of it.

The space transfer happened, and Luo Pei turned his head, and accurately captured the evil thing that fled to the mountain on the edge of the ruins.

Sasara Machu roared up to the sky, and countless auras gathered like black particles, converging above its head, mixed with the power of eroding space to form a jet-black scorching sun.

"...Is this all you can think of when you realize the danger?"

The dark-haired youth's tone revealed disappointment.

Even though he understood Sasara Macchu's true identity, Rope still longed for something different in front of him. After all, even if it is a "false god" in the world, Sasara Macchu also bears the title of "God", just like Cain, the ancestor of the demons, "God of Blame".

At least, he can live two moves on an equal footing with him.

But reality doesn't work out.

Rope is really too strong, so strong that Sasara Macchu absorbed part of his magic power and was completely born on the world, but it still couldn't bring him the joy of fighting.

"Slightly... I miss Artoxiu and that ancient snake man demigod..."

Whispering rather lonely, the black-haired youth aimed his demonized right arm at Sasara Macchu.

No, it should be the imaginary sky behind Sasara Macchu.

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