The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1288

"what did you say?"

The head maid was stunned.

In her impression, witches are always on their side, so why would a witch come to attack the daughter of the "big secretary". "The ability to manipulate forest plants... is the "Witches of Ashdown" Emma and Octavia. "

"The first team of "Philosophy" witches, how could they betray Lord Xiandumu Aye..."

"I don't know. But you still don't want to show up."

Xiandumu Yuma got up from his seat and walked towards the gate of the castle.

"Emma and Octavia are not ordinary witches. Looking at this posture, you will only die in vain if you go out. Hurry up and escape from here through the back door now. The target of the two of them should be me... that's right."

The girl remembered something, turned around and bowed to the head maid.

"Thank you for taking care of me for so many years, see you in the future."

The parting came so suddenly.

Suddenly, all the maids were stunned.

The head maid sighed and said in a low voice.

"Miss Yuma, please take care..."


Yuma walked out of the gate of the castle, and two witches were waiting for her at the gate.

It was different from the clothes she was taught in the castle last time.

The Maya sisters changed from their witch and frivolous attire to wrapping themselves in shabby black robes. From the shadow of the cloak, they could barely see the two faces with different styles and their slightly crazy expressions.

"Mr. Emma, ​​Mr. Octavia, I don't know what the two of you are doing today? If it is to teach knowledge, the course of "Philosophy" will be between Tuesday and Saturday two months later..."

Xiandumu Yuma greeted in accordance with the etiquette.

There was a sneer.

"Sir, that puppet is still counting on us to teach her the knowledge of being a witch." Octavia said with a smile.

"Useless and ignorant idiot, the moment Xiandumu Aye came out of the prison barrier, you were already expelled from the "library". "

Emma looked at Xiandu Yuma with contempt.

The girl's expression didn't change, she continued to ask.

"Since this body has been reduced to useless rubbish, why did the two of you 830 come here specifically to the extreme east and summon the guardian of the witch?"

"My lord, this guy doesn't know anything."

"With Xiandumu Aye's character, it is impossible even for a daughter to tell her such an important thing."

Emma fished a book out of her coat pocket.

The binding style can be seen everywhere, but it gives Xiandu Yuma a chill that penetrates the bone marrow.

The English on the book cover translates to "Arauzha's pilgrimage".

Xiandumu Yuma didn't know that the so-called "Arauzha" was the offspring of "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea" Hasta and "Supreme Mother Goddess" Shab Nicholas, "Evil Twin Gods" Roiger and The sacred city of Zaar.

Emma took out a book to prove that in the "library", the knowledge of the evil gods has been eroded to a certain extent.

Rope's expectations were fulfilled.

"Our lord "Secretary" is really lucky. "Emma jokingly said: "Not only escaped from the prison barrier of the Void Witch, but I don't know where I got these wonderful, terrible, noble, precious magic books with the power to subvert the world... "

"Huh, but Xiandumu Aye is also extremely stupid. Having such a magic book doesn't want to keep it for himself. Instead, he throws it out like a weekend show. It's cheap for us."

Octavia took out the basic evil magic guide book from the cloak again.

"Including the book that was snatched from another magician a few days ago, we now have five books."

"But that's not enough."

"Yes, my lord."

"We want all of that woman's books. She must have a considerable amount of magic books in her possession if she can throw them away like this without restraint? After all, her essence is the "big secretary"..."

Emma took a step forward, smiling cruelly.

"But it's too dangerous to fight that woman directly. Yuma, you still have her "guardian" in your body, so you have to help us a little bit. "

"...what if I say no?"

"Then I'd better advise you to think about it, Yuma."

Emma and Octavia were connected by an illusory string, as if they worshiped the main gods of fear, Roiger and Zaal.

"Trust me, Yuma, you definitely don't want to try the new powers we got...".

Chapter 116: Restraining the Cthulhu's Hierarchy, Mother and Daughter Reunite

The contract between the witch and the devil is one of the most advanced contracts that even modern magic technology cannot analyze.

Pure-blooded witches exchange their souls and wishes for power, and the "Guardian", as one of the manifestations of power, is inextricably linked with the witch's soul. nature cannot be ascertained.

Only someone who possesses the power of Rope and is specialized in the soul can easily tear up the contract between the witch and the devil.

As a copy of Xiandumu Aye, Xiandumu Yuma's "guardian" is very special.

What she has is her mother's former "guardian" - "Blue Knight".

Before Xiandumu Aye was imprisoned in the prison barrier, he grafted his "guardian" to Xiandumu Yuma, in order to ensure the success of the plan to escape from the prison barrier.

Of course, the members of the "library" who are responsible for teaching Youma knowledge know this.

But now this information has become the key point of Youma's life and death.

The Meiya sisters knew that they could not defeat Xiandumu Aye, so they tried to capture Yuma, starting with the "Blue Knight" in the witch's sinister experiment, and using the connection of the soul to severely injure Xiandumu Aye, and let her hand over Get all the evil magic books you have in your hand.

"Onee-sama, that guy turned into a cat and escaped."

"We are underestimated for using such inferior magic in front of us, Octavia."

"No problem, my lord, all the forests here are under our control and have become our brothers and sisters. It is impossible for her to escape from this forest even if she has wings."

"Try not to use the secret technique of "Arauzha", we have to catch the living ones, the dead Xiandu Yuma is worthless. "

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