The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1284

"Don't underestimate the sword shaman from the Lion King agency rushing over.

In ancient times, flying dragons acted only when they were quite powerful in single-handed combat.

And those who hinder them will all be killed. The even-handed battle of the vampires, not to mention the unbearable guilt of these mysterious powers, broke away from the hovering behavior in the sky, and bowed to the crowd behind the rock bunker on the ground. With just a swing of the spear, ten people were taken away. The life positions of several soldiers, even ordinary trained human knights, can ride a flying dragon and have a beast with Su Anbai Nai closed eyes, which belongs to her exclusive ability "God Bless the Queen (T knights.

Their long guns are like missiles, smashing the hard rock in an instant to serve as the central command tower, allowing the entire army to achieve a perfect company.

With the sound of blood and wailing, the sudden battlefield kicked off.


After a few breaths in the scene, "heokratia)" was activated, and the spiritual power was transformed into silk threads and woven into a net to spread to the entire area. They wanted to continue the killing, but the formation of the soldiers was like fighting together.

Everyone present, except for the demon god who watched the show from above, all received an anbai nai "!"

The lowest pitch from the ground becomes a symphony of individual conductors.

The flying dragon knight didn't seem to be satisfied after one hit. In his sight was a short-haired Jiao with a silver spear who was as proficient as he had practiced thousands of times, making it impossible for him to start.

"It's now!"

He made a sound of surprise. The god knight was attacked after being stunned.

He quickly drew the spear back to the big bloodstain behind him.

Warcraft eats the little girl in pain.

"This is..."Godhead Vibration Wave Drive Technique"? Is it the treasure gun of the Lion King mechanism? ’ The silver-black knight pointed the tip of his lance downward

Xuecai didn't answer his obligation. After the surprise attack failed, she turned the gun head and pressed it down, cutting out a huge "Huang Hualin!" on Feilong's body.

Roaring, the strong tail swept Yukina down.

"Hmph, small tricks."

The knight's shot.

Falling snow vegetables, dark and strange energy gathered at the tip of the gun.

The next moment, it spewed out like a laser cannon.

She was dispatched to carry out other mysterious Saiya Hua galloping, caught her at the moment of Yukina's fall, and manipulated her weapon to draw a fault in the space, blocking the "sage" is really difficult, even if there is "" space Fault"? Strange, according to the information, the mage attacking masters who possess these two superior weapons should not be employed in the Lion King organization.

"We went to the mission that we didn't have..."

The silver-black knight glanced at the gray-haired priestess in the distance.

The "Three" of the Lion King agency, I understand. With the insiders of the guards cooperating inside and outside, they chose a moment when they somehow were relatively negligent in their defenses, but they still couldn't take down these people in a short time.

The Blame Knight no longer watched the playing time, and quickly took the "inheritance" away. The guards couldn't delay much time, and it would be troublesome if all the support arrived. "

, the difference in strength”

"Let's go together, a quick battle, the alchemy doll has also arrived."


The remaining four alchemy puppets, Zhan, joined the battle.

This instantly increased An Bai Nai's pressure countless times.

No matter how sophisticated the formation and tactics are, the appreciation distance is absolute. Moreover, the power possessed by the other party makes almost all their conventional methods ineffective.

In addition, the casualties of ordinary soldiers pouring out of the woods are gradually increasing, and they are constantly withdrawing from the range of Shenzhi Lake.

The gray-haired witch took the time to glance at the black-haired young man who was sending out battles by the lake, and suddenly felt that it might be a good thing if the demon god came to lift the seal. overwhelmed.

But unfortunately, the other party seems to have made up his mind to watch the drama.

Why is it so fast... Sure enough, there are holy people in the guard...

The magicians used their own martial arts to deal with the large number of alchemy puppets, but no matter how well they practiced, they were still human bodies, and these steel puppets had various disadvantages. In addition, the God of Blame Knight flying in the sky took away the lives of several colleagues in one blow, and even in the dark and white "God Save the Queen", morale continued to decline.

Yukina tried her best to cut off an alchemy puppet with Xuexia wolf, watching the large army constantly pouring out of the forest.

Has the blockade to the outside world been broken..."

"No, I think there are ghosts in it." Saaya Hua leaned on Yukina's back: "That's under the protective power against the demon troops, how could they all be wiped out in such a short period of time."

"The traitor...Saaya Hua be careful!"

Xue Caimeng". `Girl, Xuexia Wolf resisted the (okay Zhao) spear of the Blaming Knight.

"It's a good weapon." The voice of the Blame Knight was very cold: "But will the spirit of the guard protect everyone? Put down the weapon now, maybe I can save your life."


Responding to his slamming the long hair

He didn't aim at the knight himself, because Yukina knew that the opponent was immune to spiritual power and magic power.

She is still aiming at the knight sword witch, can you keep

Following the reaction force of the spiritual impact, Yukina retreated a little distance, and the Blame Knight rose into the air again.

The Blame Knight was not Yukina's palm slap. With a deep smile, he lifted the dragon's rein slightly.

not good!

Yukina understood what the other party wanted to do. Sitting dragon.

I plan to kill all ordinary soldiers with weak resistance first.

"Damn! Despicable fellows, you..."

Attack again, he's just low

She saw the target that the blame knight had chosen to attack.

Lopez leaned on the stone leisurely and Feizaki

——The girls from the King's Office are constantly asking for instructions, wanting to fight to help An Bai Nai's side, but the black-haired youth has never given a positive response.

Yukina's voice choked with anger. While eating potato chips, he watched a show, but the wind pressure and the roar of beasts above his head caused Luo Pei to raise his head slightly.

Silver and black mist leaves were chatting, and two lion-colored knights beside them, with sharp spears, swooped down towards the black-haired youth. .

When he was going to tear open a packet of raw

Chapter 114 Glenda, the Dragon of Saint Annihilation, Grants Equal Death to All Things

Although the "Bee Snake" is feared by humans outside, it is just a kind of monster.

Even if they are invulnerable and have a steel-like shell, they have to fall down and become the mud around Shensheng Lake in the face of a large number of attacking magicians and spell bullets, as well as the professional swordsman and Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King. a part of.

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