The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1265

"...What do you mean, Lord Ardichia?"

Looking at the smiling black-haired young man, Wells narrowed his eyes.

"Are you and the Third True Ancestor planning to use force to interfere with my actions? With all due respect, your words can already be called a declaration of war."

"Force? Ha, if you choose that path, you won't be able to stand in front of me now..."

The arrogance of Rope's words made Wells very uncomfortable, but because of the poor etiquette of the talks between the two countries, he simply snorted and sat back in his seat.

"Continue to the topic of the jungle of the jungle."

Luo Pei continued to tap the table with his index finger.

"In the law of the jungle, after the strong take away something that looks like the weak, the weak can only choose to complain about their own misfortune and endure, instead of trying to sit with the strong and negotiate the fault of the strong... Vampires also played such a role in the past. The role of your character, right? Take all the creatures that are not as good as you, and finally build the empire of the night."

"Marquis Ardikia, have you... put the Battle King Domain in the position of the weak?"

"That's right. What a smart vampire."

Even Wells' good temper was too much to bear.

He firmly suppressed the idea of ​​releasing the beast here, glanced at Jiada who was looking around, and said extremely coldly.

"It seems that I don't need to stay in Ardikia for a long time. I will take immediate measures according to your wishes. Although the Warlord Realm is the initiator of the "Sanctuary Treaty", it does not mean that our true ancestors will forgive you for being so ruthless. Ritual contempt! "


As Wells' voice fell, there was a noise of lightning and thunder from the dark clouds outside the window.

The head of the council of the King of War domain caught the noisy footsteps outside the door, and after a while, several soldiers pushed the door and entered, looking a little nervous.

At first Wells thought that Ardikia was planning to stay and prepare to fight, but then he found out that the voice of the soldier had nothing to do with him.

The soldier murmured nervously beside Lucas and Polivenia, and then the king of Ardikia widened his eyes, stood up and opened the half-covered curtain of the conference room.

At the same time, Wells also saw the true appearance of the sky outside the window.

No more clouds.

Chaotic colors, a scene that makes people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts...  

In that weird cloud, monsters with hideous appearance appeared from time to time, uttering inhuman wailing and roaring, and then disappeared into it immediately. The leaden gray thunder shuttled continuously, exuding the power to destroy everything and the oppressive feeling of stars falling to the earth.

Totally unable to resist.

Even the act of summoning the beast was overwhelmed by fear.

- What's more important is the scope.

With Wells' sharp vampire-level eyesight, he couldn't even tell where the end of the clouds in the sky was, which was probably far larger than the capital of Ardikia.

Lucas turned on the TV in the living room.

The news broadcast was reporting the change.

It's not the local TV station in Ardikia, but the one in the field of the King of War. Even after changing channels, TV stations in other countries are scrambling to report.

what does that mean?

Not only Ardikia, it seems that the whole of Northern Europe has been shrouded in this terrifying cloud.

A continent of more than 1.3 million square kilometers.

"That's why I put the Battle King Domain in the position of the weak."

There was cruelty in Luo Pei's blue pupils.

"Don't doubt it, the cloud outside the window is a manifestation of my strength. Vampire, the council leader of the Warlord's Domain, Wells Aradar, are you still planning to use war to resolve this incident? Think carefully, before you say The moment you act "yes" to act bravely, the 270 million people in the Warlord Domain, as well as your first true ancestor "Forgotten Warlord" will pay with their lives for your words and deeds. "

The black-haired youth stood up and said with a playful smile.

"Choose, whether it is peace or war."


At the same time, in a remote city in Norway, Northern Europe, a brutal battle for magic books is taking place.

Surrounded by disfigured corpses eroded by poison, the tall and dark man was holding a book, looking up at the dark clouds in the sky, and let out a monster-like laugh.

" can't be wrong, this is the power of the supreme gods, the description in the magic book is true, we are all canaries living in a cage, and the great nameless one stands outside the cage, Wantonly playing with our life and soul 3.4 soul, and even everything in the world..."

His hand moved slightly, revealing the name of the magic guide book that had been covered.

——The Sacred Sacrifice of Tsatogua

The man prayed a few more words in a low voice like a toad, but it didn't take long before he became extremely vigilant and looked at the position behind him.

A ghoul-like woman scratched five deep marks on the concrete wall and walked out with a strange smile.

The name of the magic book she held in her hand was "Ghoul Canon", a sacred book praising one of the twin gods, "God of Ghouls" Nug.

"Hand over your book of evil gods..."

"Hey hey..."

A filthy battlefield that stings even the sight of it.

On the spire at the highest point in the city, a witch in gorgeous twelve-single looks down on all this.

Did Xiandumu Aye look up at the dark clouds in the sky, she could feel that this was the power emanating from her master, Luo Pei.

The task is almost complete, it's time to go back...

Thinking of this, Xiandumu Aye took out a magic guide book from his sleeve again, and threw "The True Essence of Flame" into the room of an ordinary priest who was worshiping.

Under the power of evil worship, the world is sick from the inside and the outside.

Chapter 100 The oppressive power that brings supreme fear, the weak can only obey the strong

On the capital streets of Ardikia, people looked up at the unsettled and terrifying clouds in the sky, and ran in panic.

Some hid themselves in cupboards, some loudly questioned the police and soldiers maintaining order, and some were praying to the gods that Ardikia believed in.

Without exception, panic soaked the entire Nordic continent.

After the news spread like a plague, the whole world knew what was happening in Northern Europe, and they were discussing and suspecting the reasons for this scene.

In the conference room, there was silence except for the sighs of Lucas and Polivnia.

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