The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1294

"Slaanesh be Slaanesh, at least being a 'Happy Prince' sounds more elegant than a violent war god. "

‘These things you can indulge in aboveboard. '

"...When did I hide?"

With a new clear goal, Luo Pei is not in a hurry.

At present, he still wants to overcome at least some difficulties in the Kingdom of God. Although the study of divinity can be paralleled, the priority should be set aside.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Come in."

Exactly the same time as the agreed time.

"The Witch of Fire Eyes" Xiandumu Aye, brought her daughter Xiandumu Yuma back to Ishigami Island.

Appeared in front of the black-haired demon god. scholar.

Chapter 119 Sending the Witch's History into the Dust

Yuma had only heard about the reputation of "Demon Special Zone" Itokajima, and was taught by the teacher in the library as common sense in the world.

It was the first time for this reclusive young lady to actually set foot on the land of this artificial island.

Not only that, but with her mother, whom she actually met for the first time.

"Master... where are we going?"

the girl asked timidly.

She had no concept of destination at all, just followed Xiandumu Aye's back, like a marionette.

"Shut up, just follow the concubine honestly."

Under the magic of cognitive impairment, Ah Ye's gorgeous twelve-piece kimono also became inconspicuous.

Ignoring the scorching sun of Itokami Island, the secretary witch walked on the streets of the education district at a leisurely pace.

"Yuma, the next thing you are going to meet is the strongest and greatest god in the world. Don't embarrass me. If you offend that lord with poor performance, your life will be useless even if you are a concubine." The method will embarrass the concubine even more, do you understand?"


Obviously Youma is taller than A Ye, but she looks like a little quail in front of her mother, she looks weak.

Not to mention meeting the real gods in this state, "910" is afraid that Xiandumu Aye will point to a puppy and ask Youma to kneel down, and Youma will be obedient and obedient, and dare not have any objections.

Xiandumu Aye is a very strong woman.

"Mother, why did you come into contact with the gods...Did something happen during the prison barrier?"

"You talk a lot today."

Xiandumu Aye glanced at his daughter, but didn't tell her to shut up.

Although there is no family relationship at all, but after all, Xiandumu Aye is one of the few trustworthy replicas in this world. The secretary witch may not be as indifferent to Yuma in her heart.

"That god is the existence that liberated the concubine from the prison barrier. As a price, the concubine became his servant and slave... He is also the mastermind behind the "Magic Book Rebellion". hands to spread that terrible knowledge. "

"how come?"

Yuma was in a hurry.

"Becoming a servant and a slave, isn't the position of my lord mother very dangerous?"

"What's the difference?"


"I ask you, what is the difference between becoming a servant of a god and signing a contract with a devil to sell your soul?"

Xiandumu Aye looked sideways at Yuma with his flame-like eyes.

"The witch gave her soul to the devil for her power and desire. Although Luo Pei sent the concubine's "Dark Oath Project" to the cemetery, judging from his possessiveness, he would definitely make peace with the concubine. Nangong did the same thing that month, tearing up the devil's contract. In this way, apart from changing the owner, what is the difference between the concubine and the past? At most, the "master" has changed from hidden appearance to appearance. "

"The witch's contract... can it still be torn up?"

"Your vision is too narrow."

Ah Ye shook his head.

"It's no wonder, after all, before my concubine came into contact with the secrets that shook the starry sky, she was similar to what you thought... Nangong probably did the same thing that month."

Yuma feels that her knowledge is being impacted.

Even modern highly developed magic technology can't analyze the witch's contract. In Yuma's eyes, that is a road of no return, and there is no possibility of turning back.

Now her mother said that there is regret medicine to take.

Youma's heart couldn't help throbbing. She still had a lot of questions to ask, but her mother stopped in front of an elegant villa.


"This, this is the residence of the gods?"

In Yuma's impression, it seems that there is an existence that can be crowned with the title of "God", and the residence is magnificent and magnificent no matter how poor it is. This kind of civilian-style building is completely inconsistent with the imagination.

Xiandumu Aye didn't give Youma time to be surprised, she lightly stroked the door lock, and the door opened in response.

All the way from the entrance to the study, Yuma finally saw the "god" that her mother kept chanting.

Leaning on the chair behind the desk, the young man's suit was half opened, showing a strong and healthy chest. His appearance is rare in the world, and while the azure blue eyes give people a gentle feeling, they naturally raise a trace of rebelliousness.

- Very attractive person.

Even if she is a witch who tempers her mind, Yuma can't help but have such thoughts.

"Welcome back, Aye."

The young man said with a smile.

"I have seen your achievements, and you have completed the task very well."

"The magic book you bestowed is an inescapable addiction for witches and magisters. The concubine is just adding fuel to the flames, not hard work."

"Is that your daughter?"

"Yes, Xiandumu Yuma, the daughter of my concubine using cells."

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