The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1287

One-time props, replicas, incomplete and excellent witches, girls shrouded in fate.

These words are very suitable to describe Xiandu Mu Youma, and the girl herself understands her fate and accepts it silently.

Perhaps during her mechanical growth, a pair of brothers and sisters once broke into her life without waves, but after all, it was only a flash in the pan, and the brothers and sisters disappeared after a short time together. To this day, except for the names, Xiandumu Youma has almost forgotten the looks of the siblings.

Forget it... that's it...

The girl compromised, just as she was good at hiding her true inner thoughts, and continued to struggle for the meaning of her only life at 19 years old.

until one day.

"Have you heard? The chief secretary has escaped from the prison barrier..."

"As expected of our master, Lord Xiandumu was able to escape from the prison barrier of the Witch of the Void... According to information, there is the fourth primogenitor "Yebo of Flame" in the island where Nangong was located that month. Sitting in town, Master Xiandumu must be stronger again, right? "

"I'm not sure about this. It seems that something big has happened in the "library" recently. This is a reshuffle after the return of the chief secretary..."

"No wonder the magician in charge of teaching Miss Yuma hasn't been here recently."

"By the way, since the chief secretary has left the prison barrier, Miss Yuma's position..."


Xiandu Muyouma, who was hiding behind the door, could clearly hear the whispered voices of the maids.

A girl with short hair and the same beautiful appearance as Xiandumu Aye, she clutched her neckline in fear, and squatted down painfully as if suffocating.

Mother has left from the prison barrier! ?

So, I... the me that was created, is there any value in existence?

The contract signed with the devil, the wish to be fulfilled even if you give your soul...

Xiandumu Youma searched in her heart in fear.

Looking for even a trace of conditions that can support the meaning of her existence.

But unfortunately, the girl could not be found no matter what.

She is an artificial human made by "Fire Eye Witch" Xiandumu Aye with cells. Without the shackle-like target, what is left is just a body with empty power, which is about to be devoured by demons.

Not even suicide can find rest.

Xiandumu Yuma doesn't want to die, like all the living creatures in the world, she wants to live, but because of the meaning of existence, she can't find a reason to live.

From that day on, Yuma Xiandumu gradually became like a walking dead.

Studies, magic, and magic knowledge continue to learn, but the anger as a "human" is getting less and less, like a beautifully packaged doll.

In addition, the magicians of the "library" no longer visit this small castle. Gradually, some maids in the castle openly question the rationality of the existence of Xiandu Yuma, thinking that it has become a waste of time for them to spend time here. For meaningless behavior, you should abandon Xiandumu Youma and follow the returning Xiandumu Aye.

Yuma was silent about this.

In fact, she doesn't have much say.

But fortunately, although the head maid is from the "library", she is not a cold-blooded woman. Under her explanation, Xiandumu Yuma was able to continue to live a peaceful life.

But this is only temporary.

Everyone, including Xiandu Yuma himself, knows that it is only a matter of time before this castle and the "Prison Barrier Disintegration" plan come to an end.

Live in fear, numbness and confusion.


In the empty and dark room, Yuma looked at her palm cut by glass shards in a daze, as if she was dead.

"What the hell am I... now?"

A walking corpse?

Waiting for the "Blue Knight" to be retrieved by the mother, and then the soul will be taken away by the devil while dying, and the torture and suffering will last forever?

"Miss Yuma, it's time for lunch."

The head maid stepped forward and appeared in the room without missing a beat.

The woman frowned and looked at Xiandu Muyouma who had hurt her, her tone naturally tinged with reproach.

"According to the progress of the plan, you shouldn't make such a low-level mistake at this moment. You are the strongest witch, the son of Lord Xiandumu Aye, please don't do anything to embarrass her."

"Sorry, I'll come over after washing my hands..."

Yuma added a healing magic to herself, and then walked towards the sink in the magic laboratory.

The clear water dilutes the traces of blood, just like Yuma is deleting her distracting thoughts, returning to the pattern she has been accustomed to since birth.

Mother, what are you doing now? Does she still remember me as a daughter?

It was more like an auditorium than a cafeteria. Surrounded by all the maids, Yuma Xiandu was eating a tired lunch, staring at the emerald green forest outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and her thoughts flew to nowhere.

Only at this time, Xiandumu Yuma is free.


Something different from usual happened.

The earth was shaking, and the forest rose up in the sight of Xiandu Yuma. The trees are viciously distorting their original life posture as if they have been enchanted by some kind of magic.

"what happened?!"

"Someone is attacking here."

"Don't be kidding, only people in the "library" can know..."

The maids were in a mess.

Although they are Xiandumu Aye's direct servants, their strength is pitifully small. Without the magic technician specially equipped by the "library", their combat ability is estimated to be on par with ordinary soldiers, or even slightly inferior.

"This is... the Guardian." "

No matter how decadent Xiandumu Yuma is, she is also a copy of Xiandumu Aye, a witch who has been carefully cultivated, and her vision is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary maids.

She recognized the real body manipulating the forest at a glance.

——The power of the "Guardian" unique to witches.

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