The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1289

"I know, my lord."

The sadistic chuckle of the Witch Sisters spread far away.

Xiandumu Yuma, who turned into a cat, ignored the piercing laughter and focused on running away.

With her current strength, she would definitely not be the opponent of the two professional witches, not to mention that the other party still held a full five powerful magic books, and there was only one dead end in a frontal battle.

But... if you run away, where can you go?

Are you going to find your mother?

Could it be that when she saw her mother, she would take away the guardian and her own life?

After all, I am already "useless"...

The black cat deftly leaped onto a branch, moving at a speed impossible for a normal cat.

The forest outside the castle is not big, and at this speed, it takes almost two minutes to leave the forest and step on the highway to the town. As long as they reach the town, the Meiya sisters will not dare to commit massacres no matter how messy they are. It is equivalent to provoking the entire country, and the consequences are not something two witches can bear.

The distant light came into Yuma's eyes, she increased her speed and jumped out of the forest.

But the situation in front of him made Yuma feel like falling into an ice cave.

It was still the open space before the castle, and Sister Maya was standing there, looking at her with a smile as if watching a mouse.

He obviously ran straight forward, but returned to his original position in the end.

"Are you fascinated in our class? Yuma." Emma smiled happily: "This forest is now our guardian, the living labyrinth, if you don't want to defeat us or completely defeat the guardian Or you'll never try to find the right way through this wood."

"Stop talking nonsense, my sis."."

Octavia held out her hand to the black cat.

"Catch her, and the rest of the torture and torture will be left for the after-dinner sideshow."

Incredible magical power erupted from Octavia.

That's not so much a witch's magic power, it's better to say it's doubled, even Emma's magic power is counted.

The basic faction secret technique of "Evil Twin Gods" Roiger and Zaar links two blood-related witches to share knowledge, senses, magic power, and even control.

The earth was shaken and torn, and the roots of the trees seemed to be overactivated, breaking free from the soil and grabbing towards Xiandu Yuma.

Yuma touched from the state of a black cat in an instant, and the magic of flames quickly formed at the fingertips, turning into a wall of fire to block the incoming trees.

Fire can burn trees, and Yuma Xiandumu's judgment is indeed correct.

But she miscalculated the difference between the activation of "Guardian" and ordinary trees.

The wall of fire was torn apart in the blink of an eye, and before those tree roots were burned into ashes, new roots grew again, more and more, covering the sky above Yuma's head.


"My lord, I caught it."

Octavia said with a smile.

They looked at the Xiandu Muyouma, which was tightly bound by tree roots and hung in mid-air.

"Almost all witches have outstanding magical aptitudes, but to determine whether a witch is superior or not, it still depends on the strength of the guardian."

Emma raised her index finger and drew a trace in midair.

Immediately, Yuma let out a scream, as well as the subtle sound of bones being crushed.

"Using that face like Xiandumu Aye's to make such a melodious voice, it's an indescribable joy..."

"... "Cang" ah! "


The roots that bound Yuma were violently dismantled.

The girl who was unshackled fell down. She was half kneeling on the ground while holding on to her broken left arm. Behind her was a heavy armored warrior as pale as a medieval knight.

The pupils in the warrior's mask shone with blue light, and he stretched out his hands to grab the surrounding tree roots, and a burst of lavender magic power flowed down the roots to the ground.

- Counter and dominate.

"As expected of the power of Xiandumu Aye, the "Blue Knight" of the high-ranking guardian...only the "Golden Knight" of "Gap Witch" Nangong that month can be compared. "

Emma said in admiration, and then her right foot in the high-heeled shoe lightly stamped on the ground.

"But don't take us for who we used to be!"


"It's okay to be a little rough. Since that guy summoned his mother's guardian, then we have no reason to keep it."

"……I see."

The two witches stopped manipulating the "Guardian".

They were like pious nuns praying to God, with their hands clasped in front of their chests.

"We swear to join the Brotherhood of the Stars and serve the great twin gods... The fragrance of Alauza can't hide the staleness, and there is no redeemer on the pilgrimage path... In the name of the king in yellow, I would like to express my respect to Alauza the great god of the gods who give sacrifices..."

"Blood is our bond, and we practice God's posture... We use bone marrow as a bridge, and we flow the essence of twins... I beg you to bestow power on our humble believers..."

An ominous voice, an ominous magic.

Xiandumu Yuma has never seen such a weird magic spell.

Perhaps calling it a mantra is too much of a stretch.

It is more like the scriptures that the ascetic monks in the churches of Western Europe knelt before the cross of God and recited them day and night.

Slowly, a thin breeze blows from the north of the forest.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

At first, he didn't feel anything, but after less than thirty seconds, Xiandu Yuma coughed unwell.

She lay on the ground in a painful gesture as if she was about to cough out her lungs.

Yuma looked at the palm of her hand covering her mouth, there was a dazzling bright red on the palm.

"Is this... the curse of disease?"

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