The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1264

Here lies the core of the turmoil.

Dimitrie was killed, but there was only a trace of Dimitrie's own beast at the scene, and even the house was killed by an unknown existence without extensive damage. This is so unbelievable for an old generation vampire who can rival the true ancestor, even the people of Ardikia can't believe it.

Unless this is a well-planned assassination and conspiracy specifically targeting Dimitri, relying on the entire country of Ardikia.

The two countries have long had enmity, so it is not surprising that Zhanwang Domain would think so.

Seeing that the other party was speechless, Wells did not force him, and calmly sorted out the documents.

"As for what you said, you want to maintain the "peace treaty", I personally agree with it very much. In the modern society, starting a war again will bring nothing but loss to both sides. However, the words are mild, and it is not an easy task to appease the angry nobles in the country, and definite evidence must be produced. So I suggest taking this as a premise, the Warlord Domain to solve the mystery of Dimitrie's death, let my people be stationed in Dulanfen, and Ardikia will fully cooperate with me until the truth is revealed. "

"Your Excellency, don't you think it's too much?"

La Folia frowned.

"Your request is tantamount to letting us hand over the southern central city to the Warlord's Domain. No one knows if you really want to solve the mystery or have other intentions."

"This is the only condition for the Warlord Domain to maintain the "peace treaty", and it is also the bottom line. "

Wells said.

"Taking a step back, isn't it because your side has been unable to give a result for the current situation? Then naturally, I have to wait for the Battle King Domain to find it myself."

Garda spoke.

"The kid from the Aladar family is stationed in the territory of another country, but it is a clear violation of the "Sanctuary Treaty". "

"Master Third Primogenitor, I never said the word "army", I just dispatched my subordinates. "

"As the head of the Imperial Council, the army is also your subordinate."

"This is your guess. Please don't add malicious delusions to me, third true ancestor."

Wells dealt with it seamlessly.

The scene fell into silence, and Garda was thinking about how to eliminate Wells' unreasonable demands within the rules. She hadn't controlled the state affairs for too long, and her sensitivity to political affairs inevitably declined.

Boom, boom, boom.

Wells raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of the sound.

Ignored by him all the time, beside the Third True Ancestor, a young man with black hair and blue pupils had a leisurely smile on his mouth, tapped his index finger on the table, and just looked at him straight.

Chapter 99: The Horror Cloud Covering Northern Europe, the Battle for the Book of Evil Gods

"Ardikia, do you have any different views on this incident?"

Wells asked in a calm voice.

Rope shook his head.

"There is no different opinion, I just think it is a bit intriguing, I didn't expect the vampires in this world to be so "humanized". In fact, you don’t care about Dimitrie’s death at all, and you even do it incidentally to search for the truth. How to use the events that have happened this time to obtain the greatest benefit is the current policy of the Warlord’s Domain. "

Don't underestimate the long-lived species, especially the vampire's indifference to life.

Most of the vampires of the old generation have long since lost their sense of death, and they will not be overwhelmed by the sudden departure of their companions and compatriots. They will only stand on their own grounds and seriously think about other outcomes besides death.

This is the thinking of those radicals in the field of the king of war.

He wanted to take advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tear off a piece of flesh from Ardikia, who had always had a feud.

"While I disagree with your statement about benefits, the term 'humanization' to describe the vampire state is perfectly appropriate. "

As a nine-hundred-year-old vampire, Wells was not annoyed at being compared to humans, but instead accepted Rope's words with joy.

"Short-lived species have the advantages of short-lived species. The limited life forces them to bloom enthusiastically in a short period of time. This is why human beings can hold most of the right to speak in this world, and they are equal to us. This is worth learning for vampires. However, among the three great night empires, only a very small number of vampires realize this."

Garda was silent.

Even though Chaos Realm is the Empire of the Night that is best at accepting new things, there are still many vampires in the country who maintain a conservative attitude, relying too much on their own strength and beasts, and scoff at technology and human invention of magic technology, Lian Jia Da herself is no exception.

This is the original sin of arrogance.

"No, no, you seem to have misunderstood something, the council leader of the Battle King Domain."

The black-haired youth waved his hands and smiled.

"I neither praised human beings nor belittled vampires. I was just stating a fact. What I really want to say is that you seem to have almost forgotten the most important living iron rule in the process of humanization—— The weak prey on the strong. Not everything in this world has to be resolved through political games and boring negotiations.”

"Lord Rope!"

Polivenia stood up nervously.

She smelled danger in Rope's words.

"Sit down, Your Majesty, it is my time to talk."

Luo Pei said without looking back, making Polifnia helplessly sit down again.

The lady looked at her daughter as if asking for help, hoping that the daughter who had a close relationship with the demon god could persuade her, but La Folia's admiring eyes made Polifnia swallow all her words.

The Silver Queen worships the violent demon god who can break all rules, and firmly believes that the demon god will end this misunderstanding in a "peaceful" way.

"Do you mean that Ardikia chose to give up the claim of maintaining the peace treaty in the face of the reasonable demands of the Warlord's Domain?"

Wells turned his gaze to the king of Ardikia.

"Does His Majesty think so too?"

Lucas stared deeply, stroking his needle-like beard without answering.

"I said it, it's my time to talk, Ardikia's position is on me."

Luo Pei's smile was a little more sinister.

"The limit of Ardikia in this incident is monetary compensation and a statement of apology. After all, the reason is on the side of the King of War domain, but there is no possibility of Ardikia ceding territory to the domain of the King of War. Wells Aladar Council Chief, you'd better seriously consider our lenient conditions. Jiada came to this country in person because of this misunderstanding, and sat in the same seat as you, a mere old generation. face?"

"I see."

Wells stood up and glanced at everyone sitting indifferently.

"It seems that there are still many areas where the Warlord Domain and Aldikia have not reached a consensus. This meeting is really a pity. I will stay in Aldikia for three days. During the period, if you have any ideas for talks again, you are welcome at any time. If After three days, I have no choice but to return to the Battle King Domain with everyone's wishes."

Wells is the chairman of the council of the King of War domain, representing the entire Empire of the Night, so naturally he cannot be at a disadvantage in the negotiations.

That would not only be a humiliation to the domain of the battle king, but also a loss of dignity to the First True Ancestor "Forgotten War King".

"The negotiations are not over yet, where does the Speaker want to go?"

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