The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1290

"That's right, you still have some vision."

Emma squinted her eyes and continued to manipulate the evil god's breeze.

"Lloigor, Zhar. These two His Highnesses are great true gods belonging to "Wind". Their father is the true ruler of the starry sky, His Majesty Hastur, the "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea" who calls out the wind of disease, and the secret techniques he prayed for from His Royal Highness Zal of Roiger, are inevitably brought with him. The characteristics of their father... If you are honest and don't move, you should still have about twenty hours of life. "

"Hey, if you start exercising, we can't guarantee this time."

Octavia smiled coquettishly.

"The holders of the previous evil god magic books were all defeated by the virus. No matter how they try to absorb the secret arts of the evil gods they believe in, they are still only human beings or demons, and they are extremely fragile. Xiandumu Aye My daughter, do you want me to tell you what happens to those who are cursed with disease?"

"Cough cough...cough cough cough..."

Xiandumu Yuma has been unable to answer the question of the Witch Sisters.

Her vitality is losing, and even the maintenance of the "Blue Knight" has problems, unable to control and counteract.

The trees regained the upper hand, and their roots rose from the ground.

"." Look, this is the mighty power of a real god! "

Emma held up the magic book and shouted excitedly.

"Even the power we are using now is just an insignificant part of the great god. Can you imagine how powerful we will get if we obtain all this knowledge? The empire of the night, the true ancestor of vampires, are all worthless carry!"

"That's right, my lord."

"Yeah, it looks like you're well into the taboo knowledge..."

In the presence, the voice of a fourth person sounded.

"who is it?!"

Sister Maya looked at where the voice came from.

From the space, like opening a curtain, a beautiful woman in a gorgeous twelve-single kimono stepped out.

"What's the matter? Aren't you looking for my concubine? You can't even distinguish the voice of my concubine, but you still want to take all the magic books from me?"

"Mother... my lord..."

This is the first time Yuma has seen her mother in real life.

Majestic, gorgeous, oppressive.

"What an ineffective replica."

Xiandumu Aye looked at Youma coldly.

"Just two witches who were new to the secret arts almost killed you, and even one-tenth of the power of the concubine's "guardian" could not be fully exerted. If the concubine hadn't found another way to leave the "prison barrier", relying on trash like you, could I have rescued the concubine from the prison barrier? "

Youma couldn't answer Xiandumu Aye's question, she was already extremely weak.

The twelve-single beauty didn't criticize too much (well done), even though she said so, Xiandumu Aye still strolled to Yuma's body and dispelled the evil breeze for her.

"How can it be!?"

Emma's eyes widened and she growled in disbelief.

"Depending on you! With a witch like you, how could it be possible to dispel the secret techniques of His Royal Highness Roiger and His Royal Highness Zare!"

"Don't forget, your magic book was given to you by the concubine..." Xiandumu Aye tilted his head.

"Also, have you obtained His Majesty Hastur's permission to use the secret techniques of His Royal Highness Roiger and His Royal Highness Sar to my concubine? The master of the great god is staying with the concubine's master. .”

"His Majesty Hastur..."

The Twelve Single Witch raised a small pendant in her right hand, on which was etched the evil emblem of Rope's "Tree of Two Faces".


The evil emblem shone with light, and a vast and ancient atmosphere permeated.

It was a slight expression of the will of Hastur, the "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea". Hasta, who is far away on Xianshen Island, gave Xiandumu Aye, a slave of Luo Pei, a little help out of the idea of ​​loving Wu and Wu.

The mystery of the connection between Emma and Octavia vanished with light.

Roiger and Zar are the heirs of Hastur and the subordinate gods of Hastur. This dual obedience relationship determines that even if the mysterious effects originate from the two gods, they must submit to Hastur.

"Okay, you won't gain anything by bullying my concubine's worthless woman."

Xiandumu Aye's pupil of fire eyes stared at Sister Maya.

"From now on, I will be your opponent."

Chapter 117 The girl who has not yet been freed, the gods have returned to the kingdom of God

Alauza, darker than the deepest darkness. A city that completely devours the soul, a city of utter despair.

The chaotic spiritual whispers of Roiger and Zaar fluttered in the sky. While constantly destroying the spirit of the Chocho Oaxaca, they urged believers to actively sacrifice and send the souls of all intelligent creatures to the two evil gods. in the stomach sac.

There is no redemption, no self-pity, and no altruism there.

The mud buried the bones of the fallen, and on the ground, the Brotherhood of Stars who believed in evil gods staggered, searching for the next sacrifice in the city howling with the wind of evil disease.

Yuma Xiandumu couldn't "see" the scene in front of her at all.

Madness was like a needle, pricking her hazy spirit, trying to deprive her of reason.

After entering the strange state of trance for a period of time, a coolness like a clear spring washed Yuma's soul.

Then the girl woke up.

In front of him was a scene that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

In the castle room where she lived for more than ten years, a white candle was lit at the corner of the table, and there were beauties in twelve gorgeous kimonos sitting in front of the table, flipping through the textbooks of Yuma Xiandu.


Yuma got up from the sofa.

After finishing this action, she found that her arm injured by Sister Maya had returned to its original state, as if someone had cast a healing magic on her.

"You were asleep and saw something, right?"


Yuma's expression was a little dull.

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