The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1285

Misaki Kiriha got her wish and used the power of flowing blade like fire.

It's not a duel with a demon god, nor is it a sparring in a friendly atmosphere.

With real knives and real guns, you fight countless "bee snakes" like wild beasts.

She turns her flames into purest violence and unleashes them on her enemies. Orange scorching flames covered the sky, and more than half of the water in Shensheng Lake was evaporated.

Whether it was the girls who were attacking magicians such as Himeragi Yukina, or Sansho's An Shiraina, they were all shocked by the reborn power of Misaki Kiriha. Especially after learning that the flame sword was given by the demon god, he has a new understanding of Luo Pei's unfathomable depth.

Be strong in yourself and be able to bestow that power on others.

Perhaps the word "perfect" was born for the black-haired god.

At the end of the hustle and bustle, the drama of Shensheng Lake came to an end.

It ended with the complete victory of the Lion King Agency and the Demon God.


It has been three days since the incident of Saint Annihilation Legacy.

As for the Saint Annihilation faction in the escort, under the death of the leader Masadaji Anzao and the search by Anbaina, all the "700" came to light like fishes scrambling ashore in panic, and they were completely eradicated by the Lion King organization and the guards. The trouble of moles.

The bamboo forest is quiet, and the path paved with gravel extends to the end. The fine sunlight shines through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, and anyone who looks at it will sigh "elegant".

Anshira Nai took Uami Yuri and Hikawa Shio along this elegant path, and was about to pay homage to the most absurd and sublime god in the world.

"Yunami, Fei Chuan, regarding your relationship with Lord Luo Pei these days, what do you think of that Lord?"

The gray-haired priestess asked casually.

Weili couldn't organize her words for a while, so Zhixu answered for her.

"very scary."

Wu Weiyuan with short hair said seriously.

"It's really scary. Especially when I was at the Kami Rope Lake that day, the pressure was like suffocation. But somehow, when I think of the gentle smile of that adult on weekdays, I have a strange sense of peace of mind."

Anbai Nai nodded and said with a sigh.

"Humans are very strange creatures. We fear and stay away from those aliens with powerful power, but when those aliens clearly express that they are harmless to humans, or ignore them, we can't help but want to hide in the opponent's Under the wings, enjoy the peace of mind brought about by being isolated from all wind and rain..."

"Lord Luo it really harmless to humans?" Yu Boweili asked anxiously: "That attitude of treating human life like garbage..."

"I dare not assert the question."

Anbai Nai shook his head and said.

"I have seen more secrets about Mr. Rope than you. Whether it is his majesty or nobility, I have a deep understanding. But because of this, I am confused about Mr. Rope's harmlessness. His concept It is only tied to a filament called "interesting", as long as this filament breaks, human beings will suffer disaster. "

Hikawa Shio couldn't help but said.

"Since this is the case, our Lion King agency has to find a way..."

"Control or chains?"

Anshiro Na cut off Hikawa Shio's words.

She laughed, a little weakly.

"Do you think that the people in the upper echelon haven't raised this opinion? Ha, controlling a god who destroys the world is really a beautiful idea like a daydream... The fact is this extremely stupid proposal, our Lion King Agency, No, no organization or individual in this world can achieve it. That’s why we try to curry favor and flatter, in order to protect this world from the hands of truly noble beings.”

Hikawa Shio fell silent, and she asked after a while.

"Kousaka and Himeira, they were sent to the side of the gods for this reason, right? Because the gods still have some interest in beautiful girls..."

"That's right."

"And what about us?"

Zhixu stared at the pale-haired priestess in front of him.

"You brought us before the gods and forcibly arranged us to be his attendants. What's your plan?"

"I think you already know the answer."

Umi Yuri and Hikawa Shio both had complicated expressions.

An Bai Nai did not turn his head or stop, and continued to walk towards the elegant courtyard where the gods lived temporarily.

"At our walking speed, we will see the Demon God in about five minutes. During this period, you two should think about it carefully. I will not force you, and the result of the force will not make the gods happy. If you don't want to, you can Stop at the gate of the courtyard, and I will go to the audience alone."

There were almost no different choices from Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka back then.

But An Bai Nai is not as tough as Xian Gu Yong, if the two girls behind her really don't intend to serve the gods, then she will not force it.

"As long as you make that god can protect the world, right?"


"It's a good deal, don't you think? Miss Zhixu..."

Shio Hikawa looked at Yuri Yumi who was pale and still forced a smile, and sighed helplessly.

Anbai Nai replied.

"Probably so."

In the end, the three of them walked into the courtyard of the gods together.

The magicians who can become demon-killing guards have a more or less heroic complex in their hearts, otherwise they would not be able to sacrifice their lives without hesitation for such illusory things as "peace" and "justice".

Confession is always the most important prerequisite for communication.

Chapter 114 Glenda, the Dragon of Saint Annihilation, Grants Equal Death to All Things

Anbai Nai's psychological enlightenment this time is undoubtedly successful again.

"Lion King Agency, Anbai Nai, Uami Yuri, and Hikawa Shio request an audience."

Kneeling outside the door, Anbai Nai announced in a deep voice.

Accompanied by the slight sound of footsteps, a straight black girl in a black and red kimono opened the door. It was Misaki Kiriha from the "Six Blades" of the former Taishi Bureau.

The door with excellent sound insulation effect disappeared, and the slightly noisy sound in the room reached the ears of the three kneeling girls.

Amashira looked up, except for Yukina and Sayaka who were also kneeling in kimonos and sitting on both sides of the room, the noise came from the girl sitting next to the black-haired young man.

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