The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1258

——The gods hold high the scales of life and death, and the fate is chosen by all things.

"Then I expect the envoys from the Battle King Domain to do something stupid..."

Garda picked up the letter embroidered in gold on the small round table and smiled knowingly.

"The chairman of the council of the King of War domain, Marquis Zeblin, "Magic Sword" Wells Aradaar... I have heard his name for a long time but I have not seen him. This time, let me have a good look at his ability. "

"Let it be, as long as you don't add to the flames."

"Of course your consideration is the top priority, Mr. Luo Pei."

Jiada glanced at the side room. From the cabin stairs, Misaki Kiriha in light attire was coming out of the room, and Nangong Natsuki was with her.

"Your concubines are here."

Garda smiled and pushed Rope's shoulder.

"Do you want to do something interesting with us?"

"Let's talk tonight. How is Celesta doing?"

"Do you want to invite her to bed?"

"Obviously, I just wanted to ask about her physical condition, right?" Luo Pei looked at Jiada wistfully, "It's the third true ancestor anyway, what's going on with your head recently?"

"Maybe it's... a little addicted."

Jiada got up, lightly left a kiss on the cheek of the black-haired young man, and then walked towards the cabin.

"I'm going to check on that maid, but even if I don't, I'll wake up before I reach Ardikia."

"Three days..." Luo Pei nodded: "Just let Aurora take her to Ardikia to play, completely freed from the tension and embarrassment of the past."

Jiada and Nangong passed by that month.

But as if teasing, the third primogenitor blew into the witch's ear the moment he passed by. Before Nangong had an attack that month, Jiada reached the second floor of the cabin in two jumps.

"...Crazy vampire."

That moon blushed and covered her ears.

Thanks to the relationship between the four of them sharing the same bed last time, the weakness of Goth Lolita was clearly understood by Garda. And because she used to arrest Jiada's blood relatives as a national demon attack officer, the third primogenitor always played tricks on Nayue in different ways, making it hard for the witch to guard against her.

"Rope, you don't care about your woman!"

"I have too many women. Besides, isn't this "scenery" beautiful? "

"Only once! Don't think I'll share the bed with that vampire again!"

"This is really a pity..." Luo Pei looked up at Misaki Kiriha who was hesitant to speak.

"So, what are you planning to do with me when you accompany Wuye?"

"Feizaki." Nayue looked at the black long straight girl. "You can be regarded as his woman, don't be too afraid and restrained, Luo Pei is very gentle with girls in his arms."

"When did you start to mingle with Misty Leaf again?" Rope asked curiously.

That month spread out her little hands.

"We are both attacking magicians and we have common topics, so why can't I get along with Feizaki?"

"That...Lord Rope..."

Misaki Kiriha said hesitantly.

"I have figured out a lot about my situation at this moment, and I am willing to accept a new life. But half of my martial arts as a swordsman is in weapons, and the "Double B-type Curse-mounted Double-pronged Spear" was broken by you... ..."

To put it simply, after compromising his own situation, Misaki Kiriha began to worry about the issue of "usefulness and uselessness".

She definitely doesn't want to be just a vase for sleeping, for the devil to play with.

Misaki Kiriha hopes that her abilities will be recognized by Rope.

This may also be the reason why she joined the work of the Demon Attack Officer when she was too young.

"You want a proper weapon?"


Misaki Kiriha looked at Luo Pei anxiously.

Even with the words of that month as comfort, she still wasn't sure if she, as a "pet", had the qualifications to ask Luo Pei to give her a new weapon.

Simply, the black-haired young man didn't feel troubled at all, but began to think seriously. 130

"I don't know much about the secret treasures at the Taishi Bureau. The only two sharp guns left in the Lion King Agency are not suitable for you... Kiriba, what weapons are you good at using?"

"I have been involved in all weapons, and the sword shaman will train various weapon skills."

Misaki Kiriha replied.

"But if you have to say what you are good should be guns and katana swords?"


Luo Pei thought for a while, reached out and took out a black and gold mysterious card, and handed it to Misaki Kiriha.

"that is?"

Nangong took a few more glances that month.

The style of the card is exactly the same as when she got "Steel Chain Finger" and when Aurora got "World".

The moment Misaki Kiriha touched the card, the card shattered into pieces and disappeared. Then a simple-looking samurai sword with a brown scabbard appeared in the girl's hand.

"I have considered whether the appearance is important or the strength is important. After all, the long-haired Yamato Nadeko type like you is very attractive when matched with "Sakura". But after thinking about it in the end, let me give you a power weapon. "

Rope said with a smile.

"The blade that can cut the soul, the strongest and oldest heat-type Zanpakuto in a certain world, "Flowing Blade Ruohuo", I hope you like this gift. "

Misaki Kiriha gently pulled out a blade.

In an instant, violent heat blew around her, and even Nangong Nayue had to use magic to avoid the heat.

But the black long straight girl stood in the heat wave as if she couldn't feel it.

"Flowing blade... Ruohuo?"

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