The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1286

Wearing a gorgeous western dress, a cute girl with a friendly smile has thick gray hair that grows long to her ankles.

"Rope, it's fun, Rope, that..."

The young girl is entangled with the majestic god like a newborn urchin, and the face of the god is helpless and pity.

"I see, Glenda, stop grabbing my hair..."

Luo Pei took Glenda's little hand off her head and sighed wearily.

"The one who dares to break ground on my head is probably only you, a naive little dragon who doesn't know the dangers of the world. Xuecai, go get Glenda the candy you bought yesterday, and remember not to let her eat too much."



Glenda smiled sweetly, anyone would be infected by this girl's pure smile.

Anbai Nai couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart. He never thought that there would be such a girl in that mighty giant dragon that was sealed under the Shensheng Lake, the terrifying holy legacy.

We can only admire the wonder of the Creator.

Entrusting Glenda to Yukina, Luo Pei leaned leisurely on the back of the chair, sipping a cup of strong tea.

"Let's talk straight to the point, what is the Lion King agency doing to see me today..."

"Yes." Anbai Nai lowered his head: "According to our information, your manpower in Xianjin Island seems to be still slightly insufficient. Although quality is very important, we believe that a god like you should have more services for you." Therefore, I would like to entrust the two attacking masters, Hikawa Shio and Uami Yuri, to you..."

"Oh, manpower?"

Luo Pei put down the teacup in his hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.. 0

"Since you have said so, then I have no reason not to accept it. Yuba and Hikawa will follow me from today onwards. If you don't understand, you can ask Misaki Kiriha to teach you. Spinning around and playing all day long, there is no serious work for you... Then what? Besides this, what else is there?"

"—about the "Giant Dragon" Glenda. "

Anbai Nai said bravely.

"Please understand that my next words are definitely not offensive to you. Glenda is the most important key of the "Holy Annihilation". It is too dangerous to let her survive in the world, and the Holy Annihilation faction will not let go of such an important key." Things are left outside, after discussion, we agreed that it would be safer to formally eliminate Glenda, and it would save you a lot of unnecessary trouble..."


Rope continued to sip his tea.

After a while, he raised his head and said with a smile.

"There's no need to be so scared, right? Miss Anbai Nai. Now, do you think I'll kill you all because of a word that makes me uncomfortable?"

"Don't dare..."

Who knows...

Anbai Nai smiled wryly.

As long as it is not a good word, every time you come to visit the gods, you have to be prepared to die. This kind of pressure is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

But she had to come again.

The name "Holy Annihilation" is too lethal, like a nightmare that surrounds everyone in this world, lingering for thousands of years.

"In short, thanks for your hard work, you have considered it specifically for me, and I suggest rejecting it."

Rope said calmly.

"Glenda is my property now, my stuff, it's not your turn to worry about what I do with her. As for the Saint Annihilation faction... Ha, I'll take care of those bastards on your behalf. I will send my servants, Make them disappear from the world within a month."

"I don't intend to question your strength, but if the "Holy Annihilation" is activated again..."

"Miss An Bai Nai, do you know?"

Rope interrupted the pale-haired priestess.

"Death is actually very boring. Its horror, brilliance, and romance are actually produced by the living's continuous consumption of death. Living things will die, natural death, accidental death, and being killed. Any distinction, death is such an egalitarian and boring thing."


"Since you agree with this point of view, why do you think that the threat of "Holy Annihilation" is stronger than mine? "

Rope's smile was a little sinister.

"If all the creatures in this world are killed by me, then in terms of the result of death, there is no difference from the effect of holy annihilation, right? It may even be worse. The multiverse is an unknown dark ocean, fear the unknown Never take a step forward, only by embracing and overcoming the unknown can you go further, what do you think? Miss An Bai Nai..."

"...I understand, thank you for your clarification."

An Bai Nai raised her head, and at some point, her back was already wet with cold sweat.

"As for the matter of Glenda and the Saint Annihilation, from now on, the Lion King Agency and Japan will no longer speak or intervene..."


The black-haired youth's smile softened again.

"I like smart people, and I prefer to talk to smart people. If you haven't eaten, why don't you eat some at my place? The mountain soup with snow vegetables is really delicious..."

Shio Hikawa and Yuri Unamami reconfirmed.

Before bringing peace of mind, the black-haired god in front of him was indeed a terrifying existence. .

Chapter 115: The Shadows of the Old Ones, the Witch's Daughter

Located in a dense jungle somewhere in Japan, here is a small fairy-tale castle.

The girl lives alone in it.

There are buildings with all functions, clean rooms, and countless high-end clothes. Her physical condition is perfectly managed by the maids, and she fulfills her school obligations under the precise curriculum. That castle felt like it could manage even a girl's dream.

The precisely woven plan is like a spider's web, firmly enclosing the girl's life without any accidents.

Just to cultivate the girl, to fulfill the girl's only meaning of life.

Even the girl, as a witch, signed a contract to gain power with the devil, and it was also prepared for this.

——Her name is Sendoki Yuma.

The chief secretary of the magical criminal organization "Library", and the daughter of "The Witch with Fire Eyes" Xiandumu Aya created with technology.

At the beginning, Xiandumu Aye's "dark oath" plot was thwarted by Nangong Nayue and sealed in the prison barrier in the dream, but the chief secretary was not unprepared for this.

She gave her guardian "Blue Knight" to the daughter of the replica, ordered her servants to train her mechanically into an excellent witch, and finally dedicated everything in the arranged fate, just to let "Xiandumu" The goal of Ah Ye leaving from the prison barrier was achieved.

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