The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1274

In the dirty mind.

"Poor boy, Hastur has gone mad to think of summoning you.

Tortured by the king in yellow, it needs a good rest in order to relieve the kind of son oppressed by the evil god... From this point of view, it was a good thing to break up with Hastur earlier. "

It was a beautiful girl who woke up.

Then a jade hand caressed the top of its head, extremely soft, the voice full of motherhood resounded in the gentle smile of the black goat cub's twisting maternal love.

Incredibly, the violent black goat cubs committed violence in the girl's womb. Fortunately, it was my former spouse, one of the "Four Elements", a great god, who didn't know how to be considerate of servants and children at all. "The black-haired elder sister said softly: "Let's leave the complaints until you return to the group.

With jet-black long hair, wearing a white dress like a noble lady, with silver high-heeled sandals on her jade feet, with a "


"Okay, go to sleep."

Shabu patted her face like a well-behaved cat, purring coquettishly.


"Hmm, my 1. The position of the female god, is it incredible? This is the credit of the caller, what a wonderful guy.". Don't be too scared, Hastur is now with the Chosen One, and its behavior should be for the Chosen One, not maliciously targeting you. incredible.

In ages past, only Nyogda sat at the head of the black goat cubs of their supreme mother.

"I have to see your sister-in-law later... yes, it's "sister-in-law", Nyogda fixed himself in

Fantastic caller.

Black goat cubs sleep slowly, sweet as poppies

It's incredible.

The black goat cub thought for a while, the resident of the darkness who seemed to be always angry has been very calm recently, "All the gods are actively acting, when are you planning to meet me, in the kingdom of the little gods, the darkness The residents are either angry and wreaking havoc, or wantonly slaughtering the weak ones to vent their sealed depression in their hearts. Now it is the exact opposite.

"Sister", friends who don't know can search it. It's a good manga, I heard there's another version... The girl walks out of the cave.

Looking up, she looked at the dark clouds in the sky, her eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and projected to a certain place.



Shabu's character design adopts "Devil"

Chapter 105: The Evil God Who Gives Everything, The Demigod Who Will Not Compromise

"My beginning with you, my ending with you..."

Hastur repeated what Rope said on one side, lowered his head and pursed his lips with a smile.

"Little Luo Pei occasionally said very interesting things. I remember that at the beginning, you were so cautious, full of irascibility and aggressiveness, and now you often make detours..."

"Maybe a thousand years has passed by for you, but I have indeed gained some growth from it."

The dark-haired youth shook his head.

"And I'm still a real activist."

To put it simply, Rope's radicalism has changed from the appearance to the interior.

Just as the races in the world commented on him in the previous world, he is a complete battle fanatic. He clearly possesses the lifespan of the end of love, but he still pulls out all races and several gods in a short time and slaughters them all.

"Open the skylight and speak the truth, Your Majesty Hastur."

Luo Pei put his elbows on his knees, crossed his fingers, and put on a very, current posture.

"I am very clear about your purpose, and I have already understood why you gave me such a generous love. But no matter what, I will not abandon the road I have already strided forward to indulge in the dark kingdom of God with you. I What I hardly dream of is not spending my days leisurely under your protection."

"You should understand that this is not an easy matter."

Hastur played with his long blond hair with his fingers.

"How difficult and oppressive it has been along the way. How many times have you almost been driven crazy by the bottleneck of divine research and incomprehensible knowledge? Just as a demigod, the quantity and quality of your divinity at this moment, Even with the help of other evil gods, it is extremely abnormal. It’s hard to come to this shoulder, so what’s the matter? I didn’t let you stop the way forward, I just want to... hug you, Go forward with you."

"This is bondage, Your Majesty, a different kind of bondage."

"I'm bitter, Luo Pei, you want to take away your freedom the most. What made you hold this idea?"

"When I reach the level of "half-god", can I deceive my own heart? "

The corners of Hastur's soft eyes twitched.

Take a position, slow down a little, and burn the magnificent and powerful evil god to nothing.

As Luo Pei said, the stronger you are, the less you can resist your own heart. All evil gods are the type to do whatever you want, and you must get what you want. The infinite life makes it more important. Years and years to weave plans to serve yourself one by one.

But the king in yellow is an exception at this moment.

She couldn't wait, she felt that even a thousand years was a long time.

The love of pure flesh and skin is like a flame burning bone marrow to embrace Luo Pei's most sincere soul and purest inner heart.

"When you were a mortal, I gave you power across the world without charging any price. When you need help, I will come incarnate, and we can even fight with a hundred years or a thousand bodies slowly. And little Luo Pei, Can't you even give me a hug in return for my love?"

There was mist in Hastur's eyes.

Rope knew that this was a mimetic expression created by the evil god, but it still couldn't relieve the anxiety, Hastur. This is the key point why he found it difficult to reject Hastur.

He has received too many favors from the gods of the "four elements", the lord of the star sea in the deep space. This favor is heavy enough for a demigod to refuse you, Hasta His Majesty. "Rope bit the bullet and said: "I am willing to establish an intimate relationship with you, closer than Your Majesty Cthulhu, Your Majesty Cthugya, and Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, but the only thing that makes me belong is a natural headache. stand up.

"Why should I share with those offal!"


Hastur's angry words caused the whole living room to explode.

The space is corrupting, and the indescribable scene is difficult in Huangkou.

"I didn't see the phantom of the faceless high priest appearing behind the blond girl.

‘Where does Hastur have the courage to say this? '

Azalia is inconceivable in Luo Pei's heart and asks you that she can't do it in the Kingdom of God..."

lines? Obviously I was the first to come, and you and Ape, from ordinary to extraordinary, share weal and woe, what kind of biscuit are they? '

'...Don't interrupt, I'm busy here. '

The abnormality distorted the reality under the unconsciousness of the King of Clothes, and the beautiful and delicate cheeks calmed down again.

"Sorry, little Luo Pei, I'm a little impulsive..."

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