The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1259

"Um... oh, right."

Luo Pei suddenly remembered something and continued.

"This weapon has two forms. The first one is the power you can use right now. The second one is the power you can use right now. You'd better not try the second one. Even cultivation is enough. "Hotachi" is not a power that you can control now. Careful self-destruct. "


"You can figure out the rest yourself."

I can't understand it, but it feels great.

Misaki Kiriha looked at the long knife in her hand, and the feeling of being connected with her blood made the girl love the weapon in her hand more and more.

There is power in the knife, pure and powerful.

It can make her live as a useful person and wash away everything in the past.

——The newborn has arrived.

Chapter 96: A Mortal’s Concept of War, the Mysterious Gift of the Silver Princess

Most people have a habit of echoing what others say, just like Beethoven's famous piece "Für Elise" was originally called "Fur Teresa", but everyone is still used to calling it "Fur Elise".

What the people are after is not the truth, but a sense of common topic that echoes the group.

For Aldikia's views, there are also similarities.

Mentioning this country in Northern Europe, people first think of the beautiful face of the women of the Lihavain family, and the silver hair as brilliant as a glacier, and then extended from the silver hair, "Ardikia is a cold woman." There may be no connection between the two, but divergent thinking is so unreasonable.

But the truth is that Ardikia is a country with a surprisingly warm climate except in autumn and winter, and a thriving tourism industry.

Many middle-class people will set the end of their itinerary in Ardikia once in their lives, and enjoy this romantic country favored by the Valkyries.

Just like Rope at the moment.

The black-haired youth stood on the edge of the cruise ship, looking at the military pier of Ardikia and the scenery beyond.

The last time I came to this country was just a few years ago. Although it is impossible to see any major changes in just a few years, the strength of Ardichia's magical technology has become stronger at a glance.

He actually saw a white robot similar to "Gundam" in the military port.

"That's the 'Frost Giant', huh? "

Haze Natsune explained in a sweet voice.

"Sister La Folia and I introduced those giants, saying that they are the crystallization of Ardichia's magical technology, and now they can equip elite troops in large quantities."

"Will Xia Yin care about these things?"

"No, it's just that Sister La Folia always took me to make video calls, and I wrote it down in the chat..."

The aunt and niece, who are about the same age, are separated by half a world, but thanks to the advanced network communication, they can often meet in the video.

To be precise, it was La Folia who was harassing Xia Yin from time to time.

Because she didn't want to reject her family's tenderness, Miss Saintess spent a lot of time listening to the nonsense that Princess Silver confided because she was bored.

"I always find it strange that Xia Yin is called La Folia's "sister". "

Rope laughed and joked.

"You're her genuine aunt, so it's totally feasible to call her "Little Raphlia" with someone who is a head above her, right? "


Haze Natsune's cheeks flushed red.

"Brother Luo Pei, don't say such embarrassing things, how can I call Sister La Folia like that..."

Seniority is seniority, life is life.

La Folia surpassed Xia Yin by more than a dozen in terms of intelligence and wisdom. Xia Yin herself secretly admired La Folia's ease as the "Eldest Daughter of the King". Things are real.

Looking at the silver princess who came down from the car in the distance and warmly waved to him, as well as the king and queen of Ardikia, Rope turned and walked towards the disembarkation place of the cruise ship.

Walking on the red carpet, Nangong Nayue who followed Luo Pei said in a low voice.

"I won't get involved with you and Garda and the domain of the Warlord. I will take care of Aurora, Misaki, and your new girl Seresta while they are in Ardikia, and take care of them. They went around for the purpose of tourism."

"Then leave it to you."

Afterwards, Aurora was still a little bit reluctant. It seemed that she was in the clingy period after becoming a real woman of Rope, and she clamored for the black-haired young man to take her with her. It would make the situation worse, so Luo Pei rejected Aurora's request.

He didn't really come to engage in massacres and wars.

"Xia Yin!"

After a group of people approached, La Folia no longer cared about the etiquette, and directly rushed towards Haze Natsune, rubbing Miss Saintess's face.

"Long time no see, I finally hugged a real person again!"

"Sister La Folia..."

Haze Natsune stood there at a loss, letting La Folia hold her like a doll.

Lucas and Polivenia sighed helplessly.

"You have worked hard all the way, Mr. Luo Pei."

Lucas, who was the king, made a gesture of "please" with a smile.

"The humble house for reception is ready, please get in the car."

"Well. This is Garda Kukokan, and you must already know her identity."

Rope introduces Garda to Lucas and Polivenia.

The girl with long emerald green hair smiled and nodded.

"I have heard about the great name of Ardikia, a great magic country, and today I finally got my wish and stepped into your country."

"Please don't say that." Pollyfnia said with a smile: "Even if you don't come here in person, the third primogenitor, it is Ardikia's honor to send an envoy. It is an opportunity to entertain you Well, the Lihavain family will naturally not let you down. Ardikia also hopes to take this opportunity to establish an intimate relationship with Chaos Realm like a family friend..."

"Master Empress!"

La Folia interrupted Polyvnia's social etiquette angrily.

"How long do we have to waste here? Hurry up and return to the Li Palace, I still have to treat Xia Yin and Lord Luo Pei well."

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