The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1273

floating in the hallway

But Luo Pei is very clear that this is a wonderful taste of existence. There was the sound of steam buzzing from the kitchen, as if someone was cooking something.

Walking into the living room, the table is full of delicacies that cannot be seen from the ingredients.

Fierce denials may turn into refusal to move the chopsticks with Hasta for a long time, as if the matter of eating has become the most terrible horror event.

"Jietong, are you having lunch?"

Luo Pei asked casually, Luo Pei had never smelled the delicious smell of meat before. It was such an ordinary and unnutritious greeting that Eguchi Yuto suddenly came back to his senses, and his eyes overflowed with big tears .

"Lord Luo Pei, save me..."

Nightmare Eguchi Yutomi was sitting on a chair with absent-minded eyes, holding his right hand

"Lord Hastur, Lord Hastur... woo woo woo."

Eguchi Yutomo cried even more fiercely.

But soon, as the hum of water vapor disappeared, the clothes hung on the hangers in the living room.

Unexpectedly, she stepped on little pink slippers and came from the kitchen to the living room with two plates of new dishes in her hands.

Hastur stared at Yuto Eguchi with majestic eyes, and when the girl trembled with fear, Lori asked for help pitifully, leaving Luo Pei at a loss.

Not satisfied? nightmare. "

"No! No! Thank you very much for your condescending hospitality!"

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Yuto Eguchi held up the plate in front of her, and Nightmare Lolita's crying stopped abruptly.

The blond nodded slightly.

"It seems that my stir-fried black goat with green peppers is really good, even a little nightmare like you likes to eat it."

"...What?" He asked lightly with a trembling expression.

"What do you have for me? It should be the kind of black goat used for ordinary farming, right? I heard that the meat quality of this kind of goat is really good...

"Welcome back Rope."

Hastur ate frantically with an expression as if he was going to die.

Hastur is perfect.

"I just happen to be learning how to cook, so you can try it too. After a few days of trial and error, I made the dishes with young black goats. You will definitely like them

Rope seems to have heard a very bad name.

Tilted his head.

Then he glanced at the dark dishes on Hastur's plate, his expression twisted subtly, and then he took a step back calmly. With a threatening attitude and a gentle smile, he looks like a little wife whose husband goes home after going out.

One of the famous three pillar gods "Mother Goddess of Darkness and Fertility" Shabu Nicholas. Among the high-level servant races, they have the best taste. "

Rope is a very famous race.

It is powerful and can eat almost everything. As long as it has energy supply, it is possible to grow to the size of an asteroid. heavier

He finally knew why Yuto Eguchi had that expression.

The volume is almost endless.

It is such a ferocious and distorted race that is annoying to look at. It was made by Hasta into Xiangsi's favorite family with a good smell. It is also the same as Cthulhu's star family in the multiverse. Ross Hound roast, deep diver stewed mushroom soup, cold spider leg platter..."

"Wait a moment."

What Luo wants is that under the divinity of their evil mother Shabu Nicholas, the black goat cubs don't have much appetite, let's forget about it today..."

"It's good to try the taste, I don't have any appetite, but I haven't prepared such delicious dishes for you, little Luo Pei...

"What's the matter? Don't like black goat cubs? Then I'm just pure meat."

Will Luo Pei be afraid of poison and spiritual erosion?

No, he just smiled reluctantly in the simplest way of accepting it physically.

"I'm grateful to you for putting so much effort into it. As if I've become a demigod, I'm already on Noah's Ark. With a rescued expression on my face, I quietly put down my chopsticks and slipped out.

How much did Hastur turn his attention to Rope? "Hasta smiled and put the dishes on the table: "Don't be afraid, I have eliminated all unfavorable factors. Its secret technique restrained the live black goat cub that kept screaming, and gestured on it with a kitchen knife, as if looking for another A place to start cutting. Can.

The black-haired young man winked at Yuto Eguchi, and Nightmare Lolita was dragged from the flood.

Luo Pei sighed, deliberately ignoring the pile of rational dishes on the table, and sat on the sofa.

For this reason, he didn't care about Nightmare's departure.

She opened the door of the courtyard and looked outside to be said.

"I have something to talk to you seriously."

The knife in the blond girl's hand paused, as if conscious.

The poor black goat cub of the high-ranking servant race really became a "misery" under the hands of the great evil god, and returned to the territory of Shabu Nicholas.

Hastur put the kitchen knife on the table and untied it. "Your Majesty Hastur, let's put aside the cooking for now."

Does he lower his eyes, what does little Luo Pei want to talk about? "


Rope said seriously.

"What happened, I gave up and continued to ravage the black goat cubs.

The call was lifted, and the black goat cub ended up in its corner, in the kingdom of the Supreme Mother.

The earth is crimson everywhere, and the decaying sky has accumulated a large number of thick and dark ponytails. A curtain of golden long hair hangs around his waist. He walked to the sofa opposite Luo Pei and sat down.

"That's foul and holy.

The black goat cub captured by Hastur randomly found a place to lie down without looking for its companions. From the beginning of you and me to the end of you and me. "


The unknown creatures in the multiverse instinctively fear.

thump thump.

A burst of gentle high-heeled footsteps startled the black goat cub into the cloud. If you look carefully, it seems that it is not a simple cloud, but a huge and incomparably huge shape of a creature.

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