The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1291

"Arauza, the ancient city of Arcturus... is the sanctuary of the "Twin Gods" Roig and Zar. "

Xiandumu Aye closed the textbook and said calmly.

"I didn't expect that a waste like you would unexpectedly have the aptitude of Occult. Even a doll can't judge the 450 potential just by the appearance. It's a good lesson for my concubine."

It was only then that Yuma realized that she had pressed the other hand on the cover of a magic book while she was asleep.

The name of that magic book is very familiar.

The "Pilgrimage to Alauza" held by the Maya sisters.

Yuma finally woke up.

"Emma and Octavia... "The Witch of Ashdown"..."

"Those two guys have already been executed by my concubine." Xiandumu Aye said: "They abandoned the ability of the magic book "Yuding Harmony" they originally held, and chose a more powerful evil mystery book. And to invalidate those secret codes, it would be a breeze to kill them. "


Xiandumu Aye returned here and killed the witch who committed the crime in the future.

Yuma did not face her mother's joy. After understanding the current situation, her heart was uneasy like a hanging stone.

What is Xiandumu Ayehui suddenly returning to this small castle at this time?

The girl would not believe that her cold-blooded and ruthless mother would come here to save herself.

The biggest possibility, and the possibility that he least wants to think about, is that Xiandumu Aye came to get back his "guardian".

The "Blue Knight" has been bound to Yuma's soul, but it is not her own "guardian" after all. If Xiandumu Aye takes away this power, even Yuma herself does not know that it will change. what it looks like.

Youma got up from the sofa, and stood respectfully in front of A Ye, her eyes lowered.

"I haven't had time to congratulate you, mother, for leaving the "Prison Barrier"..."

"It's not something worthy of congratulations. The concubine paid a huge price and obtained false freedom from the gods."

Xiandumu Aye glanced at the hesitant Youma, and continued.

"Say everything you think."

"Are you... are you here to take away Cang? "

Yuma's face turned pale for a moment.

"My lord, I..."

"You don't want to die, or become the living dead?"

The corners of Xiandumu Aye's mouth raised slightly, showing a beautiful smile.

"This is what I planned two hours ago. Take back your "Cang" and let you, a useless puppet, fend for itself. But the potential you showed during this period made me give up this action. Now that I am attached to that lord, "Guardian" is no longer necessary for my concubine. Naturally, so is your life. "

Yuma widened her eyes.

The girl didn't expect her mother to say such words at all.

The nightmare surrounding his head was instantly shattered by those simple words.

"So, can I... live? Even if I don't have the mission to release you from the prison barrier, can I still live? To pursue the real, mine..."

"Don't pretend to be a clown to make me laugh."

Xiandumu Aye shattered Youma's delusion.

"Even the concubine itself is not free. Does a mere puppet want to fly high with the power of the concubine without paying any price?"

"How is it possible? You are the leader of the "Library", the strongest witch..."

"The 'library' no longer exists. "

The words of the twelve single beauties made the air in the room a bit silent.

"There is now a mad arena. The gods have dropped the bait that erodes the mind, and all the magicians and witches have gone crazy, chasing the terrifying secrets beyond the starry sky. Little do they know that they have long been like butterflies caught in a spider's web , the soul is stained with hatred."


"Are you interested?"

Xiandumu Aye's eyes narrowed.

"Let's go to Izukami Island with my concubine, Yuma."


"I don't need to explain to you, obeying orders is your only choice."

The twelve-single witch got up, turned around and left gorgeously.

"That book belongs to you now. If I don't get back the "Guardian", it doesn't mean that I have lost control over you. Of course, before you become like Sister Maya, you have a golden opportunity. If you can get the gift of the gods, it is not impossible for you to get the same false freedom as the concubine. Just treat you as a concubine's "daughter", and the concubine gives you extra privileges. Originally, you were not worthy to meet that adult at all..."

With a crisp sound of closing the door, only xian (cabb) Dumu Youma was left in the room.

The girls returned to the sofa and curled up together.

It is still an uncertain fate.

The only consolation is that she has finally obtained the qualification to "live".

"My lord..."


It is difficult to have bad weather on Itokami Island with a tropical climate, and it is the same today.

Wearing a nasty Hawaiian-style short-sleeve, Luo Pei sat in front of a public pier on Isogami Island, hanging the fishing rod in his hand, enjoying the fun of fishing like an elderly person.

Next to it is a gothic loli with a parasol.

"Aye is coming back."

The black-haired youth said with a smile.

"Haven't you figured out how to face her?"

"At the beginning, Ah Ye and I had an absolute disagreement. This kind of relationship is much more complicated than likes and dislikes, and it's not easy to let go of it."

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